5 letter word starting with ly

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
lying present participle & vb. noun of Lie, of Lie, of Lie, to tell a falsehood., of Lie, to be supported horizontally.
lycea plural of Lyceum
lyche adjective Like.
lyden noun See Leden.
lyken verb t. To please; — chiefly used impersonally.
lymph noun A spring of water; hence, water, or a pure, transparent liquid like water., An alkaline colorless fluid, contained in the lymphatic vessels, coagulable like blood, but free from red blood corpuscles. It is absorbed from the various tissues and organs of the body, and is finally discharged by the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts into the great veins near the heart., A fibrinous material exuded from the blood vessels in inflammation. In the process of healing it is either absorbed, or is converted into connective tissue binding the inflamed surfaces together.
lynch verb t. To inflict punishment upon, especially death, without the forms of law, as when a mob captures and hangs a suspected person. See Lynch law.
lynde noun Alt. of Lynden
lyric adjective Alt. of Lyrical, A lyric poem; a lyrical composition., A composer of lyric poems., A verse of the kind usually employed in lyric poetry; — used chiefly in the plural., The words of a song.
lyrid noun One of the group of shooting stars which come into the air in certain years on or about the 19th of April; — so called because the apparent path among the stars the stars if produced back wards crosses the constellation Lyra.
lyrie noun A European fish (Peristethus cataphractum), having the body covered with bony plates, and having three spines projecting in front of the nose; — called also noble, pluck, pogge, sea poacher, and armed bullhead.
lysis noun The resolution or favorable termination of a disease, coming on gradually and not marked by abrupt change.
lyssa noun Hydrophobia.
lythe noun The European pollack; — called also laith, and leet., Soft; flexible.
lytta noun A fibrous and muscular band lying within the longitudinal axis of the tongue in many mammals, as the dog.