5 letter word starting with quir

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
quire noun See Choir., To sing in concert., A collection of twenty-four sheets of paper of the same size and quality, unfolded or having a single fold; one twentieth of a ream.
quirk noun A sudden turn; a starting from the point or line; hence, an artful evasion or subterfuge; a shift; a quibble; as, the quirks of a pettifogger., A fit or turn; a short paroxysm; a caprice., A smart retort; a quibble; a shallow conceit., An irregular air; as, light quirks of music., A piece of ground taken out of any regular ground plot or floor, so as to make a court, yard, etc.; — sometimes written quink., A small channel, deeply recessed in proportion to its width, used to insulate and give relief to a convex rounded molding.
quirl noun & verb See Querl.
quirt noun A rawhide whip plaited with two thongs of buffalo hide.