5 letter word starting with fo

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
found imp. & past participle of Find, imp. & p. p. of Find., To form by melting a metal, and pouring it into a mold; to cast., A thin, single-cut file for combmakers., To lay the basis of; to set, or place, as on something solid, for support; to ground; to establish upon a basis, literal or figurative; to fix firmly., To take the ffirst steps or measures in erecting or building up; to furnish the materials for beginning; to begin to raise; to originate; as, to found a college; to found a family.
foamy adjective Covered with foam; frothy; spumy.
focal adjective Belonging to,or concerning, a focus; as, a focal point.
focus noun A point in which the rays of light meet, after being reflected or refrcted, and at which the image is formed; as, the focus of a lens or mirror., A point so related to a conic section and certain straight line called the directrix that the ratio of the distace between any point of the curve and the focus to the distance of the same point from the directrix is constant., A central point; a point of concentration., To bring to a focus; to focalize; as, to focus a camera.
foggy superl. Filled or abounding with fog, or watery exhalations; misty; as, a foggy atmosphere; a foggy morning., Beclouded; dull; obscure; as, foggy ideas.
fogie noun See Fogy.
foist noun A light and fast-sailing ship., To insert surreptitiously, wrongfully, or without warrant; to interpolate; to pass off (something spurious or counterfeit) as genuine, true, or worthy; — usually followed by in., A foister; a sharper., A trick or fraud; a swindle.
folio noun A leaf of a book or manuscript., A sheet of paper once folded., A book made of sheets of paper each folded once (four pages to the sheet); hence, a book of the largest kind. See Note under Paper., The page number. The even folios are on the left-hand pages and the odd folios on the right-hand., A page of a book; (Bookkeeping) a page in an account book; sometimes, two opposite pages bearing the same serial number., A leaf containing a certain number of words, hence, a certain number of words in a writing, as in England, in law proceedings 72, and in chancery, 90; in New York, 100 words.
folia plural of Folium
folks noun collect. & pl. In Anglo-Saxon times, the people of a group of townships or villages; a community; a tribe., People in general, or a separate class of people; — generally used in the plural form, and often with a qualifying adjective; as, the old folks; poor folks., The persons of one’s own family; as, our folks are all well.
folly noun The state of being foolish; want of good sense; levity, weakness, or derangement of mind., A foolish act; an inconsiderate or thoughtless procedure; weak or light-minded conduct; foolery., Scandalous crime; sin; specifically, as applied to a woman, wantonness., The result of a foolish action or enterprise.
folwe verb t. To follow.
fomes noun Any substance supposed to be capable of absorbing, retaining, and transporting contagious or infectious germs; as, woolen clothes are said to be active fomites.
fonde verb t. & i. To endeavor; to strive; to try.
fonge verb t. To take; to receive.
fonly adverb Foolishly; fondly.
fonne noun A fon.
foody adjective Eatable; fruitful.
foots noun pl. The settlings of oil, molasses, etc., at the bottom of a barrel or hogshead.
footy adjective Having foots, or settlings; as, footy oil, molasses, etc., Poor; mean.
foray noun A sudden or irregular incursion in border warfare; hence, any irregular incursion for war or spoils; a raid., To pillage; to ravage.
forby adverb & preposition Near; hard by; along; past.
