5 letter word starting with lo

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
loach noun Any one of several small, fresh-water, cyprinoid fishes of the genera Cobitis, Nemachilus, and allied genera, having six or more barbules around the mouth. They are found in Europe and Asia. The common European species (N. barbatulus) is used as a food fish.
loamy adjective Consisting of loam; partaking of the nature of loam; resembling loam.
loath adjective Hateful; odious; disliked., Filled with disgust or aversion; averse; unwilling; reluctant; as, loath to part.
lobar adjective Of or pertaining to a lobe; characterized by, or like, a lobe or lobes.
lobby noun A passage or hall of communication, especially when large enough to serve also as a waiting room. It differs from an antechamber in that a lobby communicates between several rooms, an antechamber to one only; but this distinction is not carefully preserved., That part of a hall of legislation not appropriated to the official use of the assembly; hence, the persons, collectively, who frequent such a place to transact business with the legislators; any persons, not members of a legislative body, who strive to influence its proceedings by personal agency., An apartment or passageway in the fore part of an old-fashioned cabin under the quarter-deck., A confined place for cattle, formed by hedges. trees, or other fencing, near the farmyard., To address or solicit members of a legislative body in the lobby or elsewhere, with the purpose to influence their votes., To urge the adoption or passage of by soliciting members of a legislative body; as, to lobby a bill.
lobed adjective Having lobes; lobate.
local adjective Of or pertaining to a particular place, or to a definite region or portion of space; restricted to one place or region; as, a local custom., A train which receives and deposits passengers or freight along the line of the road; a train for the accommodation of a certain district., On newspaper cant, an item of news relating to the place where the paper is published.
loche noun See Loach.
locky adjective Having locks or tufts.
locus noun A place; a locality., The line traced by a point which varies its position according to some determinate law; the surface described by a point or line that moves according to a given law.
lodde noun The capelin.
lodge noun A shelter in which one may rest; as: (a) A shed; a rude cabin; a hut; as, an Indian’s lodge., A small dwelling house, as for a gamekeeper or gatekeeper of an estate., A den or cave., The meeting room of an association; hence, the regularly constituted body of members which meets there; as, a masonic lodge., The chamber of an abbot, prior, or head of a college., The space at the mouth of a level next the shaft, widened to permit wagons to pass, or ore to be deposited for hoisting; — called also platt., A collection of objects lodged together., A family of North American Indians, or the persons who usually occupy an Indian lodge, — as a unit of enumeration, reckoned from four to six persons; as, the tribe consists of about two hundred lodges, that is, of about a thousand individuals., To rest or remain a lodge house, or other shelter; to rest; to stay; to abide; esp., to sleep at night; as, to lodge in York Street., To fall or lie down, as grass or grain, when overgrown or beaten down by the wind., To come to a rest; to stop and remain; as, the bullet lodged in the bark of a tree., To give shelter or rest to; especially, to furnish a sleeping place for; to harbor; to shelter; hence, to receive; to hold., To drive to shelter; to track to covert., To deposit for keeping or preservation; as, the men lodged their arms in the arsenal., To cause to stop or rest in; to implant., To lay down; to prostrate.
loess noun A quaternary deposit, usually consisting of a fine yellowish earth, on the banks of the Rhine and other large rivers.
loffe verb i. To laugh.
lofty superl. Lifted high up; having great height; towering; high., Fig.: Elevated in character, rank, dignity, spirit, bearing, language, etc.; exalted; noble; stately; characterized by pride; haughty.
logan noun A rocking or balanced stone.
logge noun & verb See Lodge.
logic noun The science or art of exact reasoning, or of pure and formal thought, or of the laws according to which the processes of pure thinking should be conducted; the science of the formation and application of general notions; the science of generalization, judgment, classification, reasoning, and systematic arrangement; correct reasoning., A treatise on logic; as, Mill’s Logic.
logos noun A word; reason; speech., The divine Word; Christ.
locao noun A green vegetable dye imported from China.
longe noun A thrust. See Lunge., The training ground for a horse., Same as 4th Lunge.
looed imp. & past participle of Loo
looby noun An awkward, clumsy fellow; a lubber.
looch noun See 2d Loch.
loony adjective See Luny.
loord noun A dull, stupid fellow; a drone.
loose superl. Unbound; untied; unsewed; not attached, fastened, fixed, or confined; as, the loose sheets of a book., Free from constraint or obligation; not bound by duty, habit, etc. ; — with from or of., Not tight or close; as, a loose garment., Not dense, close, compact, or crowded; as, a cloth of loose texture., Not precise or exact; vague; indeterminate; as, a loose style, or way of reasoning., Not strict in matters of morality; not rigid according to some standard of right., Unconnected; rambling., Lax; not costive; having lax bowels., Dissolute; unchaste; as, a loose man or woman., Containing or consisting of obscene or unchaste language; as, a loose epistle., Freedom from restraint., A letting go; discharge., To untie or unbind; to free from any fastening; to remove the shackles or fastenings of; to set free; to relieve., To release from anything obligatory or burdensome; to disengage; hence, to absolve; to remit., To relax; to loosen; to make less strict., To solve; to interpret., To set sail.
