5 letter word starting with j

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
jjinn plural of Djinnee
jabot noun Originally, a kind of ruffle worn by men on the bosom of the shirt., An arrangement of lace or tulle, looped ornamentally, and worn by women on the front of the dress.
jacob noun A Hebrew patriarch (son of Isaac, and ancestor of the Jews), who in a vision saw a ladder reaching up to heaven (Gen. xxviii. 12); — also called Israel.
jaded imp. & past participle of Jade
jager noun A sharpshooter. See Yager., Any species of gull of the genus Stercorarius. Three species occur on the Atlantic coast. The jagers pursue other species of gulls and force them to disgorge their prey. The two middle tail feathers are usually decidedly longer than the rest. Called also boatswain, and marline-spike bird. The name is also applied to the skua, or Arctic gull (Megalestris skua).
jaggy adjective Having jags; set with teeth; notched; uneven; as, jaggy teeth.
jaina noun One of a numerous sect in British India, holding the tenets of Jainism.
jakes noun A privy.
jakie noun A South American striped frog (Pseudis paradoxa), remarkable for having a tadpole larger than the adult, and hence called also paradoxical frog.
jalap noun The tubers of the Mexican plant Ipomoea purga (or Exogonium purga), a climber much like the morning-glory. The abstract, extract, and powder, prepared from the tubers, are well known purgative medicines. Other species of Ipomoea yield several inferior kinds of jalap, as the I. Orizabensis, and I. tuberosa.
jantu noun A machine of great antiquity, used in Bengal for raising water to irrigate land.
janty adjective See Jaunty.
janus noun A Latin deity represented with two faces looking in opposite directions. Numa is said to have dedicated to Janus the covered passage at Rome, near the Forum, which is usually called the Temple of Janus. This passage was open in war and closed in peace.
japan noun Work varnished and figured in the Japanese manner; also, the varnish or lacquer used in japanning., Of or pertaining to Japan, or to the lacquered work of that country; as, Japan ware., To cover with a coat of hard, brilliant varnish, in the manner of the Japanese; to lacquer., To give a glossy black to, as shoes.
japer noun A jester; a buffoon.
jards noun A callous tumor on the leg of a horse, below the hock.
jarvy noun The driver of a hackney coach., A hackney coach.
jasey noun A wig; — so called, perhaps, from being made of, or resembling, Jersey yarn.
jaunt verb i. To ramble here and there; to stroll; to make an excursion., To ride on a jaunting car., To jolt; to jounce., A wearisome journey., A short excursion for pleasure or refreshment; a ramble; a short journey.
javel noun A vagabond.
jawed imp. & past participle of Jaw, Having jaws; — chiefly in composition; as, lantern-jawed.
jayet noun See Jet.
jazel noun A gem of an azure color.
jears noun pl. See 1st Jeer (b).
jeers noun pl. See 1st Jeer (b).
jelly noun Anything brought to a gelatinous condition; a viscous, translucent substance in a condition between liquid and solid; a stiffened solution of gelatin, gum, or the like., The juice of fruits or meats boiled with sugar to an elastic consistence; as, currant jelly; calf’s-foot jelly., To become jelly; to come to the state or consistency of jelly.
jemmy adjective Spruce., A short crowbar. See Jimmy., A baked sheep’s head.
jenny noun A familiar or pet form of the proper name Jane., A familiar name of the European wren., A machine for spinning a number of threads at once, — used in factories.
jerid noun Same as Jereed.
jerky adjective Moving by jerks and starts; characterized by abrupt transitions; as, a jerky vehicle; a jerky style.
jesse noun Any representation or suggestion of the genealogy of Christ, in decorative art, A genealogical tree represented in stained glass., A candlestick with many branches, each of which bears the name of some one of the descendants of Jesse; — called also tree of Jesse.
jesus noun The Savior; the name of the Son of God as announced by the angel to his parents; the personal name of Our Lord, in distinction from Christ, his official appellation.