force verb t. To stuff; to lard; to farce., A waterfall; a cascade., Strength or energy of body or mind; active power; vigor; might; often, an unusual degree of strength or energy; capacity of exercising an influence or producing an effect; especially, power to persuade, or convince, or impose obligation; pertinency; validity; special signification; as, the force of an appeal, an argument, a contract, or a term., Power exerted against will or consent; compulsory power; violence; coercion., Strength or power for war; hence, a body of land or naval combatants, with their appurtenances, ready for action; — an armament; troops; warlike array; — often in the plural; hence, a body of men prepared for action in other ways; as, the laboring force of a plantation., Strength or power exercised without law, or contrary to law, upon persons or things; violence., Validity; efficacy., Any action between two bodies which changes, or tends to change, their relative condition as to rest or motion; or, more generally, which changes, or tends to change, any physical relation between them, whether mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, magnetic, or of any other kind; as, the force of gravity; cohesive force; centrifugal force., To constrain to do or to forbear, by the exertion of a power not resistible; to compel by physical, moral, or intellectual means; to coerce; as, masters force slaves to labor., To compel, as by strength of evidence; as, to force conviction on the mind., To do violence to; to overpower, or to compel by violence to one;s will; especially, to ravish; to violate; to commit rape upon., To obtain or win by strength; to take by violence or struggle; specifically, to capture by assault; to storm, as a fortress., To impel, drive, wrest, extort, get, etc., by main strength or violence; — with a following adverb, as along, away, from, into, through, out, etc., To put in force; to cause to be executed; to make binding; to enforce., To exert to the utmost; to urge; hence, to strain; to urge to excessive, unnatural, or untimely action; to produce by unnatural effort; as, to force a consient or metaphor; to force a laugh; to force fruits., To compel (an adversary or partner) to trump a trick by leading a suit of which he has none., To provide with forces; to reenforce; to strengthen by soldiers; to man; to garrison., To allow the force of; to value; to care for., To use violence; to make violent effort; to strive; to endeavor., To make a difficult matter of anything; to labor; to hesitate; hence, to force of, to make much account of; to regard., To be of force, importance, or weight; to matter.
fordo verb i. To destroy; to undo; to ruin., To overcome with fatigue; to exhaust.
forel noun A kind of parchment for book covers. See Forrill., To bind with a forel.
forge noun A place or establishment where iron or other metals are wrought by heating and hammering; especially, a furnace, or a shop with its furnace, etc., where iron is heated and wrought; a smithy., The works where wrought iron is produced directly from the ore, or where iron is rendered malleable by puddling and shingling; a shingling mill., The act of beating or working iron or steel; the manufacture of metalic bodies., To form by heating and hammering; to beat into any particular shape, as a metal., To form or shape out in any way; to produce; to frame; to invent., To coin., To make falsely; to produce, as that which is untrue or not genuine; to fabricate; to counterfeit, as, a signature, or a signed document., To commit forgery., To move heavily and slowly, as a ship after the sails are furled; to work one’s way, as one ship in outsailing another; — used especially in the phrase to forge ahead., To impel forward slowly; as, to forge a ship forward.
forgo verb i. To pass by; to leave. See 1st Forego.
forky adjective Opening into two or more parts or shoots; forked; furcated.
forme adjective Same as Pate or Patte., First.
forte noun The strong point; that in which one excels., The stronger part of the blade of a sword; the part of half nearest the hilt; — opposed to foible., Loudly; strongly; powerfully.
forth adverb Forward; onward in time, place, or order; in advance from a given point; on to end; as, from that day forth; one, two, three, and so forth., Out, as from a state of concealment, retirement, confinement, nondevelopment, or the like; out into notice or view; as, the plants in spring put forth leaves., Beyond a (certain) boundary; away; abroad; out., Throughly; from beginning to end., Forth from; out of., A way; a passage or ford.
forty adjective Four times ten; thirty-nine and one more., The sum of four tens; forty units or objects., A symbol expressing forty units; as, 40, or xl.
forum noun A market place or public place in Rome, where causes were judicially tried, and orations delivered to the people., A tribunal; a court; an assembly empowered to hear and decide causes.
fossa noun A pit, groove, cavity, or depression, of greater or less depth; as, the temporal fossa on the side of the skull; the nasal fossae containing the nostrils in most birds.
fosse noun A ditch or moat., See Fossa.
foule adverb Foully.
fount noun A font., A fountain.
fourb noun Alt. of Fourbe
fouty adjective Despicable.
fovea noun A slight depression or pit; a fossa.
fowls plural of Fowl
foxes plural of Fox, See Fox, n., 7.
foxed imp. & past participle of Fox, Discolored or stained; — said of timber, and also of the paper of books or engravings., Repaired by foxing; as, foxed boots.
foxly adjective Foxlike.
foyer noun A lobby in a theater; a greenroom., The crucible or basin in a furnace which receives the molten metal.