loped imp. & past participle of Lope
loper noun One who, or that which, lopes; esp., a horse that lopes., A swivel at one end of a ropewalk, used in laying the strands.
loppy adjective Somewhat lop; inclined to lop.
loral noun Of or pertaining to the lores., Of or pertaining to the lore; — said of certain feathers of birds, scales of reptiles, etc.
lorel noun A good for nothing fellow; a vagabond.
loren obs. strong past participle of Lose.
loris noun Any one of several species of small lemurs of the genus Stenops. They have long, slender limbs and large eyes, and are arboreal in their habits. The slender loris (S. gracilis), of Ceylon, in one of the best known species.
lorry noun A small cart or wagon, as those used on the tramways in mines to carry coal or rubbish; also, a barrow or truck for shifting baggage, as at railway stations.
losel noun One who loses by sloth or neglect; a worthless person; a lorel., Wasteful; slothful.
loser noun One who loses.
lotos noun See Lotus.
lotto noun A game of chance, played with cards, on which are inscribed numbers, and any contrivance (as a wheel containing numbered balls) for determining a set of numbers by chance. The player holding a card having on it the set of numbers drawn from the wheel takes the stakes after a certain percentage of them has been deducted for the dealer. A variety of lotto is called keno.
lotus noun A name of several kinds of water lilies; as Nelumbium speciosum, used in religious ceremonies, anciently in Egypt, and to this day in Asia; Nelumbium luteum, the American lotus; and Nymphaea Lotus and N. caerulea, the respectively white-flowered and blue-flowered lotus of modern Egypt, which, with Nelumbium speciosum, are figured on its ancient monuments., The lotus of the lotuseaters, probably a tree found in Northern Africa, Sicily, Portugal, and Spain (Zizyphus Lotus), the fruit of which is mildly sweet. It was fabled by the ancients to make strangers who ate of it forget their native country, or lose all desire to return to it., The lote, or nettle tree. See Lote., A genus (Lotus) of leguminous plants much resembling clover., An ornament much used in Egyptian architecture, generally asserted to have been suggested by the Egyptian water lily.
lough noun A loch or lake; — so spelt in Ireland., of Laugh.
loups noun pl. The Pawnees, a tribe of North American Indians whose principal totem was the wolf.
louri noun See Lory.
louse noun Any one of numerous species of small, wingless, suctorial, parasitic insects belonging to a tribe (Pediculina), now usually regarded as degraded Hemiptera. To this group belong of the lice of man and other mammals; as, the head louse of man (Pediculus capitis), the body louse (P. vestimenti), and the crab louse (Phthirius pubis), and many others. See Crab louse, Dog louse, Cattle louse, etc., under Crab, Dog, etc., Any one of numerous small mandibulate insects, mostly parasitic on birds, and feeding on the feathers. They are known as Mallophaga, or bird lice, though some occur on the hair of mammals. They are usually regarded as degraded Pseudoneuroptera. See Mallophaga., Any one of the numerous species of aphids, or plant lice. See Aphid., Any small crustacean parasitic on fishes. See Branchiura, and Ichthvophthira., To clean from lice.
lousy adjective Infested with lice., Mean; contemptible; as, lousy knave.
loved imp. & past participle of Love
lovee noun One who is loved.
lover noun One who loves; one who is in love; — usually limited, in the singular, to a person of the male sex., A friend; one strongly attached to another; one who greatly desires the welfare of any person or thing; as, a lover of his country., One who has a strong liking for anything, as books, science, or music., Alt. of Lovery
lowed imp. & past participle of Low
lower adjective Compar. of Low, a., To let descend by its own weight, as something suspended; to let down; as, to lower a bucket into a well; to lower a sail or a boat; sometimes, to pull down; as, to lower a flag., To reduce the height of; as, to lower a fence or wall; to lower a chimney or turret., To depress as to direction; as, to lower the aim of a gun; to make less elevated as to object; as, to lower one’s ambition, aspirations, or hopes., To reduce the degree, intensity, strength, etc., of; as, to lower the temperature of anything; to lower one’s vitality; to lower distilled liquors., To bring down; to humble; as, to lower one’s pride., To reduce in value, amount, etc. ; as, to lower the price of goods, the rate of interest, etc., To fall; to sink; to grow less; to diminish; to decrease; as, the river lowered as rapidly as it rose., To be dark, gloomy, and threatening, as clouds; to be covered with dark and threatening clouds, as the sky; to show threatening signs of approach, as a tempest., To frown; to look sullen., Cloudiness; gloominess., A frowning; sullenness.
lowgh Alt. of Lowh
lowly adjective Not high; not elevated in place; low., Low in rank or social importance., Not lofty or sublime; humble., Having a low esteem of one’s own worth; humble; meek; free from pride., In a low manner; humbly; meekly; modestly., In a low condition; meanly.
lowry noun An open box car used on railroads. Compare Lorry.
loyal adjective Faithful to law; upholding the lawful authority; faithful and true to the lawful government; faithful to the prince or sovereign to whom one is subject; unswerving in allegiance., True to any person or persons to whom one owes fidelity, especially as a wife to her husband, lovers to each other, and friend to friend; constant; faithful to a cause or a principle.