5 letter word starting with g

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
gabel noun A rent, service, tribute, custom, tax, impost, or duty; an excise.
gable noun A cable., The vertical triangular portion of the end of a building, from the level of the cornice or eaves to the ridge of the roof. Also, a similar end when not triangular in shape, as of a gambrel roof and the like., The end wall of a building, as distinguished from the front or rear side., A decorative member having the shape of a triangular gable, such as that above a Gothic arch in a doorway.
gadre verb t. & i. To gather.
gadic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, the cod (Gadus); — applied to an acid obtained from cod-liver oil, viz., gadic acid.
gaged imp. & past participle of Gage
gager noun A measurer. See Gauger.
gaily adverb Merrily; showily. See gaily.
galea noun The upper lip or helmet-shaped part of a labiate flower., A kind of bandage for the head., Headache extending all over the head., A genus of fossil echini, having a vaulted, helmet-shaped shell., The anterior, outer process of the second joint of the maxillae in certain insects.
galei noun pl. That division of elasmobranch fishes which includes the sharks.
gally verb t. To frighten; to worry., Like gall; bitter as gall., See Galley, n., 4.
galop noun A kind of lively dance, in 2-4 time; also, the music to the dance.
galpe verb i. To gape,; to yawn.
gamba noun A viola da gamba.
gamed imp. & past participle of Game
gamic adjective Pertaining to, or resulting from, sexual connection; formed by the union of the male and female elements.
gamin noun A neglected and untrained city boy; a young street Arab.
gamma noun The third letter (/, / = Eng. G) of the Greek alphabet.
gamut noun The scale.
ganch noun To drop from a high place upon sharp stakes or hooks, as the Turks dropped malefactors, by way of punishment.
ganil noun A kind of brittle limestone.
ganja noun The dried hemp plant, used in India for smoking. It is extremely narcotic and intoxicating.
gansa noun Same as Ganza.
ganza noun A kind of wild goose, by a flock of which a virtuoso was fabled to be carried to the lunar world.
gaped imp. & past participle of Gape
gaper noun One who gapes., A European fish. See 4th Comber., A large edible clam (Schizothaerus Nuttalli), of the Pacific coast; — called also gaper clam., An East Indian bird of the genus Cymbirhynchus, related to the broadbills.
garth noun A close; a yard; a croft; a garden; as, a cloister garth., A dam or weir for catching fish., A hoop or band.
garum noun A sauce made of small fish. It was prized by the ancients.
gases plural of Gas
gassy adjective Full of gas; like gas. Hence: [Colloq.] Inflated; full of boastful or insincere talk.
gated adjective Having gates.
gaudy superl. Ostentatiously fine; showy; gay, but tawdry or meretricious., Gay; merry; festal., One of the large beads in the rosary at which the paternoster is recited., A feast or festival; — called also gaud-day and gaudy day.
gauge verb t. To measure or determine with a gauge., To measure or to ascertain the contents or the capacity of, as of a pipe, barrel, or keg., To measure the dimensions of, or to test the accuracy of the form of, as of a part of a gunlock., To draw into equidistant gathers by running a thread through it, as cloth or a garment., To measure the capacity, character, or ability of; to estimate; to judge of., A measure; a standard of measure; an instrument to determine dimensions, distance, or capacity; a standard., Measure; dimensions; estimate., Any instrument for ascertaining or regulating the dimensions or forms of things; a templet or template; as, a button maker’s gauge., Any instrument or apparatus for measuring the state of a phenomenon, or for ascertaining its numerical elements at any moment; — usually applied to some particular instrument; as, a rain gauge; a steam gauge., Relative positions of two or more vessels with reference to the wind; as, a vessel has the weather gauge of another when on the windward side of it, and the lee gauge when on the lee side of it., The depth to which a vessel sinks in the water., The distance between the rails of a railway., The quantity of plaster of Paris used with common plaster to accelerate its setting., That part of a shingle, slate, or tile, which is exposed to the weather, when laid; also, one course of such shingles, slates, or tiles.
gault noun A series of beds of clay and marl in the South of England, between the upper and lower greensand of the Cretaceous period.
gaunt adjective Attenuated, as with fasting or suffering; lean; meager; pinched and grim.
gaure verb i. To gaze; to stare.
gauze noun A very thin, slight, transparent stuff, generally of silk; also, any fabric resembling silk gauze; as, wire gauze; cotton gauze., Having the qualities of gauze; thin; light; as, gauze merino underclothing.
gauzy adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, gauze; thin and slight as gauze.
gavel noun A gable., A small heap of grain, not tied up into a bundle., The mallet of the presiding officer in a legislative body, public assembly, court, masonic body, etc., A mason’s setting maul., Tribute; toll; custom. [Obs.] See Gabel.
gavot noun A kind of difficult dance; a dance tune, the air of which has two brisk and lively, yet dignified, strains in common time, each played twice over.
gawby noun A baby; a dunce.
gawky superl. Foolish and awkward; clumsy; clownish; as, gawky behavior. — n. A fellow who is awkward from being overgrown, or from stupidity, a gawk.
gayal noun A Southern Asiatic species of wild cattle (Bibos frontalis).
gayly adverb With mirth and frolic; merrily; blithely; gleefully., Finely; splendidly; showily; as, ladies gayly dressed; a flower gayly blooming.
gayne verb i. To avail.
gazed imp. & past participle of Gaze
gazel noun The black currant; also, the wild plum., See Gazelle.
gazer noun One who gazes.
gazet noun A Venetian coin, worth about three English farthings, or one and a half cents.
gazon noun One of the pieces of sod used to line or cover parapets and the faces of earthworks.
gecko noun Any lizard of the family Geckonidae. The geckoes are small, carnivorous, mostly nocturnal animals with large eyes and vertical, elliptical pupils. Their toes are generally expanded, and furnished with adhesive disks, by which they can run over walls and ceilings. They are numerous in warm countries, and a few species are found in Europe and the United States. See Wall gecko, Fanfoot.
geese noun pl. of Goose., of Goose
geest noun Alluvial matter on the surface of land, not of recent origin.
gelid adjective Cold; very cold; frozen.
gelly noun Jelly.
gemel adjective Coupled; paired., One of the twins., One of the barrulets placed parallel and closed to each other. Cf. Bars gemel, under Gemel, a.
gemma noun A leaf bud, as distinguished from a flower bud., A bud spore; one of the small spores or buds in the reproduction of certain Protozoa, which separate one at a time from the parent cell.
gemmy noun Full of gems; bright; glittering like a gem., Spruce; smart.
gemul noun A small South American deer (Furcifer Chilensis), with simple forked horns.
genet noun Alt. of Genette, A small-sized, well-proportioned, Spanish horse; a jennet.
genie noun See Genius.
genio noun A man of a particular turn of mind.