jetty adjective Made of jet, or like jet in color., A part of a building that jets or projects beyond the rest, and overhangs the wall below., A wharf or pier extending from the shore., A structure of wood or stone extended into the sea to influence the current or tide, or to protect a harbor; a mole; as, the Eads system of jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi River., To jut out; to project.
jewel noun An ornament of dress usually made of a precious metal, and having enamel or precious stones as a part of its design., A precious stone; a gem., An object regarded with special affection; a precious thing., A bearing for a pivot a pivot in a watch, formed of a crystal or precious stone, as a ruby., To dress, adorn, deck, or supply with jewels, as a dress, a sword hilt, or a watch; to bespangle, as with jewels.
jewry noun Judea; also, a district inhabited by Jews; a Jews’ quarter.
jibed imp. & past participle of Jibe
jiffy noun A moment; an instant; as, I will be ready in a jiffy.
jimmy noun A short crowbar used by burglars in breaking open doors.
jingo noun A word used as a jocular oath., A statesman who pursues, or who favors, aggressive, domineering policy in foreign affairs.
jippo noun A waistcoat or kind of stays for women.
joint noun The place or part where two things or parts are joined or united; the union of two or more smooth or even surfaces admitting of a close-fitting or junction; junction as, a joint between two pieces of timber; a joint in a pipe., A joining of two things or parts so as to admit of motion; an articulation, whether movable or not; a hinge; as, the knee joint; a node or joint of a stem; a ball and socket joint. See Articulation., The part or space included between two joints, knots, nodes, or articulations; as, a joint of cane or of a grass stem; a joint of the leg., Any one of the large pieces of meat, as cut into portions by the butcher for roasting., A plane of fracture, or divisional plane, of a rock transverse to the stratification., The space between the adjacent surfaces of two bodies joined and held together, as by means of cement, mortar, etc.; as, a thin joint., The means whereby the meeting surfaces of pieces in a structure are secured together., Joined; united; combined; concerted; as joint action., Involving the united activity of two or more; done or produced by two or more working together., United, joined, or sharing with another or with others; not solitary in interest or action; holding in common with an associate, or with associates; acting together; as, joint heir; joint creditor; joint debtor, etc., Shared by, or affecting two or more; held in common; as, joint property; a joint bond., To unite by a joint or joints; to fit together; to prepare so as to fit together; as, to joint boards., To join; to connect; to unite; to combine., To provide with a joint or joints; to articulate., To separate the joints; of; to divide at the joint or joints; to disjoint; to cut up into joints, as meat., To fit as if by joints; to coalesce as joints do; as, the stones joint, neatly.
joist noun A piece of timber laid horizontally, or nearly so, to which the planks of the floor, or the laths or furring strips of a ceiling, are nailed; — called, according to its position or use, binding joist, bridging joist, ceiling joist, trimming joist, etc. See Illust. of Double-framed floor, under Double, a., To fit or furnish with joists.
joked imp. & past participle of Joke
joker noun One who makes jokes or jests., See Rest bower, under 2d Bower.
jolif adjective Joyful; merry; pleasant; jolly.
jolly superl. Full of life and mirth; jovial; joyous; merry; mirthful., Expressing mirth, or inspiring it; exciting mirth and gayety., Of fine appearance; handsome; excellent; lively; agreeable; pleasant.
jolty adjective That jolts; as, a jolty coach.
jonah noun The Hebrew prophet, who was cast overboard as one who endangered the ship; hence, any person whose presence is unpropitious.
joram noun See Jorum.
jorum noun A large drinking vessel; also, its contents.
jossa interj. A command to a horse, probably meaning “stand still.”
jougs noun An iron collar fastened to a wall or post, formerly used in Scotland as a kind of pillory. [Written also juggs.] See Juke.
joule noun A unit of work which is equal to 107 units of work in the C. G. S. system of units (ergs), and is practically equivalent to the energy expended in one second by an electric current of one ampere in a resistance of one ohm. One joule is approximately equal to 0.738 foot pounds.
joust verb i. To engage in mock combat on horseback, as two knights in the lists; to tilt., A tilting match; a mock combat on horseback between two knights in the lists or inclosed field.
