5 letter word starting with o

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
oaken adjective Made or consisting of oaks or of the wood of oaks.
oaker noun See Ocher.
oakum noun The material obtained by untwisting and picking into loose fiber old hemp ropes; — used for calking the seams of ships, stopping leaks, etc., The coarse portion separated from flax or hemp in nackling.
oared imp. & past participle of Oar, Furnished with oars; — chiefly used in composition; as, a four-oared boat., Having feet adapted for swimming., Totipalmate; — said of the feet of certain birds. See Illust. of Aves.
oases plural of Oasis
oasis noun A fertile or green spot in a waste or desert, esp. in a sandy desert.
oaten adjective Consisting of an oat straw or stem; as, an oaten pipe., Made of oatmeal; as, oaten cakes.
oaths plural of Oath
obeah noun Same as Obi., Of or pertaining to obi; as, the obeah man.
obeli plural of Obelus
obese adjective Excessively corpulent; fat; fleshy.
obole noun A weight of twelve grains; or, according to some, of ten grains, or half a scruple.
obolo noun A copper coin, used in the Ionian Islands, about one cent in value.
oboli plural of Obolus
obrok noun A rent., A poll tax paid by peasants absent from their lord’s estate.
occur verb i. To meet; to clash., To go in order to meet; to make reply., To meet one’s eye; to be found or met with; to present itself; to offer; to appear; to happen; to take place; as, I will write if opportunity occurs., To meet or come to the mind; to suggest itself; to be presented to the imagination or memory.
ocean noun The whole body of salt water which covers more than three fifths of the surface of the globe; — called also the sea, or great sea., One of the large bodies of water into which the great ocean is regarded as divided, as the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Antarctic oceans., An immense expanse; any vast space or quantity without apparent limits; as, the boundless ocean of eternity; an ocean of affairs., Of or pertaining to the main or great sea; as, the ocean waves; an ocean stream.
ocher noun Alt. of Ochre
ochre noun A impure earthy ore of iron or a ferruginous clay, usually red (hematite) or yellow (limonite), — used as a pigment in making paints, etc. The name is also applied to clays of other colors., A metallic oxide occurring in earthy form; as, tungstic ocher or tungstite., See Ocher.
ochry adjective See Ochery.
ocrea noun See Ochrea.
octa- A prefix meaning eight. See Octo-., A combining form meaning eight; as in octodecimal, octodecimal, octolocular.
octad noun An atom or radical which has a valence of eight, or is octavalent.
octet noun A composition for eight parts, usually for eight solo instruments or voices.
octic adjective Of the eighth degree or order., A quantic of the eighth degree.
octo- Alt. of Octa-
octyl noun A hypothetical hydrocarbon radical regarded as an essential residue of octane, and as entering into its derivatives; as, octyl alcohol.
oculi plural of Oculus
oddly adverb In an odd manner; unevently., In a peculiar manner; strangely; queerly; curiously., In a manner measured by an odd number.
odeon noun A kind of theater in ancient Greece, smaller than the dramatic theater and roofed over, in which poets and musicians submitted their works to the approval of the public, and contended for prizes; — hence, in modern usage, the name of a hall for musical or dramatic performances.
odeum noun See Odeon.
odist noun A writer of an ode or odes.
odium noun Hatred; dislike; as, his conduct brought him into odium, or, brought odium upon him., The quality that provokes hatred; offensiveness.
odize verb t. To charge with od. See Od.
odmyl noun A volatile liquid obtained by boiling sulphur with linseed oil. It has an unpleasant garlic odor.
odyle noun See Od. [Archaic].
oelet noun An eye, bud, or shoot, as of a plant; an oilet.
offal noun The rejected or waste parts of a butchered animal., A dead body; carrion., That which is thrown away as worthless or unfit for use; refuse; rubbish.
