5 letter word starting with en

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
enact verb t. To decree; to establish by legal and authoritative act; to make into a law; especially, to perform the legislative act with reference to (a bill) which gives it the validity of law., To act; to perform; to do; to effect., To act the part of; to represent; to play., Purpose; determination.
enate adjective Growing out.
ended imp. & past participle of End
ender noun One who, or that which, makes an end of something; as, the ender of my life.
endo- Alt. of End-
endow verb t. To furnish with money or its equivalent, as a permanent fund for support; to make pecuniary provision for; to settle an income upon; especially, to furnish with dower; as, to endow a wife; to endow a public institution., To enrich or furnish with anything of the nature of a gift (as a quality or faculty); — followed by with, rarely by of; as, man is endowed by his Maker with reason; to endow with privileges or benefits.
endue verb t. To invest., An older spelling of Endow.
eneid noun Same as Aeneid.
enema noun An injection, or clyster, thrown into the rectum as a medicine, or to impart nourishment.
enemy noun One hostile to another; one who hates, and desires or attempts the injury of, another; a foe; an adversary; as, an enemy of or to a person; an enemy to truth, or to falsehood., Hostile; inimical.
engle noun A favorite; a paramour; an ingle., To cajole or coax, as favorite.
engyn Variant of Engine.
enjoy verb t. To take pleasure or satisfaction in the possession or experience of; to feel or perceive with pleasure; to be delighted with; as, to enjoy the dainties of a feast; to enjoy conversation., To have, possess, and use with satisfaction; to occupy or have the benefit of, as a good or profitable thing, or as something desirable; as, to enjoy a free constitution and religious liberty., To have sexual intercourse with., To take satisfaction; to live in happiness.
enlay verb t. See Inlay.
enmew verb t. See Emmew.
ennew verb t. To make new.
ennui noun A feeling of weariness and disgust; dullness and languor of spirits, arising from satiety or want of interest; tedium.
enode verb t. To clear of knots; to make clear.
enorm adjective Enormous.
ensky verb t. To place in the sky or in heaven.
ensue verb t. To follow; to pursue; to follow and overtake., To follow or come afterward; to follow as a consequence or in chronological succession; to result; as, an ensuing conclusion or effect; the year ensuing was a cold one.
entad adverb Toward the inside or central part; away from the surface; — opposed to ectad.
ental adjective Pertaining to, or situated near, central or deep parts; inner; — opposed to ectal.
enter verb t. To come or go into; to pass into the interior of; to pass within the outer cover or shell of; to penetrate; to pierce; as, to enter a house, a closet, a country, a door, etc.; the river enters the sea., To unite in; to join; to be admitted to; to become a member of; as, to enter an association, a college, an army., To engage in; to become occupied with; as, to enter the legal profession, the book trade, etc., To pass within the limits of; to attain; to begin; to commence upon; as, to enter one’s teens, a new era, a new dispensation., To cause to go (into), or to be received (into); to put in; to insert; to cause to be admitted; as, to enter a knife into a piece of wood, a wedge into a log; to enter a boy at college, a horse for a race, etc., To inscribe; to enroll; to record; as, to enter a name, or a date, in a book, or a book in a catalogue; to enter the particulars of a sale in an account, a manifest of a ship or of merchandise at the customhouse., To go into or upon, as lands, and take actual possession of them., To place in regular form before the court, usually in writing; to put upon record in proper from and order; as, to enter a writ, appearance, rule, or judgment., To make report of (a vessel or her cargo) at the customhouse; to submit a statement of (imported goods), with the original invoices, to the proper officer of the customs for estimating the duties. See Entry, 4., To file or inscribe upon the records of the land office the required particulars concerning (a quantity of public land) in order to entitle a person to a right pf preemption., To deposit for copyright the title or description of (a book, picture, map, etc.); as, “entered according to act of Congress.”, To initiate; to introduce favorably., To go or come in; — often with in used pleonastically; also, to begin; to take the first steps., To get admission; to introduce one’s self; to penetrate; to form or constitute a part; to become a partaker or participant; to share; to engage; — usually with into; sometimes with on or upon; as, a ball enters into the body; water enters into a ship; he enters into the plan; to enter into a quarrel; a merchant enters into partnership with some one; to enter upon another’s land; the boy enters on his tenth year; to enter upon a task; lead enters into the composition of pewter., To penetrate mentally; to consider attentively; — with into.
ento- A combining form signifying within; as, entoblast.
entry noun The act of entering or passing into or upon; entrance; ingress; hence, beginnings or first attempts; as, the entry of a person into a house or city; the entry of a river into the sea; the entry of air into the blood; an entry upon an undertaking., The act of making or entering a record; a setting down in writing the particulars, as of a transaction; as, an entry of a sale; also, that which is entered; an item., That by which entrance is made; a passage leading into a house or other building, or to a room; a vestibule; an adit, as of a mine., The exhibition or depositing of a ship’s papers at the customhouse, to procure license to land goods; or the giving an account of a ship’s cargo to the officer of the customs, and obtaining his permission to land the goods. See Enter, v. t., 8, and Entrance, n., 5., The actual taking possession of lands or tenements, by entering or setting foot on them., A putting upon record in proper form and order., The act in addition to breaking essential to constitute the offense or burglary.
enure verb t. See Inure.
envie verb i. To vie; to emulate; to strive.
envoy noun One dispatched upon an errand or mission; a messenger; esp., a person deputed by a sovereign or a government to negotiate a treaty, or transact other business, with a foreign sovereign or government; a minister accredited to a foreign government. An envoy’s rank is below that of an ambassador., An explanatory or commendatory postscript to a poem, essay, or book; — also in the French from, l’envoi.