5 letter word starting with pa

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
pacha The chief admiral of the Turkish fleet., See Pasha.
paage noun A toll for passage over another person’s grounds.
paard noun The zebra.
paced imp. & past participle of Pace, Having, or trained in, [such] a pace or gait; trained; — used in composition; as, slow-paced; a thorough-paced villain.
pacer noun One who, or that which, paces; especially, a horse that paces.
pacos noun Same as Alpaca., An earthy-looking ore, consisting of brown oxide of iron with minute particles of native silver.
padar noun Groats; coarse flour or meal.
paddy adjective Low; mean; boorish; vagabond., A jocose or contemptuous name for an Irishman., Unhusked rice; — commonly so called in the East Indies.
padge noun The barn owl; — called also pudge, and pudge owl.
padow noun A paddock, or toad.
paean noun An ancient Greek hymn in honor of Apollo as a healing deity, and, later, a song addressed to other deities., Any loud and joyous song; a song of triumph., See Paeon.
paeon noun A foot of four syllables, one long and three short, admitting of four combinations, according to the place of the long syllable.
pagan noun One who worships false gods; an idolater; a heathen; one who is neither a Christian, a Mohammedan, nor a Jew., Of or pertaining to pagans; relating to the worship or the worshipers of false goods; heathen; idolatrous, as, pagan tribes or superstitions.
paged imp. & past participle of Page
pagod noun A pagoda. [R.] “Or some queer pagod.”, An idol.
paien noun & adjective Pagan.
pains noun Labor; toilsome effort; care or trouble taken; — plural in form, but used with a singular or plural verb, commonly the former.
paint verb t. To cover with coloring matter; to apply paint to; as, to paint a house, a signboard, etc., Fig.: To color, stain, or tinge; to adorn or beautify with colors; to diversify with colors., To form in colors a figure or likeness of on a flat surface, as upon canvas; to represent by means of colors or hues; to exhibit in a tinted image; to portray with paints; as, to paint a portrait or a landscape., Fig.: To represent or exhibit to the mind; to describe vividly; to delineate; to image; to depict., To practice the art of painting; as, the artist paints well., To color one’s face by way of beautifying it., A pigment or coloring substance., The same prepared with a vehicle, as oil, water with gum, or the like, for application to a surface., A cosmetic; rouge.
paise noun See Poise.
paled imp. & past participle of Pale, Striped., Inclosed with a paling.
palea noun The interior chaff or husk of grasses., One of the chaffy scales or bractlets growing on the receptacle of many compound flowers, as the Coreopsis, the sunflower, etc., A pendulous process of the skin on the throat of a bird, as in the turkey; a dewlap.
palet noun Same as Palea., A perpendicular band upon an escutcheon, one half the breadth of the pale.
palla noun An oblong rectangular piece of cloth, worn by Roman ladies, and fastened with brooches.
palmy adjective Bearing palms; abounding in palms; derived from palms; as, a palmy shore., Worthy of the palm; flourishing; prosperous.
palpi noun pl. of Palpus. (Zool.) See Palpus., of Palpus
palsy noun Paralysis, complete or partial. See Paralysis., To affect with palsy, or as with palsy; to deprive of action or energy; to paralyze.
palus noun One of several upright slender calcareous processes which surround the central part of the calicle of certain corals.
pance noun The pansy.
panch noun See Paunch.
pancy noun See Pansy.
panda noun A small Asiatic mammal (Ailurus fulgens) having fine soft fur. It is related to the bears, and inhabits the mountains of Northern India.
paned adjective Having panes; provided with panes; also, having openings; as, a paned window; paned window sash., Having flat sides or surfaces; as, a six/paned nut.
panel noun A sunken compartment with raised margins, molded or otherwise, as in ceilings, wainscotings, etc., A piece of parchment or a schedule, containing the names of persons summoned as jurors by the sheriff; hence, more generally, the whole jury., A prisoner arraigned for trial at the bar of a criminal court., Formerly, a piece of cloth serving as a saddle; hence, a soft pad beneath a saddletree to prevent chafing., A board having its edges inserted in the groove of a surrounding frame; as, the panel of a door., One of the faces of a hewn stone., A slab or plank of wood upon which, instead of canvas, a picture is painted., A heap of dressed ore., One of the districts divided by pillars of extra size, into which a mine is laid off in one system of extracting coal., A plain strip or band, as of velvet or plush, placed at intervals lengthwise on the skirt of a dress, for ornament., A portion of a framed structure between adjacent posts or struts, as in a bridge truss., To form in or with panels; as, to panel a wainscot.
panic noun A plant of the genus Panicum; panic grass; also, the edible grain of some species of panic grass., Extreme or sudden and causeless; unreasonable; — said of fear or fright; as, panic fear, terror, alarm., A sudden, overpowering fright; esp., a sudden and groundless fright; terror inspired by a trifling cause or a misapprehension of danger; as, the troops were seized with a panic; they fled in a panic., By extension: A sudden widespread fright or apprehension concerning financial affairs.