genii plural of Genius
genre noun A style of painting, sculpture, or other imitative art, which illustrates everyday life and manners.
genty adjective Neat; trim.
genua plural of Genu
genus noun A class of objects divided into several subordinate species; a class more extensive than a species; a precisely defined and exactly divided class; one of the five predicable conceptions, or sorts of terms., An assemblage of species, having so many fundamental points of structure in common, that in the judgment of competent scientists, they may receive a common substantive name. A genus is not necessarily the lowest definable group of species, for it may often be divided into several subgenera. In proportion as its definition is exact, it is natural genus; if its definition can not be made clear, it is more or less an artificial genus.
genys noun See Gonys.
geode noun A nodule of stone, containing a cavity, lined with crystals or mineral matter., The cavity in such a nodule.
gerah noun A small coin and weight; 1-20th of a shekel.
gerbe noun A kind of ornamental firework.
gesse verb t. & i. To guess.
geste verb i. To tell stories or gests.
geten p. p. of Get.
ghast adjective To strike aghast; to affright.
ghaut noun A pass through a mountain., A range of mountains., Stairs descending to a river; a landing place; a wharf.
ghess verb t. & i. See Guess.
ghole noun See Ghoul.
ghost noun The spirit; the soul of man., The disembodied soul; the soul or spirit of a deceased person; a spirit appearing after death; an apparition; a specter., Any faint shadowy semblance; an unsubstantial image; a phantom; a glimmering; as, not a ghost of a chance; the ghost of an idea., A false image formed in a telescope by reflection from the surfaces of one or more lenses., To die; to expire., To appear to or haunt in the form of an apparition.
ghoul noun An imaginary evil being among Eastern nations, which was supposed to feed upon human bodies.
ghyll noun A ravine. See Gill a woody glen.
giant noun A man of extraordinari bulk and stature., A person of extraordinary strength or powers, bodily or intellectual., Any animal, plant, or thing, of extraordinary size or power., Like a giant; extraordinary in size, strength, or power; as, giant brothers; a giant son.
gibed imp. & past participle of Gibe
gibel noun A kind of carp (Cyprinus gibelio); — called also Prussian carp.
giber noun One who utters gibes.
giddy superl. Having in the head a sensation of whirling or reeling about; having lost the power of preserving the balance of the body, and therefore wavering and inclined to fall; lightheaded; dizzy., Promoting or inducing giddiness; as, a giddy height; a giddy precipice., Bewildering on account of rapid turning; running round with celerity; gyratory; whirling., Characterized by inconstancy; unstable; changeable; fickle; wild; thoughtless; heedless., To reel; to whirl., To make dizzy or unsteady.
giffy noun See Jiffy.
guide noun The leather strap by which the shield of a knight was slung across the shoulder, or across the neck and shoulder., To lead or direct in a way; to conduct in a course or path; to pilot; as, to guide a traveler., To regulate and manage; to direct; to order; to superintend the training or education of; to instruct and influence intellectually or morally; to train., A person who leads or directs another in his way or course, as in a strange land; one who exhibits points of interest to strangers; a conductor; also, that which guides; a guidebook., One who, or that which, directs another in his conduct or course of lifo; a director; a regulator., Any contrivance, especially one having a directing edge, surface, or channel, for giving direction to the motion of anything, as water, an instrument, or part of a machine, or for directing the hand or eye, as of an operator, A blade or channel for directing the flow of water to the wheel buckets., A grooved director for a probe or knife., A strip or device to direct the compositor’s eye to the line of copy he is setting., A noncommissioned officer or soldier placed on the directiug flank of each subdivision of a column of troops, or at the end of a line, to mark the pivots, formations, marches, and alignments in tactics.
gigot noun Alt. of Giggot
gilse noun See Grilse.
gipsy noun adjective See Gypsy.
girth noun A band or strap which encircles the body; especially, one by which a saddle is fastened upon the back of a horse., The measure round the body, as at the waist or belly; the circumference of anything., A small horizontal brace or girder., To bind as with a girth.
gisle noun A pledge.
guist noun Same as Joust.
given past participle of Give, p. p. & a. from Give, v., Granted; assumed; supposed to be known; set forth as a known quantity, relation, or premise., Disposed; inclined; — used with an adv.; as, virtuously given., Stated; fixed; as, in a given time.
giver noun One who gives; a donor; a bestower; a grantor; one who imparts or distributes.
gives noun Fetters.
glade noun An open passage through a wood; a grassy open or cleared space in a forest., An everglade., An opening in the ice of rivers or lakes, or a place left unfrozen; also, smooth ice.
glair adjective The white of egg. It is used as a size or a glaze in bookbinding, for pastry, etc., Any viscous, transparent substance, resembling the white of an egg., A broadsword fixed on a pike; a kind of halberd., To smear with the white of an egg.
glama noun A copious gummy secretion of the humor of the eyelids, in consequence of some disorder; blearedness; lippitude.
gland noun An organ for secreting something to be used in, or eliminated from, the body; as, the sebaceous glands of the skin; the salivary glands of the mouth., An organ or part which resembles a secreting, or true, gland, as the ductless, lymphatic, pineal, and pituitary glands, the functions of which are very imperfectly known., A special organ of plants, usually minute and globular, which often secretes some kind of resinous, gummy, or aromatic product., Any very small prominence., The movable part of a stuffing box by which the packing is compressed; — sometimes called a follower. See Illust. of Stuffing box, under Stuffing., The crosspiece of a bayonet clutch.
glans noun The vascular body which forms the apex of the penis, and the extremity of the clitoris., The acorn or mast of the oak and similar fruits., Goiter., A pessary.
glare verb i. To shine with a bright, dazzling light., To look with fierce, piercing eyes; to stare earnestly, angrily, or fiercely., To be bright and intense, as certain colors; to be ostentatiously splendid or gay., To shoot out, or emit, as a dazzling light., A bright, dazzling light; splendor that dazzles the eyes; a confusing and bewildering light., A fierce, piercing look or stare., A viscous, transparent substance. See Glair., A smooth, bright, glassy surface; as, a glare of ice., Smooth and bright or translucent; — used almost exclusively of ice; as, skating on glare ice.
glary adjective Of a dazzling luster; glaring; bright; shining; smooth.
glass verb t. A hard, brittle, translucent, and commonly transparent substance, white or colored, having a conchoidal fracture, and made by fusing together sand or silica with lime, potash, soda, or lead oxide. It is used for window panes and mirrors, for articles of table and culinary use, for lenses, and various articles of ornament., Any substance having a peculiar glassy appearance, and a conchoidal fracture, and usually produced by fusion., Anything made of glass., A looking-glass; a mirror., A vessel filled with running sand for measuring time; an hourglass; and hence, the time in which such a vessel is exhausted of its sand., A drinking vessel; a tumbler; a goblet; hence, the contents of such a vessel; especially; spirituous liquors; as, he took a glass at dinner., An optical glass; a lens; a spyglass; — in the plural, spectacles; as, a pair of glasses; he wears glasses., A weatherglass; a barometer., To reflect, as in a mirror; to mirror; — used reflexively., To case in glass., To cover or furnish with glass; to glaze., To smooth or polish anything, as leater, by rubbing it with a glass burnisher.
