5 letter word starting with ha

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
habit noun The usual condition or state of a person or thing, either natural or acquired, regarded as something had, possessed, and firmly retained; as, a religious habit; his habit is morose; elms have a spreading habit; esp., physical temperament or constitution; as, a full habit of body., The general appearance and manner of life of a living organism., Fixed or established custom; ordinary course of conduct; practice; usage; hence, prominently, the involuntary tendency or aptitude to perform certain actions which is acquired by their frequent repetition; as, habit is second nature; also, peculiar ways of acting; characteristic forms of behavior., Outward appearance; attire; dress; hence, a garment; esp., a closely fitting garment or dress worn by ladies; as, a riding habit., To inhabit., To dress; to clothe; to array., To accustom; to habituate. [Obs.] Chapman.
hable adjective See Habile.
hades noun The nether world (according to classical mythology, the abode of the shades, ruled over by Hades or Pluto); the invisible world; the grave.
hadji noun A Mohammedan pilgrim to Mecca; — used among Orientals as a respectful salutation or a title of honor., A Greek or Armenian who has visited the holy sepulcher at Jerusalem.
ha-ha noun A sunk fence; a fence, wall, or ditch, not visible till one is close upon it.
haily adjective Of hail.
hairy adjective Bearing or covered with hair; made of or resembling hair; rough with hair; rough with hair; rough with hair; hirsute.
hakim noun A wise man; a physician, esp. a Mohammedan., A Mohammedan title for a ruler; a judge.
haled imp. & past participle of Hale
halma noun The long jump, with weights in the hands, — the most important of the exercises of the Pentathlon.
halos plural of Halo
halse verb t. To embrace about the neck; to salute; to greet., To adjure; to beseech; to entreat., To haul; to hoist.
halve noun A half., To divide into two equal parts; as, to halve an apple; to be or form half of., To join, as two pieces of timber, by cutting away each for half its thickness at the joining place, and fitting together.
halwe noun A saint.
hamel verb t. Same as Hamele.
hanap noun A rich goblet, esp. one used on state occasions.
hance verb t. To raise; to elevate., Alt. of Hanch
hanch See Hanse., A sudden fall or break, as the fall of the fife rail down to the gangway.
handy superl. Performed by the hand., Skillful in using the hand; dexterous; ready; adroit., Ready to the hand; near; also, suited to the use of the hand; convenient; valuable for reference or use; as, my tools are handy; a handy volume., Easily managed; obedient to the helm; — said of a vessel.
hanse noun That part of an elliptical or many-centered arch which has the shorter radius and immediately adjoins the impost., An association; a league or confederacy.
han’t A contraction of have not, or has not, used in illiterate speech. In the United States the commoner spelling is hain’t.
haply adverb By hap, chance, luck, or accident; perhaps; it may be.
happy superl. Favored by hap, luck, or fortune; lucky; fortunate; successful; prosperous; satisfying desire; as, a happy expedient; a happy effort; a happy venture; a happy omen., Experiencing the effect of favorable fortune; having the feeling arising from the consciousness of well-being or of enjoyment; enjoying good of any kind, as peace, tranquillity, comfort; contented; joyous; as, happy hours, happy thoughts., Dexterous; ready; apt; felicitous.
hards noun pl. The refuse or coarse part of fiax; tow.
hardy adjective Bold; brave; stout; daring; resolu?e; intrepid., Confident; full of assurance; in a bad sense, morally hardened; shameless., Strong; firm; compact., Inured to fatigue or hardships; strong; capable of endurance; as, a hardy veteran; a hardy mariner., Able to withstand the cold of winter., A blacksmith’s fuller or chisel, having a square shank for insertion into a square hole in an anvil, called the hardy hole.
harem noun The apartments or portion of the house allotted to females in Mohammedan families., The family of wives and concubines belonging to one man, in Mohammedan countries; a seraglio.
harle noun The red-breasted merganser.
harns noun pl. The brains.
harpa noun A genus of marine univalve shells; the harp shells; — so called from the form of the shells, and their ornamental ribs.
harpy noun A fabulous winged monster, ravenous and filthy, having the face of a woman and the body of a vulture, with long claws, and the face pale with hunger. Some writers mention two, others three., One who is rapacious or ravenous; an extortioner., The European moor buzzard or marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus)., A large and powerful, double-crested, short-winged American eagle (Thrasaetus harpyia). It ranges from Texas to Brazil.