offer verb t. To present, as an act of worship; to immolate; to sacrifice; to present in prayer or devotion; — often with up., To bring to or before; to hold out to; to present for acceptance or rejection; as, to offer a present, or a bribe; to offer one’s self in marriage., To present in words; to proffer; to make a proposal of; to suggest; as, to offer an opinion. With the infinitive as an objective: To make an offer; to declare one’s willingness; as, he offered to help me., To attempt; to undertake., To bid, as a price, reward, or wages; as, to offer a guinea for a ring; to offer a salary or reward., To put in opposition to; to manifest in an offensive way; to threaten; as, to offer violence, attack, etc., To present itself; to be at hand., To make an attempt; to make an essay or a trial; — used with at., The act of offering, bringing forward, proposing, or bidding; a proffer; a first advance., That which is offered or brought forward; a proposal to be accepted or rejected; a sum offered; a bid., Attempt; endeavor; essay; as, he made an offer to catch the ball.
often adverb Frequently; many times; not seldom., Frequent; common; repeated.
ofter adverb Compar. of Oft.
ogham noun A particular kind of writing practiced by the ancient Irish, and found in inscriptions on stones, metals, etc.
ogive noun The arch or rib which crosses a Gothic vault diagonally.
ogled imp. & past participle of Ogle
ogler noun One who ogles.
oglio noun See Olio.
oiled imp. & past participle of Oil, Covered or treated with oil; dressed with, or soaked in, oil.
oiler noun One who deals in oils., One who, or that which, oils.
olden adjective Old; ancient; as, the olden time., To grow old; to age.
oleic adjective Pertaining to, derived from, or contained in, oil; as, oleic acid, an acid of the acrylic acid series found combined with glyceryl in the form of olein in certain animal and vegetable fats and oils, such as sperm oil, olive oil, etc. At low temperatures the acid is crystalline, but melts to an oily liquid above 14/ C.
olein noun A fat, liquid at ordinary temperatures, but solidifying at temperatures below 0¡ C., found abundantly in both the animal and vegetable kingdoms (see Palmitin). It dissolves solid fats, especially at 30-40¡ C. Chemically, olein is a glyceride of oleic acid; and, as three molecules of the acid are united to one molecule of glyceryl to form the fat, it is technically known as triolein. It is also called elain.
olent adjective Scented.
oliva noun A genus of polished marine gastropod shells, chiefly tropical, and often beautifully colored.
olive noun A tree (Olea Europaea) with small oblong or elliptical leaves, axillary clusters of flowers, and oval, one-seeded drupes. The tree has been cultivated for its fruit for thousands of years, and its branches are the emblems of peace. The wood is yellowish brown and beautifully variegated., The fruit of the olive. It has been much improved by cultivation, and is used for making pickles. Olive oil is pressed from its flesh., Any shell of the genus Oliva and allied genera; — so called from the form. See Oliva., The oyster catcher., The color of the olive, a peculiar dark brownish, yellowish, or tawny green., One of the tertiary colors, composed of violet and green mixed in equal strength and proportion., An olivary body. See under Olivary., A small slice of meat seasoned, rolled up, and cooked; as, olives of beef or veal., Approaching the color of the olive; of a peculiar dark brownish, yellowish, or tawny green.
ology noun A colloquial or humorous name for any science or branch of knowledge.
omber noun Alt. of Ombre
ombre noun A game at cards, borrowed from the Spaniards, and usually played by three persons., A large Mediterranean food fish (Umbrina cirrhosa): — called also umbra, and umbrine.
omega noun The last letter of the Greek alphabet. See Alpha., The last; the end; hence, death.
omni- A combining form denoting all, every, everywhere; as in omnipotent, all-powerful; omnipresent.
onely adjective See Only.
onion noun A liliaceous plant of the genus Allium (A. cepa), having a strong-flavored bulb and long hollow leaves; also, its bulbous root, much used as an article of food. The name is often extended to other species of the genus.
onset noun A rushing or setting upon; an attack; an assault; a storming; especially, the assault of an army., A setting about; a beginning., Anything set on, or added, as an ornament or as a useful appendage., To assault; to set upon., To set about; to begin.
oones adverb Once.
oopak noun A kind of black tea.
oozed imp. & past participle of Ooze
oozoa noun pl. Same as Acrita.
opake adjective See Opaque.