glaum verb i. To grope with the hands, as in the dark.
glave noun See Glaive.
glase verb t. To furnish (a window, a house, a sash, a ease, etc.) with glass., To incrust, cover, or overlay with a thin surface, consisting of, or resembling, glass; as, to glaze earthenware; hence, to render smooth, glasslike, or glossy; as, to glaze paper, gunpowder, and the like., To apply thinly a transparent or semitransparent color to (another color), to modify the effect.
glaze verb i. To become glazed of glassy., The vitreous coating of pottery or porcelain; anything used as a coating or color in glazing. See Glaze, v. t., 3., Broth reduced by boiling to a gelatinous paste, and spread thinly over braised dishes., A glazing oven. See Glost oven.
glazy adjective Having a glazed appearance; — said of the fractured surface of some kinds of pin iron.
glead noun A live coal. See Gleed.
gleam verb i. To disgorge filth, as a hawk., A shoot of light; a small stream of light; a beam; a ray; a glimpse., Brightness; splendor., To shoot, or dart, as rays of light; as, at the dawn, light gleams in the east., To shine; to cast light; to glitter., To shoot out (flashes of light, etc.).
glean verb t. To gather after a reaper; to collect in scattered or fragmentary parcels, as the grain left by a reaper, or grapes left after the gathering., To gather from (a field or vineyard) what is left., To collect with patient and minute labor; to pick out; to obtain., To gather stalks or ears of grain left by reapers., To pick up or gather anything by degrees., A collection made by gleaning., Cleaning; afterbirth.
glebe noun A lump; a clod., Turf; soil; ground; sod., The land belonging, or yielding revenue, to a parish church or ecclesiastical benefice.
gleby adjective Pertaining to the glebe; turfy; cloddy; fertile; fruitful.
glede verb i. The common European kite (Milvus ictinus). This name is also sometimes applied to the buzzard., A live coal.
gleed verb i. A live or glowing coal; a glede.
gleek noun A jest or scoff; a trick or deception., An enticing look or glance., To make sport; to gibe; to sneer; to spend time idly., A game at cards, once popular, played by three persons., Three of the same cards held in the same hand; — hence, three of anything.
gleen verb i. To glisten; to gleam.
gleet noun A transparent mucous discharge from the membrane of the urethra, commonly an effect of gonorrhea., To flow in a thin, limpid humor; to ooze, as gleet., To flow slowly, as water.
glent noun & verb See Glint.
glide noun The glede or kite., To move gently and smoothly; to pass along without noise, violence, or apparent effort; to pass rapidly and easily, or with a smooth, silent motion, as a river in its channel, a bird in the air, a skater over ice., To pass with a glide, as the voice., The act or manner of moving smoothly, swiftly, and without labor or obstruction., A transitional sound in speech which is produced by the changing of the mouth organs from one definite position to another, and with gradual change in the most frequent cases; as in passing from the begining to the end of a regular diphthong, or from vowel to consonant or consonant to vowel in a syllable, or from one component to the other of a double or diphthongal consonant (see Guide to Pronunciation, // 19, 161, 162). Also (by Bell and others), the vanish (or brief final element) or the brief initial element, in a class of diphthongal vowels, or the brief final or initial part of some consonants (see Guide to Pronunciation, // 18, 97, 191).
gliff noun A transient glance; an unexpected view of something that startles one; a sudden fear., A moment: as, for a gliff.
glike noun A sneer; a flout.
glint noun A glimpse, glance, or gleam., To glance; to peep forth, as a flower from the bud; to glitter., To glance; to turn; as, to glint the eye.
glist noun Glimmer; mica.
gloam verb i. To begin to grow dark; to grow dusky., To be sullen or morose., The twilight; gloaming.
gloar verb i. To squint; to stare.
gloat verb i. To look steadfastly; to gaze earnestly; — usually in a bad sense, to gaze with malignant satisfaction, passionate desire, lust, or avarice.
globe noun A round or spherical body, solid or hollow; a body whose surface is in every part equidistant from the center; a ball; a sphere., Anything which is nearly spherical or globular in shape; as, the globe of the eye; the globe of a lamp., The earth; the terraqueous ball; — usually preceded by the definite article., A round model of the world; a spherical representation of the earth or heavens; as, a terrestrial or celestial globe; — called also artificial globe., A body of troops, or of men or animals, drawn up in a circle; — a military formation used by the Romans, answering to the modern infantry square., To gather or form into a globe.
globy adjective Resembling, or pertaining to, a globe; round; orbicular.
glode imp. of Glide.
glome verb i. To gloom; to look gloomy, morose, or sullen., Gloom., One of the two prominences at the posterior extremity of the frog of the horse’s foot.
gloom noun Partial or total darkness; thick shade; obscurity; as, the gloom of a forest, or of midnight., A shady, gloomy, or dark place or grove., Cloudiness or heaviness of mind; melancholy; aspect of sorrow; low spirits; dullness., In gunpowder manufacture, the drying oven., To shine or appear obscurely or imperfectly; to glimmer., To become dark or dim; to be or appear dismal, gloomy, or sad; to come to the evening twilight., To render gloomy or dark; to obscure; to darken., To fill with gloom; to make sad, dismal, or sullen.
glore verb i. To glare; to glower.
glory noun Praise, honor, admiration, or distinction, accorded by common consent to a person or thing; high reputation; honorable fame; renown., That quality in a person or thing which secures general praise or honor; that which brings or gives renown; an object of pride or boast; the occasion of praise; excellency; brilliancy; splendor., Pride; boastfulness; arrogance., The presence of the Divine Being; the manifestations of the divine nature and favor to the blessed in heaven; celestial honor; heaven., An emanation of light supposed to proceed from beings of peculiar sanctity. It is represented in art by rays of gold, or the like, proceeding from the head or body, or by a disk, or a mere line., To exult with joy; to rejoice., To boast; to be proud.
glose noun & verb See Gloze.
gloss noun Brightness or luster of a body proceeding from a smooth surface; polish; as, the gloss of silk; cloth is calendered to give it a gloss., A specious appearance; superficial quality or show., To give a superficial luster or gloss to; to make smooth and shining; as, to gloss cloth., A foreign, archaic, technical, or other uncommon word requiring explanation., An interpretation, consisting of one or more words, interlinear or marginal; an explanatory note or comment; a running commentary., A false or specious explanation., To render clear and evident by comments; to illustrate; to explain; to annotate., To give a specious appearance to; to render specious and plausible; to palliate by specious explanation., To make comments; to comment; to explain., To make sly remarks, or insinuations.
