5 letter word starting with im

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
image noun An imitation, representation, or similitude of any person, thing, or act, sculptured, drawn, painted, or otherwise made perceptible to the sight; a visible presentation; a copy; a likeness; an effigy; a picture; a semblance., Hence: The likeness of anything to which worship is paid; an idol., Show; appearance; cast., A representation of anything to the mind; a picture drawn by the fancy; a conception; an idea., A picture, example, or illustration, often taken from sensible objects, and used to illustrate a subject; usually, an extended metaphor., The figure or picture of any object formed at the focus of a lens or mirror, by rays of light from the several points of the object symmetrically refracted or reflected to corresponding points in such focus; this may be received on a screen, a photographic plate, or the retina of the eye, and viewed directly by the eye, or with an eyeglass, as in the telescope and microscope; the likeness of an object formed by reflection; as, to see one’s image in a mirror., To represent or form an image of; as, the still lake imaged the shore; the mirror imaged her figure., To represent to the mental vision; to form a likeness of by the fancy or recollection; to imagine.
imago noun An image., The final adult, and usually winged, state of an insect. See Illust. of Ant-lion, and Army worm.
imaum noun Among the Mohammedans, a minister or priest who performs the regular service of the mosque., A Mohammedan prince who, as a successor of Mohammed, unites in his person supreme spiritual and temporal power.
imban verb t. To put under a ban.
imbar verb t. To bar in; to secure.
imbay verb t. See Embay.
imbed verb t. To sink or lay, as in a bed; to deposit in a partly inclosing mass, as of clay or mortar; to cover, as with earth, sand, etc.
imbow verb t. To make like a bow; to curve; to arch; to vault; to embow.
imbox verb t. To inclose in a box.
imbue verb t. To tinge deeply; to dye; to cause to absorb; as, clothes thoroughly imbued with black., To tincture deply; to cause to become impressed or penetrated; as, to imbue the minds of youth with good principles.
imide noun A compound with, or derivative of, the imido group; specif., a compound of one or more acid radicals with the imido group, or with a monamine; hence, also, a derivative of ammonia, in which two atoms of hydrogen have been replaced by divalent basic or acid radicals; — frequently used as a combining form; as, succinimide.
imido adjective Pertaining to, containing, or combined with, the radical NH, which is called the imido group.
immew verb t. See Emmew.
immit verb t. To send in; to inject; to infuse; — the correlative of emit.
immix verb t. To mix; to mingle.
imped imp. & past participle of Imp
impel verb t. To drive or urge forward or on; to press on; to incite to action or motion in any way.
impen verb t. To shut up or inclose, as in a pen.
imply verb t. To infold or involve; to wrap up., To involve in substance or essence, or by fair inference, or by construction of law, when not include virtually; as, war implies fighting., To refer, ascribe, or attribute.