opera noun A drama, either tragic or comic, of which music forms an essential part; a drama wholly or mostly sung, consisting of recitative, arials, choruses, duets, trios, etc., with orchestral accompaniment, preludes, and interludes, together with appropriate costumes, scenery, and action; a lyric drama., The score of a musical drama, either written or in print; a play set to music., The house where operas are exhibited., of Opus
opine verb t. & i. To have an opinion; to judge; to think; to suppose.
opium noun The inspissated juice of the Papaver somniferum, or white poppy.
optic adjective The organ of sight; an eye., An eyeglass., Alt. of Optical
orach noun Alt. of Orache
orang noun See Orang-outang.
orbed imp. & past participle of Orb, Having the form of an orb; round.
orbic adjective Alt. of Orbical
orbit noun The path described by a heavenly body in its periodical revolution around another body; as, the orbit of Jupiter, of the earth, of the moon., An orb or ball., The cavity or socket of the skull in which the eye and its appendages are situated., The skin which surrounds the eye of a bird.
orcin noun A colorless crystalline substance, C6H3.CH3.(OH)2, which is obtained from certain lichens (Roccella, Lecanora, etc.), also from extract of aloes, and artificially from certain derivatives of toluene. It changes readily into orcein.
ordal noun Ordeal.
order noun Regular arrangement; any methodical or established succession or harmonious relation; method; system, Of material things, like the books in a library., Of intellectual notions or ideas, like the topics of a discource., Of periods of time or occurrences, and the like., Right arrangement; a normal, correct, or fit condition; as, the house is in order; the machinery is out of order., The customary mode of procedure; established system, as in the conduct of debates or the transaction of business; usage; custom; fashion., Conformity with law or decorum; freedom from disturbance; general tranquillity; public quiet; as, to preserve order in a community or an assembly., That which prescribes a method of procedure; a rule or regulation made by competent authority; as, the rules and orders of the senate., A command; a mandate; a precept; a direction., Hence: A commission to purchase, sell, or supply goods; a direction, in writing, to pay money, to furnish supplies, to admit to a building, a place of entertainment, or the like; as, orders for blankets are large., A number of things or persons arranged in a fixed or suitable place, or relative position; a rank; a row; a grade; especially, a rank or class in society; a group or division of men in the same social or other position; also, a distinct character, kind, or sort; as, the higher or lower orders of society; talent of a high order., A body of persons having some common honorary distinction or rule of obligation; esp., a body of religious persons or aggregate of convents living under a common rule; as, the Order of the Bath; the Franciscan order., An ecclesiastical grade or rank, as of deacon, priest, or bishop; the office of the Christian ministry; — often used in the plural; as, to take orders, or to take holy orders, that is, to enter some grade of the ministry., The disposition of a column and its component parts, and of the entablature resting upon it, in classical architecture; hence (as the column and entablature are the characteristic features of classical architecture) a style or manner of architectural designing., An assemblage of genera having certain important characters in common; as, the Carnivora and Insectivora are orders of Mammalia., The placing of words and members in a sentence in such a manner as to contribute to force and beauty or clearness of expression., Rank; degree; thus, the order of a curve or surface is the same as the degree of its equation., To put in order; to reduce to a methodical arrangement; to arrange in a series, or with reference to an end. Hence, to regulate; to dispose; to direct; to rule., To give an order to; to command; as, to order troops to advance., To give an order for; to secure by an order; as, to order a carriage; to order groceries., To admit to holy orders; to ordain; to receive into the ranks of the ministry., To give orders; to issue commands.
oread noun One of the nymphs of mountains and grottoes.
orgal noun See Argol.
organ noun An instrument or medium by which some important action is performed, or an important end accomplished; as, legislatures, courts, armies, taxgatherers, etc., are organs of government., A natural part or structure in an animal or a plant, capable of performing some special action (termed its function), which is essential to the life or well-being of the whole; as, the heart, lungs, etc., are organs of animals; the root, stem, foliage, etc., are organs of plants., A component part performing an essential office in the working of any complex machine; as, the cylinder, valves, crank, etc., are organs of the steam engine., A medium of communication between one person or body and another; as, the secretary of state is the organ of communication between the government and a foreign power; a newspaper is the organ of its editor, or of a party, sect, etc., A wind instrument containing numerous pipes of various dimensions and kinds, which are filled with wind from a bellows, and played upon by means of keys similar to those of a piano, and sometimes by foot keys or pedals; — formerly used in the plural, each pipe being considired an organ., To supply with an organ or organs; to fit with organs; to organize.
