5 letter word starting with inf

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
infer verb t. To bring on; to induce; to occasion., To offer, as violence., To bring forward, or employ as an argument; to adduce; to allege; to offer., To derive by deduction or by induction; to conclude or surmise from facts or premises; to accept or derive, as a consequence, conclusion, or probability; to imply; as, I inferred his determination from his silence., To show; to manifest; to prove.
infix verb t. To set; to fasten or fix by piercing or thrusting in; as, to infix a sting, spear, or dart., To implant or fix; to instill; to inculcate, as principles, thoughts, or instructions; as, to infix good principles in the mind, or ideas in the memory., Something infixed.
infra adverb Below; beneath; under; after; — often used as a prefix.