5 letter word starting with shi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
shiah noun Same as Shiite., A member of that branch of the Mohammedans to which the Persians belong. They reject the first three caliphs, and consider Ali as being the first and only rightful successor of Mohammed. They do not acknowledge the Sunna, or body of traditions respecting Mohammed, as any part of the law, and on these accounts are treated as heretics by the Sunnites, or orthodox Mohammedans.
shide noun A thin board; a billet of wood; a splinter.
shied imp. & p. p. of Shy., of Shy
shiel noun A sheeling.
shift verb t. To divide; to distribute; to apportion., To change the place of; to move or remove from one place to another; as, to shift a burden from one shoulder to another; to shift the blame., To change the position of; to alter the bearings of; to turn; as, to shift the helm or sails., To exchange for another of the same class; to remove and to put some similar thing in its place; to change; as, to shift the clothes; to shift the scenes., To change the clothing of; — used reflexively., To put off or out of the way by some expedient., The act of shifting., The act of putting one thing in the place of another, or of changing the place of a thing; change; substitution., Something frequently shifted; especially, a woman’s under-garment; a chemise., The change of one set of workmen for another; hence, a spell, or turn, of work; also, a set of workmen who work in turn with other sets; as, a night shift., In building, the extent, or arrangement, of the overlapping of plank, brick, stones, etc., that are placed in courses so as to break joints., A breaking off and dislocation of a seam; a fault., A change of the position of the hand on the finger board, in playing the violin.
shiff verb i. To divide; to distribute., To make a change or changes; to change position; to move; to veer; to substitute one thing for another; — used in the various senses of the transitive verb., To resort to expedients for accomplishing a purpose; to contrive; to manage., To practice indirect or evasive methods., To slip to one side of a ship, so as to destroy the equilibrum; — said of ballast or cargo; as, the cargo shifted.
shilf noun Straw.
shill verb t. To shell., To put under cover; to sheal.
shily adverb See Shyly.
shine verb i. To emit rays of light; to give light; to beam with steady radiance; to exhibit brightness or splendor; as, the sun shines by day; the moon shines by night., To be bright by reflection of light; to gleam; to be glossy; as, to shine like polished silver., To be effulgent in splendor or beauty., To be eminent, conspicuous, or distinguished; to exhibit brilliant intellectual powers; as, to shine in courts; to shine in conversation., To cause to shine, as a light., To make bright; to cause to shine by reflected light; as, in hunting, to shine the eyes of a deer at night by throwing a light on them., The quality or state of shining; brightness; luster, gloss; polish; sheen., Sunshine; fair weather., A liking for a person; a fancy., Caper; antic; row., Shining; sheen.
shiny superl. Bright; luminous; clear; unclouded.
shire noun A portion of Great Britain originally under the supervision of an earl; a territorial division, usually identical with a county, but sometimes limited to a smaller district; as, Wiltshire, Yorkshire, Richmondshire, Hallamshire., A division of a State, embracing several contiguous townships; a county.
shirk verb t. To procure by petty fraud and trickery; to obtain by mean solicitation., To avoid; to escape; to neglect; — implying unfaithfulness or fraud; as, to shirk duty., To live by shifts and fraud; to shark., To evade an obligation; to avoid the performance of duty, as by running away., One who lives by shifts and tricks; one who avoids the performance of duty or labor.
shirl adjective Shrill., See Schorl.
shirr noun A series of close parallel runnings which are drawn up so as to make the material between them set full by gatherings; — called also shirring, and gauging.
shirt noun A loose under-garment for the upper part of the body, made of cotton, linen, or other material; — formerly used of the under-garment of either sex, now commonly restricted to that worn by men and boys., To cover or clothe with a shirt, or as with a shirt.
shist Alt. of Shistose
shive noun A slice; as, a shive of bread., A thin piece or fragment; specifically, one of the scales or pieces of the woody part of flax removed by the operation of breaking., A thin, flat cork used for stopping a wide-mouthed bottle; also, a thin wooden bung for casks.