orgue noun Any one of a number of long, thick pieces of timber, pointed and shod with iron, and suspended, each by a separate rope, over a gateway, to be let down in case of attack., A piece of ordnance, consisting of a number of musket barrels arranged so that a match or train may connect with all their touchholes, and a discharge be secured almost or quite simultaneously.
oriel noun A gallery for minstrels., A small apartment next a hall, where certain persons were accustomed to dine; a sort of recess., A bay window. See Bay window.
oriol noun See Oriel.
orion noun A large and bright constellation on the equator, between the stars Aldebaran and Sirius. It contains a remarkable nebula visible to the naked eye.
orlop noun The lowest deck of a vessel, esp. of a ship of war, consisting of a platform laid over the beams in the hold, on which the cables are coiled.
ormer noun An abalone.
orpin noun A yellow pigment of various degrees of intensity, approaching also to red., The orpine.
orris noun A plant of the genus Iris (I. Florentina); a kind of flower-de-luce. Its rootstock has an odor resembling that of violets., A sort of gold or silver lace., A peculiar pattern in which gold lace or silver lace is worked; especially, one in which the edges are ornamented with conical figures placed at equal distances, with spots between them.
orval noun A kind of sage (Salvia Horminum).
orvet noun The blindworm.
oryal noun Alt. of Oryall
oryza noun A genus of grasses including the rice plant; rice.
oscan adjective Of or pertaining to the Osci, a primitive people of Campania, a province of ancient Italy., The language of the Osci.
osier noun A kind of willow (Salix viminalis) growing in wet places in Europe and Asia, and introduced into North America. It is considered the best of the willows for basket work. The name is sometimes given to any kind of willow., One of the long, pliable twigs of this plant, or of other similar plants., Made of osiers; composed of, or containing, osiers.
osmic adjective Pertaining to, derived from, or containing, osmium; specifically, designating those compounds in which it has a valence higher than in other lower compounds; as, osmic oxide.
ostic adjective Pertaining to, or applied to, the language of the Tuscaroras, Iroquois, Wyandots, Winnebagoes, and a part of the Sioux Indians.
ostia plural of Ostium
otary noun Any eared seal.
other conj. Either; — used with other or or for its correlative (as either . . . or are now used)., Different from that which, or the one who, has been specified; not the same; not identical; additional; second of two., Not this, but the contrary; opposite; as, the other side of a river., Alternate; second; — used esp. in connection with every; as, every other day, that is, each alternate day, every second day., Left, as opposed to right., Otherwise.
ottar noun See Attar.
otter noun Any carnivorous animal of the genus Lutra, and related genera. Several species are described. They have large, flattish heads, short ears, and webbed toes. They are aquatic, and feed on fish. Their fur is soft and valuable. The common otter of Europe is Lutra vulgaris; the American otter is L. Canadensis; other species inhabit South America and Asia., The larva of the ghost moth. It is very injurious to hop vines., A corruption of Annotto.
ought noun & adverb See Aught., Was or were under obligation to pay; owed., Owned; possessed., To be bound in duty or by moral obligation., To be necessary, fit, becoming, or expedient; to behoove; — in this sense formerly sometimes used impersonally or without a subject expressed., of Owe
ounce noun A weight, the sixteenth part of a pound avoirdupois, and containing 437/ grains., The twelfth part of a troy pound., Fig.: A small portion; a bit., A feline quadruped (Felis irbis, / uncia) resembling the leopard in size, and somewhat in color, but it has longer and thicker fur, which forms a short mane on the back. The ounce is pale yellowish gray, with irregular dark spots on the neck and limbs, and dark rings on the body. It inhabits the lofty mountain ranges of Asia. Called also once.
oundy adjective Wavy; waving/ curly.
ouphe noun A fairy; a goblin; an elf.
