5 letter word starting with reac

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
reach verb i. To retch., An effort to vomit., To extend; to stretch; to thrust out; to put forth, as a limb, a member, something held, or the like., Hence, to deliver by stretching out a member, especially the hand; to give with the hand; to pass to another; to hand over; as, to reach one a book., To attain or obtain by stretching forth the hand; to extend some part of the body, or something held by one, so as to touch, strike, grasp, or the like; as, to reach an object with the hand, or with a spear., To strike, hit, or touch with a missile; as, to reach an object with an arrow, a bullet, or a shell., Hence, to extend an action, effort, or influence to; to penetrate to; to pierce, or cut, as far as., To extend to; to stretch out as far as; to touch by virtue of extent; as, his land reaches the river., To arrive at; to come to; to get as far as., To arrive at by effort of any kind; to attain to; to gain; to be advanced to., To understand; to comprehend., To overreach; to deceive., To stretch out the hand., To strain after something; to make efforts., To extend in dimension, time, amount, action, influence, etc., so as to touch, attain to, or be equal to, something., To sail on the wind, as from one point of tacking to another, or with the wind nearly abeam., The act of stretching or extending; extension; power of reaching or touching with the person, or a limb, or something held or thrown; as, the fruit is beyond my reach; to be within reach of cannon shot., The power of stretching out or extending action, influence, or the like; power of attainment or management; extent of force or capacity., Extent; stretch; expanse; hence, application; influence; result; scope., An extended portion of land or water; a stretch; a straight portion of a stream or river, as from one turn to another; a level stretch, as between locks in a canal; an arm of the sea extending up into the land., An artifice to obtain an advantage., The pole or rod which connects the hind axle with the forward bolster of a wagon.
react verb t. To act or perform a second time; to do over again; as, to react a play; the same scenes were reacted at Rome., To return an impulse or impression; to resist the action of another body by an opposite force; as, every body reacts on the body that impels it from its natural state., To act upon each other; to exercise a reciprocal or a reverse effect, as two or more chemical agents; to act in opposition.