5 letter word starting with dru

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
drunk of Drink, of Drink, Intoxicated with, or as with, strong drink; inebriated; drunken; — never used attributively, but always predicatively; as, the man is drunk (not, a drunk man)., Drenched or saturated with moisture or liquid., A drunken condition; a spree.
druid noun One of an order of priests which in ancient times existed among certain branches of the Celtic race, especially among the Gauls and Britons., A member of a social and benevolent order, founded in London in 1781, and professedly based on the traditions of the ancient Druids. Lodges or groves of the society are established in other countries.
drupe noun A fruit consisting of pulpy, coriaceous, or fibrous exocarp, without valves, containing a nut or stone with a kernel. The exocarp is succulent in the plum, cherry, apricot, peach, etc.; dry and subcoriaceous in the almond; and fibrous in the cocoanut.
druse noun A cavity in a rock, having its interior surface studded with crystals and sometimes filled with water; a geode., One of a people and religious sect dwelling chiefly in the Lebanon mountains of Syria.
drusy adjective Alt. of Drused
druxy adjective Having decayed spots or streaks of a whitish color; — said of timber.