glout verb i. To pout; to look sullen., To view attentively; to gloat on; to stare at.
glove noun A cover for the hand, or for the hand and wrist, with a separate sheath for each finger. The latter characteristic distinguishes the glove from the mitten., A boxing glove., To cover with, or as with, a glove.
gloze verb i. To flatter; to wheedle; to fawn; to talk smoothly., To give a specious or false meaning; to ministerpret., To smooth over; to palliate., Flattery; adulation; smooth speech., Specious show; gloss.
glued imp. & past participle of Glue
gluer noun One who cements with glue.
gluey adjective Viscous; glutinous; of the nature of, or like, glue.
glume noun The bracteal covering of the flowers or seeds of grain and grasses; esp., an outer husk or bract of a spikelt.
glump verb i. To manifest sullenness; to sulk.
glyph noun A sunken channel or groove, usually vertical. See Triglyph.
gnarl verb i. To growl; to snarl., a knot in wood; a large or hard knot, or a protuberance with twisted grain, on a tree.
gnash verb t. To strike together, as in anger or pain; as, to gnash the teeth., To grind or strike the teeth together.
gnide verb t. To rub; to bruise; to break in pieces.
gnome noun An imaginary being, supposed by the Rosicrucians to inhabit the inner parts of the earth, and to be the guardian of mines, quarries, etc., A dwarf; a goblin; a person of small stature or misshapen features, or of strange appearance., A small owl (Glaucidium gnoma) of the Western United States., A brief reflection or maxim.
going present participle & vb. noun of Go, The act of moving in any manner; traveling; as, the going is bad., Departure., Pregnancy; gestation; childbearing., Course of life; behavior; doings; ways.
goafs plural of Goaf
gobet noun See Gobbet.
go-by noun A passing without notice; intentional neglect; thrusting away; a shifting off; adieu; as, to give a proposal the go-by.
godly noun Pious; reverencing God, and his character and laws; obedient to the commands of God from love for, and reverence of, his character; conformed to God’s law; devout; righteous; as, a godly life., Piously; devoutly; righteously.
goety noun Invocation of evil spirits; witchcraft.
golde noun Alt. of Goolde
golet noun The gullet., A California trout. See Malma.
goman noun A husband; a master of a family.
gombo noun See Gumbo.
gomer noun A Hebrew measure. See Homer., A conical chamber at the breech of the bore in heavy ordnance, especially in mortars; — named after the inventor.
gonad noun One of the masses of generative tissue primitively alike in both sexes, but giving rise to either an ovary or a testis; a generative gland; a germ gland.
gonys noun The keel or lower outline of a bird’s bill, so far as the mandibular rami are united.
goods noun pl. See Good, n., 3.
goody noun A bonbon, cake, or the like; — usually in the pl., An American fish; the lafayette or spot., Goodwife; — a low term of civility or sport.
goose noun Any large web-footen bird of the subfamily Anserinae, and belonging to Anser, Branta, Chen, and several allied genera. See Anseres., Any large bird of other related families, resembling the common goose., A tailor’s smoothing iron, so called from its handle, which resembles the neck of a goose., A silly creature; a simpleton., A game played with counters on a board divided into compartments, in some of which a goose was depicted.
goost noun Ghost; spirit.
goral noun An Indian goat antelope (Nemorhedus goral), resembling the chamois.
gorce noun A pool of water to keep fish in; a wear.
gored imp. & past participle of Gore
gorge noun The throat; the gullet; the canal by which food passes to the stomach., A narrow passage or entrance, A defile between mountains., The entrance into a bastion or other outwork of a fort; — usually synonymous with rear. See Illust. of Bastion., That which is gorged or swallowed, especially by a hawk or other fowl., A filling or choking of a passage or channel by an obstruction; as, an ice gorge in a river., A concave molding; a cavetto., The groove of a pulley., To swallow; especially, to swallow with greediness, or in large mouthfuls or quantities., To glut; to fill up to the throat; to satiate., To eat greedily and to satiety.
gorma noun The European cormorant.
gorse noun Furze. See Furze.
goter noun a gutter.
gouge noun A chisel, with a hollow or semicylindrical blade, for scooping or cutting holes, channels, or grooves, in wood, stone, etc.; a similar instrument, with curved edge, for turning wood., A bookbinder’s tool for blind tooling or gilding, having a face which forms a curve., An incising tool which cuts forms or blanks for gloves, envelopes, etc. from leather, paper, etc., Soft material lying between the wall of a vein aud the solid vein., The act of scooping out with a gouge, or as with a gouge; a groove or cavity scooped out, as with a gouge., Imposition; cheat; fraud; also, an impostor; a cheat; a trickish person.
goura noun One of several species of large, crested ground pigeons of the genus Goura, inhabiting New Guinea and adjacent islands. The Queen Victoria pigeon (Goura Victoria) and the crowned pigeon (G. coronata) are among the beat known species.
gourd noun A fleshy, three-celled, many-seeded fruit, as the melon, pumpkin, cucumber, etc., of the order Cucurbitaceae; and especially the bottle gourd (Lagenaria vulgaris) which occurs in a great variety of forms, and, when the interior part is removed, serves for bottles, dippers, cups, and other dishes., A dipper or other vessel made from the shell of a gourd; hence, a drinking vessel; a bottle., A false die. See Gord., Alt. of Gourde
gouty adjective Diseased with, or subject to, the gout; as, a gouty person; a gouty joint., Pertaining to the gout., Swollen, as if from gout., Boggy; as, gouty land.
gowan noun The daisy, or mountain daisy., Decomposed granite.
graal noun See Grail., a dish.
grace noun The exercise of love, kindness, mercy, favor; disposition to benefit or serve another; favor bestowed or privilege conferred., The divine favor toward man; the mercy of God, as distinguished from His justice; also, any benefits His mercy imparts; divine love or pardon; a state of acceptance with God; enjoyment of the divine favor., The prerogative of mercy execised by the executive, as pardon., The same prerogative when exercised in the form of equitable relief through chancery., Fortune; luck; — used commonly with hard or sorry when it means misfortune., Inherent excellence; any endowment or characteristic fitted to win favor or confer pleasure or benefit., Beauty, physical, intellectual, or moral; loveliness; commonly, easy elegance of manners; perfection of form., Graceful and beautiful females, sister goddesses, represented by ancient writers as the attendants sometimes of Apollo but oftener of Venus. They were commonly mentioned as three in number; namely, Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia, and were regarded as the inspirers of the qualities which give attractiveness to wisdom, love, and social intercourse., The title of a duke, a duchess, or an archbishop, and formerly of the king of England., Thanks., A petition for grace; a blessing asked, or thanks rendered, before or after a meal., Ornamental notes or short passages, either introduced by the performer, or indicated by the composer, in which case the notation signs are called grace notes, appeggiaturas, turns, etc., An act, vote, or decree of the government of the institution; a degree or privilege conferred by such vote or decree., A play designed to promote or display grace of motion. It consists in throwing a small hoop from one player to another, by means of two sticks in the hands of each. Called also grace hoop or hoops., To adorn; to decorate; to embellish and dignify., To dignify or raise by an act of favor; to honor., To supply with heavenly grace., To add grace notes, cadenzas, etc., to.
