5 letter word starting with pal

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
paled imp. & past participle of Pale, Striped., Inclosed with a paling.
palea noun The interior chaff or husk of grasses., One of the chaffy scales or bractlets growing on the receptacle of many compound flowers, as the Coreopsis, the sunflower, etc., A pendulous process of the skin on the throat of a bird, as in the turkey; a dewlap.
palet noun Same as Palea., A perpendicular band upon an escutcheon, one half the breadth of the pale.
palla noun An oblong rectangular piece of cloth, worn by Roman ladies, and fastened with brooches.
palmy adjective Bearing palms; abounding in palms; derived from palms; as, a palmy shore., Worthy of the palm; flourishing; prosperous.
palpi noun pl. of Palpus. (Zool.) See Palpus., of Palpus
palsy noun Paralysis, complete or partial. See Paralysis., To affect with palsy, or as with palsy; to deprive of action or energy; to paralyze.
palus noun One of several upright slender calcareous processes which surround the central part of the calicle of certain corals.