harre noun A hinge.
harry verb t. To strip; to lay waste; as, the Northmen came several times and harried the land., To agitate; to worry; to harrow; to harass., To make a predatory incursion; to plunder or lay waste.
harsh adjective Rough; disagreeable; grating, disagreeable to the touch., disagreeable to the taste., disagreeable to the ear., Unpleasant and repulsive to the sensibilities; austere; crabbed; morose; abusive; abusive; severe; rough., Having violent contrasts of color, or of light and shade; lacking in harmony.
haste noun Celerity of motion; speed; swiftness; dispatch; expedition; — applied only to voluntary beings, as men and other animals., The state of being urged or pressed by business; hurry; urgency; sudden excitement of feeling or passion; precipitance; vehemence., To hasten; to hurry.
hasty noun Involving haste; done, made, etc., in haste; as, a hasty sketch., Demanding haste or immediate action., Moving or acting with haste or in a hurry; hurrying; hence, acting without deliberation; precipitate; rash; easily excited; eager., Made or reached without deliberation or due caution; as, a hasty conjecture, inference, conclusion, etc., a hasty resolution., Proceeding from, or indicating, a quick temper., Forward; early; first ripe.
hatch verb t. To cross with lines in a peculiar manner in drawing and engraving. See Hatching., To cross; to spot; to stain; to steep., To produce, as young, from an egg or eggs by incubation, or by artificial heat; to produce young from (eggs); as, the young when hatched., To contrive or plot; to form by meditation, and bring into being; to originate and produce; to concoct; as, to hatch mischief; to hatch heresy., To produce young; — said of eggs; to come forth from the egg; — said of the young of birds, fishes, insects, etc., The act of hatching., Development; disclosure; discovery., The chickens produced at once or by one incubation; a brood., A door with an opening over it; a half door, sometimes set with spikes on the upper edge., A frame or weir in a river, for catching fish., A flood gate; a a sluice gate., A bedstead., An opening in the deck of a vessel or floor of a warehouse which serves as a passageway or hoistway; a hatchway; also; a cover or door, or one of the covers used in closing such an opening., An opening into, or in search of, a mine., To close with a hatch or hatches.
hated imp. & past participle of Hate
hatel adjective Hateful; detestable.
hater noun One who hates.
hatte pres. & imp. sing. & pl. of Hote, to be called. See Hote., of Hote
haugh noun A low-lying meadow by the side of a river.
haulm noun The denuded stems or stalks of such crops as buckwheat and the cereal grains, beans, etc.; straw., A part of a harness; a hame.
hauls noun See Hals.
hault adjective Lofty; haughty.
haunt verb t. To frequent; to resort to frequently; to visit pertinaciously or intrusively; to intrude upon., To inhabit or frequent as a specter; to visit as a ghost or apparition., To practice; to devote one’s self to., To accustom; to habituate., To persist in staying or visiting., A place to which one frequently resorts; as, drinking saloons are the haunts of tipplers; a den is the haunt of wild beasts., The habit of resorting to a place., Practice; skill.
haven noun A bay, recess, or inlet of the sea, or the mouth of a river, which affords anchorage and shelter for shipping; a harbor; a port., A place of safety; a shelter; an asylum., To shelter, as in a haven.
haver noun A possessor; a holder., The oat; oats., To maunder; to talk foolishly; to chatter.
havoc noun Wide and general destruction; devastation; waste., To devastate; to destroy; to lay waste., A cry in war as the signal for indiscriminate slaughter.
hawed imp. & past participle of Haw
hawse noun A hawse hole., The situation of the cables when a vessel is moored with two anchors, one on the starboard, the other on the port bow., The distance ahead to which the cables usually extend; as, the ship has a clear or open hawse, or a foul hawse; to anchor in our hawse, or athwart hawse., That part of a vessel’s bow in which are the hawse holes for the cables.
hazed imp. & past participle of Haze
hazel noun A shrub or small tree of the genus Corylus, as the C. avellana, bearing a nut containing a kernel of a mild, farinaceous taste; the filbert. The American species are C. Americana, which produces the common hazelnut, and C. rostrata. See Filbert., A miner’s name for freestone., Consisting of hazels, or of the wood of the hazel; pertaining to, or derived from, the hazel; as, a hazel wand., Of a light brown color, like the hazelnut.
hazle verb t. To make dry; to dry.