grade noun A step or degree in any series, rank, quality, order; relative position or standing; as, grades of military rank; crimes of every grade; grades of flour., The rate of ascent or descent; gradient; deviation from a level surface to an inclined plane; — usually stated as so many feet per mile, or as one foot rise or fall in so many of horizontal distance; as, a heavy grade; a grade of twenty feet per mile, or of 1 in 264., A graded ascending, descending, or level portion of a road; a gradient., The result of crossing a native stock with some better breed. If the crossbreed have more than three fourths of the better blood, it is called high grade., To arrange in order, steps, or degrees, according to size, quality, rank, etc., To reduce to a level, or to an evenly progressive ascent, as the line of a canal or road., To cross with some better breed; to improve the blood of., A harsh scraping or cutting; a grating.
graff noun A steward; an overseer., See Graft.
graft noun A small shoot or scion of a tree inserted in another tree, the stock of which is to support and nourish it. The two unite and become one tree, but the graft determines the kind of fruit., A branch or portion of a tree growing from such a shoot., A portion of living tissue used in the operation of autoplasty., To insert (a graft) in a branch or stem of another tree; to propagate by insertion in another stock; also, to insert a graft upon., To implant a portion of (living flesh or akin) in a lesion so as to form an organic union., To join (one thing) to another as if by grafting, so as to bring about a close union., To cover, as a ring bolt, block strap, splicing, etc., with a weaving of small cord or rope-yarns., To insert scions from one tree, or kind of tree, etc., into another; to practice grafting.
grail noun A book of offices in the Roman Catholic Church; a gradual., A broad, open dish; a chalice; — only used of the Holy Grail., Small particles of earth; gravel., One of the small feathers of a hawk.
grain verb & noun See Groan., A single small hard seed; a kernel, especially of those plants, like wheat, whose seeds are used for food., The fruit of certain grasses which furnish the chief food of man, as corn, wheat, rye, oats, etc., or the plants themselves; — used collectively., Any small, hard particle, as of sand, sugar, salt, etc.; hence, any minute portion or particle; as, a grain of gunpowder, of pollen, of starch, of sense, of wit, etc., The unit of the English system of weights; — so called because considered equal to the average of grains taken from the middle of the ears of wheat. 7,000 grains constitute the pound avoirdupois, and 5,760 grains the pound troy. A grain is equal to .0648 gram. See Gram., A reddish dye made from the coccus insect, or kermes; hence, a red color of any tint or hue, as crimson, scarlet, etc.; sometimes used by the poets as equivalent to Tyrian purple., The composite particles of any substance; that arrangement of the particles of any body which determines its comparative roughness or hardness; texture; as, marble, sugar, sandstone, etc., of fine grain., The direction, arrangement, or appearance of the fibers in wood, or of the strata in stone, slate, etc., The fiber which forms the substance of wood or of any fibrous material., The hair side of a piece of leather, or the marking on that side., The remains of grain, etc., after brewing or distillation; hence, any residuum. Also called draff., A rounded prominence on the back of a sepal, as in the common dock. See Grained, a., 4., Temper; natural disposition; inclination., A sort of spice, the grain of paradise., To paint in imitation of the grain of wood, marble, etc., To form (powder, sugar, etc.) into grains., To take the hair off (skins); to soften and raise the grain of (leather, etc.)., To yield fruit., To form grains, or to assume a granular ferm, as the result of crystallization; to granulate., A branch of a tree; a stalk or stem of a plant., A tine, prong, or fork., One the branches of a valley or of a river., An iron first speak or harpoon, having four or more barbed points., A blade of a sword, knife, etc., A thin piece of metal, used in a mold to steady a core.
graip noun A dungfork.
grame adjective Anger; wrath; scorn., Sorrow; grief; misery.
grand superl. Of large size or extent; great; extensive; hence, relatively great; greatest; chief; principal; as, a grand mountain; a grand army; a grand mistake., Great in size, and fine or imposing in appearance or impression; illustrious, dignifled, or noble (said of persons); majestic, splendid, magnificent, or sublime (said of things); as, a grand monarch; a grand lord; a grand general; a grand view; a grand conception., Having higher rank or more dignity, size, or importance than other persons or things of the same name; as, a grand lodge; a grand vizier; a grand piano, etc., Standing in the second or some more remote degree of parentage or descent; — generalIy used in composition; as, grandfather, grandson, grandchild, etc.
grane verb & noun See Groan.
grant verb t. To give over; to make conveyance of; to give the possession or title of; to convey; — usually in answer to petition., To bestow or confer, with or without compensation, particularly in answer to prayer or request; to give., To admit as true what is not yet satisfactorily proved; to yield belief to; to allow; to yield; to concede., To assent; to consent., The act of granting; a bestowing or conferring; concession; allowance; permission., The yielding or admission of something in dispute., The thing or property granted; a gift; a boon., A transfer of property by deed or writing; especially, au appropriation or conveyance made by the government; as, a grant of land or of money; also, the deed or writing by which the transfer is made.
grape noun A well-known edible berry growing in pendent clusters or bunches on the grapevine. The berries are smooth-skinned, have a juicy pulp, and are cultivated in great quantities for table use and for making wine and raisins., The plant which bears this fruit; the grapevine., A mangy tumor on the leg of a horse., Grapeshot.
grapy adjective Composed of, or resembling, grapes.
grasp verb t. To seize and hold by clasping or embracing with the fingers or arms; to catch to take possession of., To lay hold of with the mind; to become thoroughly acquainted or conversant with; to comprehend., To effect a grasp; to make the motion of grasping; to clutch; to struggle; to strive., A gripe or seizure of the hand; a seizure by embrace, or infolding in the arms., Reach of the arms; hence, the power of seizing and holding; as, it was beyond his grasp., Forcible possession; hold., Wide-reaching power of intellect to comprehend subjects and hold them under survey., The handle of a sword or of an oar.
grass noun Popularly: Herbage; the plants which constitute the food of cattle and other beasts; pasture., An endogenous plant having simple leaves, a stem generally jointed and tubular, the husks or glumes in pairs, and the seed single., The season of fresh grass; spring., Metaphorically used for what is transitory., To cover with grass or with turf., To expose, as flax, on the grass for bleaching, etc., To bring to the grass or ground; to land; as, to grass a fish., To produce grass.