panim noun See Painim.
pansy noun A plant of the genus Viola (V. tricolor) and its blossom, originally purple and yellow. Cultivated varieties have very large flowers of a great diversity of colors. Called also heart’s-ease, love-in-idleness, and many other quaint names.
panym noun & adjective See Panim.
paolo noun An old Italian silver coin, worth about ten cents.
papal adjective Of or pertaining to the pope of Rome; proceeding from the pope; ordered or pronounced by the pope; as, papal jurisdiction; a papal edict; the papal benediction., Of or pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church.
papaw noun A tree (Carica Papaya) of tropical America, belonging to the order Passifloreae. It has a soft, spongy stem, eighteen or twenty feet high, crowned with a tuft of large, long-stalked, palmately lobed leaves. The milky juice of the plant is said to have the property of making meat tender. Also, its dull orange-colored, melon-shaped fruit, which is eaten both raw and cooked or pickled., A tree of the genus Asimina (A. triloba), growing in the western and southern parts of the United States, and producing a sweet edible fruit; also, the fruit itself.
paper noun A substance in the form of thin sheets or leaves intended to be written or printed on, or to be used in wrapping. It is made of rags, straw, bark, wood, or other fibrous material, which is first reduced to pulp, then molded, pressed, and dried., A sheet, leaf, or piece of such substance., A printed or written instrument; a document, essay, or the like; a writing; as, a paper read before a scientific society., A printed sheet appearing periodically; a newspaper; a journal; as, a daily paper., Negotiable evidences of indebtedness; notes; bills of exchange, and the like; as, the bank holds a large amount of his paper., Decorated hangings or coverings for walls, made of paper. See Paper hangings, below., A paper containing (usually) a definite quantity; as, a paper of pins, tacks, opium, etc., A medicinal preparation spread upon paper, intended for external application; as, cantharides paper., Of or pertaining to paper; made of paper; resembling paper; existing only on paper; unsubstantial; as, a paper box; a paper army., To cover with paper; to furnish with paper hangings; as, to paper a room or a house., To fold or inclose in paper., To put on paper; to make a memorandum of.
pappy adjective Like pap; soft; succulent; tender.
paque noun See Pasch and Easter.
para- A prefix signifying alongside of, beside, beyond, against, amiss; as parable, literally, a placing beside; paradox, that which is contrary to opinion; parachronism., A prefix denoting: (a) Likeness, similarity, or connection, or that the substance resembles, but is distinct from, that to the name of which it is prefixed; as paraldehyde, paraconine, etc.; also, an isomeric modification. (b) Specifically: (Organ. Chem.) That two groups or radicals substituted in the benzene nucleus are opposite, or in the respective positions 1 and 4; 2 and 5; or 3 and 6, as paraxylene; paroxybenzoic acid. Cf. Ortho-, and Meta-. Also used adjectively.
param noun A white crystalline nitrogenous substance (C2H4N4); — called also dicyandiamide.
parch verb t. To burn the surface of; to scorch; to roast over the fire, as dry grain; as, to parch the skin; to parch corn., To dry to extremity; to shrivel with heat; as, the mouth is parched from fever., To become scorched or superficially burnt; to be very dry.
parde adverb / interj. Alt. of Pardie
pardo noun A money of account in Goa, India, equivalent to about 2s. 6d. sterling. or 60 cts.
pared imp. & past participle of Pare
parer verb t. One who, or that which, pares; an instrument for paring.
pari- A combining form signifying equal; as, paridigitate, paripinnate.
paris noun A plant common in Europe (Paris quadrifolia); herb Paris; truelove. It has been used as a narcotic., The chief city of France.
parle verb i. To talk; to converse; to parley., Conversation; talk; parley.
parol noun A word; an oral utterance., Oral declaration; word of mouth; also, a writing not under seal., Given or done by word of mouth; oral; also, given by a writing not under seal; as, parol evidence.
parry verb t. To ward off; to stop, or to turn aside; as, to parry a thrust, a blow, or anything that means or threatens harm., To avoid; to shift or put off; to evade., To ward off, evade, or turn aside something, as a blow, argument, etc., A warding off of a thrust or blow, as in sword and bayonet exercises or in boxing; hence, figuratively, a defensive movement in debate or other intellectual encounter.
parse noun To resolve into its elements, as a sentence, pointing out the several parts of speech, and their relation to each other by government or agreement; to analyze and describe grammatically.
party verb A part or portion., A number of persons united in opinion or action, as distinguished from, or opposed to, the rest of a community or association; esp., one of the parts into which a people is divided on questions of public policy., A part of a larger body of company; a detachment; especially (Mil.), a small body of troops dispatched on special service., A number of persons invited to a social entertainment; a select company; as, a dinner party; also, the entertainment itself; as, to give a party., One concerned or interested in an affair; one who takes part with others; a participator; as, he was a party to the plot; a party to the contract., The plaintiff or the defendant in a lawsuit, whether an individual, a firm, or corporation; a litigant., Hence, any certain person who is regarded as being opposed or antagonistic to another., Cause; side; interest., A person; as, he is a queer party., Parted or divided, as in the direction or form of one of the ordinaries; as, an escutcheon party per pale., Partial; favoring one party., Partly.
