5 letter word starting with pin

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
pinax noun A tablet; a register; hence, a list or scheme inscribed on a tablet.
pinch verb t. To press hard or squeeze between the ends of the fingers, between teeth or claws, or between the jaws of an instrument; to squeeze or compress, as between any two hard bodies., o seize; to grip; to bite; — said of animals., To plait., Figuratively: To cramp; to straiten; to oppress; to starve; to distress; as, to be pinched for money., To move, as a railroad car, by prying the wheels with a pinch. See Pinch, n., 4., To act with pressing force; to compress; to squeeze; as, the shoe pinches., To take hold; to grip, as a dog does., To spare; to be niggardly; to be covetous., A close compression, as with the ends of the fingers, or with an instrument; a nip., As much as may be taken between the finger and thumb; any very small quantity; as, a pinch of snuff., Pian; pang., A lever having a projection at one end, acting as a fulcrum, — used chiefly to roll heavy wheels, etc. Called also pinch bar.
pined imp. & past participle of Pine
piney adjective See Piny., A term used in designating an East Indian tree (the Vateria Indica or piney tree, of the order Dipterocarpeae, which grows in Malabar, etc.) or its products.
pinic adjective Of or pertaining to the pine; obtained from the pine; formerly, designating an acid which is the chief constituent of common resin, — now called abietic, or sylvic, acid.
pinky noun See 1st Pink.
pinna noun A leaflet of a pinnate leaf. See Illust. of Bipinnate leaf, under Bipinnate., One of the primary divisions of a decompound leaf., One of the divisions of a pinnate part or organ., Any species of Pinna, a genus of large bivalve mollusks found in all warm seas. The byssus consists of a large number of long, silky fibers, which have been used in manufacturing woven fabrics, as a curiosity., The auricle of the ear. See Ear.
pinus noun A large genus of evergreen coniferous trees, mostly found in the northern hemisphere. The genus formerly included the firs, spruces, larches, and hemlocks, but is now limited to those trees which have the primary leaves of the branchlets reduced to mere scales, and the secondary ones (pine needles) acicular, and usually in fascicles of two to seven. See Pine.