5 letter word starting with em

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
embar verb t. To bar or shut in; to inclose securely, as with bars., To stop; to hinder by prohibition; to block up.
embay verb t. To bathe; to soothe or lull as by bathing., To shut in, or shelter, as in a bay.
embed verb t. To lay as in a bed; to lay in surrounding matter; to bed; as, to embed a thing in clay, mortar, or sand.
ember noun A lighted coal, smoldering amid ashes; — used chiefly in the plural, to signify mingled coals and ashes; the smoldering remains of a fire., Making a circuit of the year of the seasons; recurring in each quarter of the year; as, ember fasts.
embow verb t. To bend like a bow; to curve.
embox verb t. To inclose, as in a box; to imbox.
emeer noun Same as Emir., An Arabian military commander, independent chieftain, or ruler of a province; also, an honorary title given to the descendants of Mohammed, in the line of his daughter Fatima; among the Turks, likewise, a title of dignity, given to certain high officials.
emend verb t. To purge of faults; to make better; to correct; esp., to make corrections in (a literary work); to alter for the better by textual criticism, generally verbal.
emery noun Corundum in the form of grains or powder, used in the arts for grinding and polishing hard substances. Native emery is mixed with more or less magnetic iron. See the Note under Corundum.
emmet noun An ant.
emmew verb t. To mew or coop up.
emong preposition Alt. of Emongst
emove verb t. To move.
empte verb t. To empty.
empty superl. Containing nothing; not holding or having anything within; void of contents or appropriate contents; not filled; — said of an inclosure, as a box, room, house, etc.; as, an empty chest, room, purse, or pitcher; an empty stomach; empty shackles., Free; clear; devoid; — often with of., Having nothing to carry; unburdened., Destitute of effect, sincerity, or sense; — said of language; as, empty words, or threats., Unable to satisfy; unsatisfactory; hollow; vain; — said of pleasure, the world, etc., Producing nothing; unfruitful; — said of a plant or tree; as, an empty vine., Destitute of, or lacking, sense, knowledge, or courtesy; as, empty brains; an empty coxcomb., Destitute of reality, or real existence; unsubstantial; as, empty dreams., An empty box, crate, cask, etc.; — used in commerce, esp. in transportation of freight; as, “special rates for empties.”, To deprive of the contents; to exhaust; to make void or destitute; to make vacant; to pour out; to discharge; as, to empty a vessel; to empty a well or a cistern., To discharge itself; as, a river empties into the ocean., To become empty.
emule verb t. To emulate.
emyds plural of Emyd