grate adjective Serving to gratify; agreeable., A structure or frame containing parallel or crosed bars, with interstices; a kind of latticework, such as is used ia the windows of prisons and cloisters., A frame or bed, or kind of basket, of iron bars, for holding fuel while burning., To furnish with grates; to protect with a grating or crossbars; as, to grate a window., To rub roughly or harshly, as one body against another, causing a harsh sound; as, to grate the teeth; to produce (a harsh sound) by rubbing., To reduce to small particles by rubbing with anything rough or indented; as, to grate a nutmeg., To fret; to irritate; to offend., To make a harsh sound by friction., To produce the effect of rubbing with a hard rough material; to cause wearing, tearing, or bruising. Hence; To produce exasperation, soreness, or grief; to offend by oppression or importunity.
grave verb t. To clean, as a vessel’s bottom, of barnacles, grass, etc., and pay it over with pitch; — so called because graves or greaves was formerly used for this purpose., Of great weight; heavy; ponderous., Of importance; momentous; weighty; influential; sedate; serious; — said of character, relations, etc.; as, grave deportment, character, influence, etc., Not light or gay; solemn; sober; plain; as, a grave color; a grave face., Not acute or sharp; low; deep; — said of sound; as, a grave note or key., Slow and solemn in movement., To dig. [Obs.] Chaucer., To carve or cut, as letters or figures, on some hard substance; to engrave., To carve out or give shape to, by cutting with a chisel; to sculpture; as, to grave an image., To impress deeply (on the mind); to fix indelibly., To entomb; to bury., To write or delineate on hard substances, by means of incised lines; to practice engraving., An excavation in the earth as a place of burial; also, any place of interment; a tomb; a sepulcher. Hence: Death; destruction.
gravy noun The juice or other liquid matter that drips from flesh in cooking, made into a dressing for the food when served up., Liquid dressing for meat, fish, vegetables, etc.
graze verb t. To feed or supply (cattle, sheep, etc.) with grass; to furnish pasture for., To feed on; to eat (growing herbage); to eat grass from (a pasture); to browse., To tend (cattle, etc.) while grazing., To rub or touch lightly the surface of (a thing) in passing; as, the bullet grazed the wall., To eat grass; to feed on growing herbage; as, cattle graze on the meadows., To yield grass for grazing., To touch something lightly in passing., The act of grazing; the cropping of grass., A light touch; a slight scratch.
great superl. Large in space; of much size; big; immense; enormous; expanded; — opposed to small and little; as, a great house, ship, farm, plain, distance, length., Large in number; numerous; as, a great company, multitude, series, etc., Long continued; lengthened in duration; prolonged in time; as, a great while; a great interval., Superior; admirable; commanding; — applied to thoughts, actions, and feelings., Endowed with extraordinary powers; uncommonly gifted; able to accomplish vast results; strong; powerful; mighty; noble; as, a great hero, scholar, genius, philosopher, etc., Holding a chief position; elevated: lofty: eminent; distingushed; foremost; principal; as, great men; the great seal; the great marshal, etc., Entitled to earnest consideration; weighty; important; as, a great argument, truth, or principle., Pregnant; big (with young)., More than ordinary in degree; very considerable in degree; as, to use great caution; to be in great pain., Older, younger, or more remote, by single generation; — often used before grand to indicate one degree more remote in the direct line of descent; as, great-grandfather (a grandfather’s or a grandmother’s father), great-grandson, etc., The whole; the gross; as, a contract to build a ship by the great.
grebe noun One of several swimming birds or divers, of the genus Colymbus (formerly Podiceps), and allied genera, found in the northern parts of America, Europe, and Asia. They have strong, sharp bills, and lobate toes.
grees plural of Gree
grice plural of Gree, A little pig., See Gree, a step.
grise plural of Gree, See Grice, a pig., A step (in a flight of stairs); a degree.
grize plural of Gree, Same as 2d Grise.
greed noun An eager desire or longing; greediness; as, a greed of gain.
greek adjective Of or pertaining to Greece or the Greeks; Grecian., A native, or one of the people, of Greece; a Grecian; also, the language of Greece., A swindler; a knave; a cheat., Something unintelligible; as, it was all Greek to me.
green superl. Having the color of grass when fresh and growing; resembling that color of the solar spectrum which is between the yellow and the blue; verdant; emerald., Having a sickly color; wan., Full of life aud vigor; fresh and vigorous; new; recent; as, a green manhood; a green wound., Not ripe; immature; not fully grown or ripened; as, green fruit, corn, vegetables, etc., Not roasted; half raw., Immature in age or experience; young; raw; not trained; awkward; as, green in years or judgment., Not seasoned; not dry; containing its natural juices; as, green wood, timber, etc., The color of growing plants; the color of the solar spectrum intermediate between the yellow and the blue., A grassy plain or plat; a piece of ground covered with verdant herbage; as, the village green., Fresh leaves or branches of trees or other plants; wreaths; — usually in the plural., pl. Leaves and stems of young plants, as spinach, beets, etc., which in their green state are boiled for food., Any substance or pigment of a green color., To make green., To become or grow green.
greet adjective Great., To weep; to cry; to lament., Mourning., To address with salutations or expressions of kind wishes; to salute; to hail; to welcome; to accost with friendship; to pay respects or compliments to, either personally or through the intervention of another, or by writing or token., To come upon, or meet, as with something that makes the heart glad., To accost; to address., To meet and give salutations., Greeting.
grege verb t. Alt. of Gregge
grego noun A short jacket or cloak, made of very thick, coarse cloth, with a hood attached, worn by the Greeks and others in the Levant.
greit verb i. See Greet, to weep.
grene adjective Green.
grete adjective Great.
greve noun A grove.
gride e. i. To cut with a grating sound; to cut; to penetrate or pierce harshly; as, the griding sword.
grief adjective Pain of mind on account of something in the past; mental suffering arising from any cause, as misfortune, loss of friends, misconduct of one’s self or others, etc.; sorrow; sadness., Cause of sorrow or pain; that which afficts or distresses; trial; grievance., Physical pain, or a cause of it; malady.
griff noun Grasp; reach., An arrangement of parallel bars for lifting the hooked wires which raise the warp threads in a loom for weaving figured goods.
grill verb t. A gridiron., That which is broiled on a gridiron, as meat, fish, etc., To broil on a grill or gridiron., To torment, as if by broiling.
grime noun Foul matter; dirt, rubbed in; sullying blackness, deeply ingrained., To sully or soil deeply; to dirt.
grimy superl. Full of grime; begrimed; dirty; foul.