ousel noun One of several species of European thrushes, especially the blackbird (Merula merula, or Turdus merula), and the mountain or ring ousel (Turdus torquatus).
outdo verb t. To go beyond in performance; to excel; to surpass.
outer adjective Being on the outside; external; farthest or farther from the interior, from a given station, or from any space or position regarded as a center or starting place; — opposed to inner; as, the outer wall; the outer court or gate; the outer stump in cricket; the outer world., The part of a target which is beyond the circles surrounding the bull’s-eye., A shot which strikes the outer of a target., One who puts out, ousts, or expels; also, an ouster; dispossession.
outgo verb t. To go beyond; to exceed in swiftness; to surpass; to outdo., To circumvent; to overreach., That which goes out, or is paid out; outlay; expenditure; — the opposite of income.
outre adjective Being out of the common course or limits; extravagant; bizarre.
ouzel noun Same as Ousel.
ovant adjective Exultant.
ovary noun That part of the pistil which contains the seed, and in most flowering plants develops into the fruit. See Illust. of Flower., The essential female reproductive organ in which the ova are produced. See Illust. of Discophora.
ovate adjective Shaped like an egg, with the lower extremity broadest., Having the shape of an egg, or of the longitudinal sectior of an egg, with the broader end basal.
overt adjective Open to view; public; apparent; manifest., Not covert; open; public; manifest; as, an overt act of treason.
ovile adjective See Ovine.
ovine adjective Of or pertaining to sheep; consisting of sheep.
ovist noun Same as Ovulist.
ovoid adjective Alt. of Ovoidal, A solid resembling an egg in shape.
ovolo noun A round, convex molding. See Illust. of Column.
ovule noun The rudiment of a seed. It grows from a placenta, and consists of a soft nucleus within two delicate coatings. The attached base of the ovule is the hilum, the coatings are united with the nucleus at the chalaza, and their minute orifice is the foramen., An ovum.
ovula plural of Ovulum
ovums plural of Ovum
owing present participle & vb. noun of Owe, Had or held under obligation of paying; due., Had or experienced as a consequence, result, issue, etc.; ascribable; — with to; as, misfortunes are often owing to vices; his failure was owing to speculations.
owher adverb Anywhere.
owled imp. & past participle of Owl
owler verb i. One who owls; esp., one who conveys contraband goods. See Owling, n.
owlet noun A small owl; especially, the European species (Athene noctua), and the California flammulated owlet (Megascops flammeolus).
owned imp. & past participle of Own
owner noun One who owns; a rightful proprietor; one who has the legal or rightful title, whether he is the possessor or not.
owser noun Tanner’s ooze. See Ooze, 3.
oxbow noun A frame of wood, bent into the shape of the letter U, and embracing an ox’s neck as a kind of collar, the upper ends passing through the bar of the yoke; also, anything so shaped, as a bend in a river.
oxeye noun The oxeye daisy. See under Daisy., The corn camomile (Anthemis arvensis)., A genus of composite plants (Buphthalmum) with large yellow flowers., A titmouse, especially the great titmouse (Parus major) and the blue titmouse (P. coeruleus)., The dunlin., A fish; the bogue, or box.
oxfly noun The gadfly of cattle.
oxide noun A binary compound of oxygen with an atom or radical, or a compound which is regarded as binary; as, iron oxide, ethyl oxide, nitrogen oxide, etc.
oxime noun One of a series of isonitroso derivatives obtained by the action of hydroxylamine on aldehydes or ketones.
oxlip noun The great cowslip (Primula veris, var. elatior).
oxter noun The armpit; also, the arm.
oylet noun See Eyelet., Same as Oillet.
ozena noun A discharge of fetid matter from the nostril, particularly if associated with ulceration of the soft parts and disease of the bones of the nose.
ozone noun A colorless gaseous substance (O/) obtained (as by the silent discharge of electricity in oxygen) as an allotropic form of oxygen, containing three atoms in the molecule. It is a streng oxidizer, and probably exists in the air, though by he ordinary tests it is liable to be confused with certain other substances, as hydrogen dioxide, or certain oxides of nitrogen. It derives its name from its peculiar odor, which resembles that of weak chlorine.