5 letter word starting with mu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
mucic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, gums and micilaginous substances; specif., denoting an acid obtained by the oxidation of gums, dulcite, etc., as a white crystalline substance isomeric with saccharic acid.
mucid adjective Musty; moldy; slimy; mucous.
mucin noun See Mucedin., An albuminoid substance which is contained in mucus, and gives to the latter secretion its peculiar ropy character. It is found in all the secretions from mucous glands, and also between the fibers of connective tissue, as in tendons. See Illust. of Demilune.
mucky adjective Filthy with muck; miry; as, a mucky road., Vile, in a moral sense; sordid.
mucor noun A genus of minute fungi. The plants consist of slender threads with terminal globular sporangia; mold.
mucro noun A minute abrupt point, as of a leaf; any small, sharp point or process, terminating a larger part or organ.
mucus noun A viscid fluid secreted by mucous membranes, which it serves to moisten and protect. It covers the lining membranes of all the cavities which open externally, such as those of the mouth, nose, lungs, intestinal canal, urinary passages, etc., Any other animal fluid of a viscid quality, as the synovial fluid, which lubricates the cavities of the joints; — improperly so used., A gelatinous or slimy substance found in certain algae and other plants.
mudar noun Either one of two asclepiadaceous shrubs (Calotropis gigantea, and C. procera), which furnish a strong and valuable fiber. The acrid milky juice is used medicinally.
muddy superl. Abounding in mud; besmeared or dashed with mud; as, a muddy road or path; muddy boots., Turbid with mud; as, muddy water., Consisting of mud or earth; gross; impure., Confused, as if turbid with mud; cloudy in mind; dull; stupid; also, immethodical; incoherent; vague., Not clear or bright., To soil with mud; to dirty; to render turbid., Fig.: To cloud; to make dull or heavy.
mudir noun Same as Moodir.
mufti noun An official expounder of Mohammedan law., Citizen’s dress when worn by a naval or military officer; — a term derived from the British service in India.
muggy superl. Moist; damp; moldy; as, muggy straw., Warm, damp, and close; as, muggy air, weather.
mugil noun A genus of fishes including the gray mullets. See Mullet.
mulch noun Half-rotten straw, or any like substance strewn on the ground, as over the roots of plants, to protect from heat, drought, etc., and to preserve moisture., To cover or dress with mulch.
mulct noun A fine or penalty, esp. a pecuniary punishment or penalty., A blemish or defect., To punish for an offense or misdemeanor by imposing a fine or forfeiture, esp. a pecuniary fine; to fine., Hence, to deprive of; to withhold by way of punishment or discipline.
muley noun A stiff, long saw, guided at the ends but not stretched in a gate., See Mulley.
mulla noun Same as Mollah.
mulse noun Wine boiled and mingled with honey.
mult- See Multi-., A prefix signifying much or many; several; more than one; as, multiaxial, multocular.
mummy noun A dead body embalmed and dried after the manner of the ancient Egyptians; also, a body preserved, by any means, in a dry state, from the process of putrefaction., Dried flesh of a mummy., A gummy liquor that exudes from embalmed flesh when heated; — formerly supposed to have magical and medicinal properties., A brown color obtained from bitumen. See Mummy brown (below)., A sort of wax used in grafting, etc., One whose affections and energies are withered., To embalm; to mummify.
mumps noun Sullenness; silent displeasure; the sulks., A specific infectious febrile disorder characterized by a nonsuppurative inflammation of the parotid glands; epidemic or infectious parotitis.
munch verb t. & i. To chew with a grinding, crunching sound, as a beast chews provender; to chew deliberately or in large mouthfuls.
munga noun See Bonnet monkey, under Bonnet.
mungo noun A fibrous material obtained by deviling rags or the remnants of woolen goods.
mural adjective Of or pertaining to a wall; being on, or in, a wall; growing on, or against, a wall; as, a mural quadrant., Resembling a wall; perpendicular or steep; as, a mural precipice.
mured imp. & past participle of Mure
murex noun A genus of marine gastropods, having rough, and frequently spinose, shells, which are often highly colored inside; the rock shells. They abound in tropical seas.
murky superl. Dark; obscure; gloomy.
murre noun Any one of several species of sea birds of the genus Uria, or Catarractes; a guillemot.
murry noun See Muraena.
murth noun Plenty; abundance.
murza noun One of the hereditary nobility among the Tatars, esp. one of the second class.
mures plural of Mus
musae plural of Musa
musal adjective Of or pertaining to the Muses, or to Poetry.
musar noun An itinerant player on the musette, an instrument formerly common in Europe.
musca noun A genus of dipterous insects, including the common house fly, and numerous allied species., A small constellation situated between the Southern Cross and the Pole.
musci noun pl. An order or subclass of cryptogamous plants; the mosses. See Moss, and Cryptogamia.
mused imp. & past participle of Muse
muser noun One who muses.
muset noun A small hole or gap through which a wild animal passes; a muse.
mushy adjective Soft like mush; figuratively, good-naturedly weak and effusive; weakly sentimental.
music noun The science and the art of tones, or musical sounds, i. e., sounds of higher or lower pitch, begotten of uniform and synchronous vibrations, as of a string at various degrees of tension; the science of harmonical tones which treats of the principles of harmony, or the properties, dependences, and relations of tones to each other; the art of combining tones in a manner to please the ear., Melody; a rhythmical and otherwise agreeable succession of tones., Harmony; an accordant combination of simultaneous tones., The written and printed notation of a musical composition; the score., Love of music; capacity of enjoying music., A more or less musical sound made by many of the lower animals. See Stridulation.
musit noun See Muset.
musky adjective Having an odor of musk, or somewhat the like.
mussy adjective Disarranged; rumpled.
musty noun Having the rank, pungent, offencive odor and taste which substances of organic origin acquire during warm, moist weather; foul or sour and fetid; moldy; as, musty corn; musty books., Spoiled by age; rank; stale., Dull; heavy; spiritless.
mutch noun The close linen or muslin cap of an old woman.
mutic adjective Alt. of Muticous
muzzy adjective Absent-minded; dazed; muddled; stupid.