grind verb t. To reduce to powder by friction, as in a mill, or with the teeth; to crush into small fragments; to produce as by the action of millstones., To wear down, polish, or sharpen, by friction; to make smooth, sharp, or pointed; to whet, as a knife or drill; to rub against one another, as teeth, etc., To oppress by severe exactions; to harass., To study hard for examination., To perform the operation of grinding something; to turn the millstones., To become ground or pulverized by friction; as, this corn grinds well., To become polished or sharpened by friction; as, glass grinds smooth; steel grinds to a sharp edge., To move with much difficulty or friction; to grate., To perform hard aud distasteful service; to drudge; to study hard, as for an examination., The act of reducing to powder, or of sharpening, by friction., Any severe continuous work or occupation; esp., hard and uninteresting study., A hard student; a dig.
grint 3d pers. sing. pres. of Grind, contr. from grindeth.
gripe noun A vulture; the griffin., To catch with the hand; to clasp closely with the fingers; to clutch., To seize and hold fast; to embrace closely., To pinch; to distress. Specifically, to cause pinching and spasmodic pain to the bowels of, as by the effects of certain purgative or indigestible substances., To clutch, hold, or pinch a thing, esp. money, with a gripe or as with a gripe., To suffer griping pains., To tend to come up into the wind, as a ship which, when sailing closehauled, requires constant labor at the helm., Grasp; seizure; fast hold; clutch., That on which the grasp is put; a handle; a grip; as, the gripe of a sword., A device for grasping or holding anything; a brake to stop a wheel., Oppression; cruel exaction; affiction; pinching distress; as, the gripe of poverty., Pinching and spasmodic pain in the intestines; — chiefly used in the plural., The piece of timber which terminates the keel at the fore end; the forefoot., The compass or sharpness of a ship’s stern under the water, having a tendency to make her keep a good wind., An assemblage of ropes, dead-eyes, and hocks, fastened to ringbolts in the deck, to secure the boats when hoisted; also, broad bands passed around a boat to secure it at the davits and prevent swinging.
grist noun Ground corn; that which is ground at one time; as much grain as is carried to the mill at one time, or the meal it produces., Supply; provision., In rope making, a given size of rope, common grist being a rope three inches in circumference, with twenty yarns in each of the three strands.
grith noun Peace; security; agreement.
groan verb i. To give forth a low, moaning sound in breathing; to utter a groan, as in pain, in sorrow, or in derision; to moan., To strive after earnestly, as with groans., To affect by groans., A low, moaning sound; usually, a deep, mournful sound uttered in pain or great distress; sometimes, an expression of strong disapprobation; as, the remark was received with groans.
groat noun An old English silver coin, equal to four pence., Any small sum of money.
groin noun The snout of a swine., To grunt to growl; to snarl; to murmur., The line between the lower part of the abdomen and the thigh, or the region of this line; the inguen., The projecting solid angle formed by the meeting of two vaults, growing more obtuse as it approaches the summit., The surface formed by two such vaults., A frame of woodwork across a beach to accumulate and retain shingle., To fashion into groins; to build with groins.
grond obs. imp. of Grind.
groom noun A boy or young man; a waiter; a servant; especially, a man or boy who has charge of horses, or the stable., One of several officers of the English royal household, chiefly in the lord chamberlain’s department; as, the groom of the chamber; the groom of the stole., A man recently married, or about to be married; a bridegroom., To tend or care for, or to curry or clean, as a, horse.
grope verb i. To feel with or use the hands; to handle., To search or attempt to find something in the dark, or, as a blind person, by feeling; to move about hesitatingly, as in darkness or obscurity; to feel one’s way, as with the hands, when one can not see., To search out by feeling in the dark; as, we groped our way at midnight., To examine; to test; to sound.
gross superl. Great; large; bulky; fat; of huge size; excessively large., Coarse; rough; not fine or delicate., Not easily aroused or excited; not sensitive in perception or feeling; dull; witless., Expressing, Or originating in, animal or sensual appetites; hence, coarse, vulgar, low, obscene, or impure., Thick; dense; not attenuated; as, a gross medium., Great; palpable; serious; vagrant; shameful; as, a gross mistake; gross injustice; gross negligence., Whole; entire; total; without deduction; as, the gross sum, or gross amount, the gross weight; — opposed to net., The main body; the chief part, bulk, or mass., The number of twelve dozen; twelve times twelve; as, a gross of bottles; ten gross of pens.
grote noun A groat.
group noun A cluster, crowd, or throng; an assemblage, either of persons or things, collected without any regular form or arrangement; as, a group of men or of trees; a group of isles., An assemblage of objects in a certain order or relation, or having some resemblance or common characteristic; as, groups of strata., A variously limited assemblage of animals or plants, having some resemblance, or common characteristics in form or structure. The term has different uses, and may be made to include certain species of a genus, or a whole genus, or certain genera, or even several orders., A number of eighth, sixteenth, etc., notes joined at the stems; — sometimes rather indefinitely applied to any ornament made up of a few short notes., To form a group of; to arrange or combine in a group or in groups, often with reference to mutual relation and the best effect; to form an assemblage of.
grout noun Coarse meal; ground malt; pl. groats., Formerly, a kind of beer or ale., Lees; dregs; grounds., A thin, coarse mortar, used for pouring into the joints of masonry and brickwork; also, a finer material, used in finishing the best ceilings. Gwilt., To fill up or finish with grout, as the joints between stones.
grove verb A smaller group of trees than a forest, and without underwood, planted, or growing naturally as if arranged by art; a wood of small extent.
grovy adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, a grove; situated in, or frequenting, groves.
grown past participle of Grow, p. p. of Grow.
growl verb i. To utter a deep guttural sound, sa an angry dog; to give forth an angry, grumbling sound., To express by growling., The deep, threatening sound made by a surly dog; a grumbling sound.
gruel noun A light, liquid food, made by boiling meal of maize, oatmeal, or fiour in water or milk; thin porridge.
gruff superl. Of a rough or stern manner, voice, or countenance; sour; surly; severe; harsh.
grume noun A thick, viscid fluid; a clot, as of blood.
grunt verb t. To make a deep, short noise, as a hog; to utter a short groan or a deep guttural sound., A deep, guttural sound, as of a hog., Any one of several species of American food fishes, of the genus Haemulon, allied to the snappers, as, the black grunt (A. Plumieri), and the redmouth grunt (H. aurolineatus), of the Southern United States; — also applied to allied species of the genera Pomadasys, Orthopristis, and Pristopoma. Called also pigfish, squirrel fish, and grunter; — so called from the noise it makes when taken.
gryde verb i. To gride. See Gride.
grype verb t. To gripe., A vulture; the griffin.
guaco noun A plant (Aristolochia anguicida) of Carthagena, used as an antidote to serpent bites., The Mikania Guaco, of Brazil, used for the same purpose.
guana noun See Iguana.
guano noun A substance found in great abundance on some coasts or islands frequented by sea fowls, and composed chiefly of their excrement. It is rich in phosphates and ammonia, and is used as a powerful fertilizer.
