5 letter word starting with pra

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
praam noun A flat-bottomed boat or lighter, — used in Holland and the Baltic, and sometimes armed in case of war.
prae- A prefix. See Pre-.
prame noun See Praam.
prank verb t. To adorn in a showy manner; to dress or equip ostentatiously; — often followed by up; as, to prank up the body. See Prink., To make ostentatious show., A gay or sportive action; a ludicrous, merry, or mischievous trick; a caper; a frolic., Full of gambols or tricks.
prase noun A variety of cryptocrystalline of a leek-green color.
prate verb i. To talk much and to little purpose; to be loquacious; to speak foolishly; to babble., To utter foolishly; to speak without reason or purpose; to chatter, or babble., Talk to little purpose; trifling talk; unmeaning loquacity.
prawn noun Any one of numerous species of large shrimplike Crustacea having slender legs and long antennae. They mostly belong to the genera Pandalus, Palaemon, Palaemonetes, and Peneus, and are much used as food. The common English prawn is Palaemon serratus.