joyed imp. & past participle of Joy
jubae plural of Juba
judas noun The disciple who betrayed Christ. Hence: A treacherous person; one who betrays under the semblance of friendship., Treacherous; betraying.
judge verb i. A public officer who is invested with authority to hear and determine litigated causes, and to administer justice between parties in courts held for that purpose., One who has skill, knowledge, or experience, sufficient to decide on the merits of a question, or on the quality or value of anything; one who discerns properties or relations with skill and readiness; a connoisseur; an expert; a critic., A person appointed to decide in a/trial of skill, speed, etc., between two or more parties; an umpire; as, a judge in a horse race., One of supreme magistrates, with both civil and military powers, who governed Israel for more than four hundred years., The title of the seventh book of the Old Testament; the Book of Judges., To hear and determine, as in causes on trial; to decide as a judge; to give judgment; to pass sentence., To assume the right to pass judgment on another; to sit in judgment or commendation; to criticise or pass adverse judgment upon others. See Judge, v. t., 3., To compare facts or ideas, and perceive their relations and attributes, and thus distinguish truth from falsehood; to determine; to discern; to distinguish; to form an opinion about., To hear and determine by authority, as a case before a court, or a controversy between two parties., To examine and pass sentence on; to try; to doom., To arrogate judicial authority over; to sit in judgment upon; to be censorious toward., To determine upon or deliberation; to esteem; to think; to reckon., To exercise the functions of a magistrate over; to govern.
jugal adjective Relating to a yoke, or to marriage., Pertaining to, or in the region of, the malar, or cheek bone.
juger noun A Roman measure of land, measuring 28,800 square feet, or 240 feet in length by 120 in breadth.
juggs noun pl. See Jougs.
jugum noun One of the ridges commonly found on the fruit of umbelliferous plants., A pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate plant.
juice noun The characteristic fluid of any vegetable or animal substance; the sap or part which can be expressed from fruit, etc.; the fluid part which separates from meat in cooking., To moisten; to wet.
juicy superl. A bounding with juice; succulent.
juise noun Judgment; justice; sentence.
julep noun A refreshing drink flavored with aromatic herbs, a sweet, demulcent, acidulous, or mucilaginous mixture, used as a vehicle., A beverage composed of brandy, whisky, or some other spirituous liquor, with sugar, pounded ice, and sprigs of mint; — called also mint julep.
julus noun A catkin or ament. See Ament.
junco noun Any bird of the genus Junco, which includes several species of North American finches; — called also snowbird, or blue snowbird.
junos plural of June
junta noun A council; a convention; a tribunal; an assembly; esp., the grand council of state in Spain.
junto noun A secret council to deliberate on affairs of government or politics; a number of men combined for party intrigue; a faction; a cabal; as, a junto of ministers; a junto of politicians.
jupon noun Alt. of Juppon
jural adjective Pertaining to natural or positive right., Of or pertaining to jurisprudence.
jurat noun A person under oath; specifically, an officer of the nature of an alderman, in certain municipal corporations in England., The memorandum or certificate at the end of an asffidavit, or a bill or answer in chancery, showing when, before whom, and (in English practice), where, it was sworn or affirmed.
jurel noun A yellow carangoid fish of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts (Caranx chrysos), most abundant southward, where it is valued as a food fish; — called also hardtail, horse crevalle, jack, buffalo jack, skipjack, yellow mackerel, and sometimes, improperly, horse mackerel. Other species of Caranx (as C. fallax) are also sometimes called jurel.
juror noun A member of a jury; a juryman., A member of any jury for awarding prizes, etc.
jussi noun A delicate fiber, produced in the Philippine Islands from an unidentified plant, of which dresses, etc., are made.
jutes noun pl. Jutlanders; one of the Low German tribes, a portion of which settled in Kent, England, in the 5th century.
jutty noun A projection in a building; also, a pier or mole; a jetty., To project beyond.
juvia noun A Brazilian name for the lofty myrtaceous tree (Bertholetia excelsa) which produces the large seeds known as Brazil nuts.