guara noun The scarlet ibis. See Ibis., A large-maned wild dog of South America (Canis jubatus) — named from its cry.
guard noun To protect from danger; to secure against surprise, attack, or injury; to keep in safety; to defend; to shelter; to shield from surprise or attack; to protect by attendance; to accompany for protection; to care for., To keep watch over, in order to prevent escape or restrain from acts of violence, or the like., To protect the edge of, esp. with an ornamental border; hence, to face or ornament with lists, laces, etc., To fasten by binding; to gird., To watch by way of caution or defense; to be caution; to be in a state or position of defense or safety; as, careful persons guard against mistakes., One who, or that which, guards from injury, danger, exposure, or attack; defense; protection., A man, or body of men, stationed to protect or control a person or position; a watch; a sentinel., One who has charge of a mail coach or a railway train; a conductor., Any fixture or attachment designed to protect or secure against injury, soiling, or defacement, theft or loss, That part of a sword hilt which protects the hand., Ornamental lace or hem protecting the edge of a garment., A chain or cord for fastening a watch to one’s person or dress., A fence or rail to prevent falling from the deck of a vessel., An extension of the deck of a vessel beyond the hull; esp., in side-wheel steam vessels, the framework of strong timbers, which curves out on each side beyond the paddle wheel, and protects it and the shaft against collision., A plate of metal, beneath the stock, or the lock frame, of a gun or pistol, having a loop, called a bow, to protect the trigger., An interleaved strip at the back, as in a scrap book, to guard against its breaking when filled., A posture of defense in fencing, and in bayonet and saber exercise., An expression or admission intended to secure against objections or censure., Watch; heed; care; attention; as, to keep guard., The fibrous sheath which covers the phragmacone of the Belemnites.
guava noun A tropical tree, or its fruit, of the genus Psidium. Two varieties are well known, the P. pyriferum, or white guava, and P. pomiferum, or red guava. The fruit or berry is shaped like a pomegranate, but is much smaller. It is somewhat astringent, but makes a delicious jelly.
guelf noun One of a faction in Germany and Italy, in the 12th and 13th centuries, which supported the House of Guelph and the pope, and opposed the Ghibellines, or faction of the German emperors.
guess verb t. To form an opinion concerning, without knowledge or means of knowledge; to judge of at random; to conjecture., To judge or form an opinion of, from reasons that seem preponderating, but are not decisive., To solve by a correct conjecture; to conjecture rightly; as, he who guesses the riddle shall have the ring; he has guessed my designs., To hit upon or reproduce by memory., To think; to suppose; to believe; to imagine; — followed by an objective clause., To make a guess or random judgment; to conjecture; — with at, about, etc., An opinion as to anything, formed without sufficient or decisive evidence or grounds; an attempt to hit upon the truth by a random judgment; a conjecture; a surmise.
guest noun A visitor; a person received and entertained in one’s house or at one’s table; a visitor entertained without pay., To receive or entertain hospitably., To be, or act the part of, a guest.
guiac noun Same as Guaiac.
gulge noun See Gige.
guild verb t. An association of men belonging to the same class, or engaged in kindred pursuits, formed for mutual aid and protection; a business fraternity or corporation; as, the Stationers’ Guild; the Ironmongers’ Guild. They were originally licensed by the government, and endowed with special privileges and authority., A guildhall., A religious association or society, organized for charitable purposes or for assistance in parish work.
guile noun Craft; deceitful cunning; artifice; duplicity; wile; deceit; treachery., To disguise or conceal; to deceive or delude.
guilt verb t. The criminality and consequent exposure to punishment resulting from willful disobedience of law, or from morally wrong action; the state of one who has broken a moral or political law; crime; criminality; offense against right., Exposure to any legal penalty or forfeiture.
guise noun Customary way of speaking or acting; custom; fashion; manner; behavior; mien; mode; practice; — often used formerly in such phrases as: at his own guise; that is, in his own fashion, to suit himself., External appearance in manner or dress; appropriate indication or expression; garb; shape., Cover; cloak; as, under the guise of patriotism.
gulae plural of Gula
gulas plural of Gula
gular adjective Pertaining to the gula or throat; as, gular plates. See Illust. of Bird, and Bowfin.
gulch noun Act of gulching or gulping., A glutton., A ravine, or part of the deep bed of a torrent when dry; a gully., To swallow greedily; to gulp down.
gules noun The tincture red, indicated in seals and engraved figures of escutcheons by parallel vertical lines. Hence, used poetically for a red color or that which is red.
gulfy adjective Full of whirlpools or gulfs.
gully noun A large knife., A channel or hollow worn in the earth by a current of water; a short deep portion of a torrent’s bed when dry., A grooved iron rail or tram plate., To wear into a gully or into gullies., To flow noisily.
gulph noun See Gulf.
gulty adjective Guilty.
gumbo noun A soup thickened with the mucilaginous pods of the okra; okra soup., The okra plant or its pods.
gumma noun A kind of soft tumor, usually of syphilitic origin.
gummy adjective Consisting of gum; viscous; adhesive; producing or containing gum; covered with gum or a substance resembling gum.
gunny Alt. of Gunny cloth
gurge noun A whirlpool., To swallow up.
gurmy noun A level; a working.
gurry noun An alvine evacuation; also, refuse matter., A small fort.
gurts noun pl. Groatts.
gusto noun Nice or keen appreciation or enjoyment; relish; taste; fancy.
gusty adjective Subject to, or characterized by, gusts or squalls; windy; stormy; tempestuous.
gutta noun A drop., One of a series of ornaments, in the form of a frustum of a cone, attached to the lower part of the triglyphs, and also to the lower faces of the mutules, in the Doric order; — called also campana, and drop.
gutty adjective Charged or sprinkled with drops.
guyed imp. & past participle of Guy
guyle verb t. To guile.
gyall noun See Gayal.
gybed imp. & past participle of Gybe
gynno verb i. To begin. See Gin.
gypse noun See Gypsum.
gypsy noun One of a vagabond race, whose tribes, coming originally from India, entered Europe in 14th or 15th centry, and are now scattered over Turkey, Russia, Hungary, Spain, England, etc., living by theft, fortune telling, horsejockeying, tinkering, etc. Cf. Bohemian, Romany., The language used by the gypsies., A dark-complexioned person., A cunning or crafty person, Pertaining to, or suitable for, gypsies., To play the gypsy; to picnic in the woods.
gyral adjective Moving in a circular path or way; whirling; gyratory., Pertaining to a gyrus, or convolution.
gyron noun A subordinary of triangular form having one of its angles at the fess point and the opposite aide at the edge of the escutcheon. When there is only one gyron on the shield it is bounded by two lines drawn from the fess point, one horizontally to the dexter side, and one to the dexter chief corner.
gyrus noun A convoluted ridge between grooves; a convolution; as, the gyri of the brain; the gyri of brain coral. See Brain.