5 letter word starting with lap

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
lapel noun That part of a garment which is turned back; specifically, the lap, or fold, of the front of a coat in continuation of collar.
lapis noun A stone.
lapps noun pl. A branch of the Mongolian race, now living in the northern parts of Norway, Sweden, and the adjacent parts of Russia.
lapse noun A gliding, slipping, or gradual falling; an unobserved or imperceptible progress or passing away,; — restricted usually to immaterial things, or to figurative uses., A slip; an error; a fault; a failing in duty; a slight deviation from truth or rectitude., The termination of a right or privilege through neglect to exercise it within the limited time, or through failure of some contingency; hence, the devolution of a right or privilege., A fall or apostasy., To pass slowly and smoothly downward, backward, or away; to slip downward, backward, or away; to glide; — mostly restricted to figurative uses., To slide or slip in moral conduct; to fail in duty; to fall from virtue; to deviate from rectitude; to commit a fault by inadvertence or mistake., To fall or pass from one proprietor to another, or from the original destination, by the omission, negligence, or failure of some one, as a patron, a legatee, etc., To become ineffectual or void; to fall., To let slip; to permit to devolve on another; to allow to pass., To surprise in a fault or error; hence, to surprise or catch, as an offender.