pasan noun The gemsbok.
pasch noun Alt. of Pascha
pasha noun An honorary title given to officers of high rank in Turkey, as to governers of provinces, military commanders, etc. The earlier form was bashaw.
paspy noun A kind of minuet, in triple time, of French origin, popular in the reign of Queen Elizabeth and for some time after; — called also passing measure, and passymeasure.
passe adjective Alt. of Passee
paste noun A soft composition, as of flour moistened with water or milk, or of earth moistened to the consistence of dough, as in making potter’s ware., Specifically, in cookery, a dough prepared for the crust of pies and the like; pastry dough., A kind of cement made of flour and water, starch and water, or the like, — used for uniting paper or other substances, as in bookbinding, etc., — also used in calico printing as a vehicle for mordant or color., A highly refractive vitreous composition, variously colored, used in making imitations of precious stones or gems. See Strass., A soft confection made of the inspissated juice of fruit, licorice, or the like, with sugar, etc., The mineral substance in which other minerals are imbedded., To unite with paste; to fasten or join by means of paste.
pasty adjective Like paste, as in color, softness, stickness., A pie consisting usually of meat wholly surrounded with a crust made of a sheet of paste, and often baked without a dish; a meat pie.
patas noun A West African long-tailed monkey (Cercopithecus ruber); the red monkey.
patch noun A piece of cloth, or other suitable material, sewed or otherwise fixed upon a garment to repair or strengthen it, esp. upon an old garment to cover a hole., A small piece of anything used to repair a breach; as, a patch on a kettle, a roof, etc., A small piece of black silk stuck on the face, or neck, to hide a defect, or to heighten beauty., A piece of greased cloth or leather used as wrapping for a rifle ball, to make it fit the bore., Fig.: Anything regarded as a patch; a small piece of ground; a tract; a plot; as, scattered patches of trees or growing corn., A block on the muzzle of a gun, to do away with the effect of dispart, in sighting., A paltry fellow; a rogue; a ninny; a fool., To mend by sewing on a piece or pieces of cloth, leather, or the like; as, to patch a coat., To mend with pieces; to repair with pieces festened on; to repair clumsily; as, to patch the roof of a house., To adorn, as the face, with a patch or patches., To make of pieces or patches; to repair as with patches; to arrange in a hasty or clumsy manner; — generally with up; as, to patch up a truce.
pated adjective Having a pate; — used only in composition; as, long-pated; shallow-pated.
patee noun See Pattee.
paten noun A plate., The place on which the consecrated bread is placed in the Eucharist, or on which the host is placed during the Mass. It is usually small, and formed as to fit the chalice, or cup, as a cover.
paths plural of Path
patin noun Alt. of Patine
patio noun A paved yard or floor where ores are cleaned and sorted, or where ore, salt, mercury, etc., are trampled by horses, to effect intermixture and amalgamation.
patly adverb Fitly; seasonably.
patte adjective Alt. of Pattee
patty noun A little pie.
paugy noun The scup. See Porgy, and Scup.
paune noun A kind of bread. See Pone.
pause noun A temporary stop or rest; an intermission of action; interruption; suspension; cessation., Temporary inaction or waiting; hesitation; suspence; doubt., In speaking or reading aloud, a brief arrest or suspension of voice, to indicate the limits and relations of sentences and their parts., In writing and printing, a mark indicating the place and nature of an arrest of voice in reading; a punctuation point; as, teach the pupil to mind the pauses., A break or paragraph in writing., A hold. See 4th Hold, 7., To make a short stop; to cease for a time; to intermit speaking or acting; to stop; to wait; to rest., To be intermitted; to cease; as, the music pauses., To hesitate; to hold back; to delay., To stop in order to consider; hence, to consider; to reflect., To cause to stop or rest; — used reflexively.
pauxi noun A curassow (Ourax pauxi), which, in South America, is often domesticated.
pavan noun A stately and formal Spanish dance for which full state costume is worn; — so called from the resemblance of its movements to those of the peacock.
paved imp. & past participle of Pave
paven noun See Pavan.
paver noun One who paves; one who lays a pavement.
pavid adjective Timid; fearful.
pavin noun See Pavan.
pavon noun A small triangular flag, esp. one attached to a knight’s lance; a pennon.
pawed imp. & past participle of Paw
pawky adjective Arch; cunning; sly.
payee noun The person to whom money is to be, or has been, paid; the person named in a bill or note, to whom, or to whose order, the amount is promised or directed to be paid. See Bill of exchange, under Bill.
payen noun & adjective Pagan.
payer noun One who pays; specifically, the person by whom a bill or note has been, or should be, paid.
payor noun See Payer.
payse verb t. To poise.