5 letter word starting with hy

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
hying present participle & vb. noun of Hie
hyads nounpl. A cluster of five stars in the face of the constellation Taurus, supposed by the ancients to indicate the coming of rainy weather when they rose with the sun.
hydr- See under Hydro-., A combining form from Gr. /, /, water (see Hydra)., A combining form of hydrogen, indicating hydrogen as an ingredient, as hydrochloric; or a reduction product obtained by hydrogen, as hydroquinone.
hydra noun A serpent or monster in the lake or marsh of Lerna, in the Peloponnesus, represented as having many heads, one of which, when cut off, was immediately succeeded by two others, unless the wound was cauterized. It was slain by Hercules. Hence, a terrible monster., Hence: A multifarious evil, or an evil having many sources; not to be overcome by a single effort., Any small fresh-water hydroid of the genus Hydra, usually found attached to sticks, stones, etc., by a basal sucker., A southern constellation of great length lying southerly from Cancer, Leo, and Virgo.
hyena noun Any carnivorous mammal of the family Hyaenidae, of which three living species are known. They are large and strong, but cowardly. They feed chiefly on carrion, and are nocturnal in their habits.
hylic adjective Of or pertaining to matter; material; corporeal; as, hylic influences.
hymar noun The wild ass of Persia.
hymen noun A fold of muscous membrane often found at the orifice of the vagina; the vaginal membrane., A fabulous deity; according to some, the son of Apollo and Urania, according to others, of Bacchus and Venus. He was the god of marriage, and presided over nuptial solemnities., Marriage; union as if by marriage.
hyoid adjective Having the form of an arch, or of the Greek letter upsilon [/]., Of or pertaining to the bony or cartilaginous arch which supports the tongue. Sometimes applied to the tongue itself., The hyoid bone.
hypo- A prefix signifying a less quantity, or a low state or degree, of that denoted by the word with which it is joined, or position under or beneath., A prefix denoting that the element to the name of which it is prefixed enters with a low valence, or in a low state of oxidization, usually the lowest, into the compounds indicated; as, hyposulphurous acid.
hyrax noun Any animal of the genus Hyrax, of which about four species are known. They constitute the order Hyracoidea. The best known species are the daman (H. Syriacus) of Palestine, and the klipdas (H. capensis) of South Africa. Other species are H. arboreus and H. Sylvestris, the former from Southern, and the latter from Western, Africa. See Daman.
hyrse noun Millet.
hyrst noun A wood. See Hurst.
hyson noun A fragrant kind of green tea.
hythe noun A small haven. See Hithe.