5 letter word starting with sk

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
skain noun See Skein., See Skean.
skald noun See 5th Scald.
skall verb t. To scale; to mount.
skare adjective Wild; timid; shy.
skart noun The shag.
skate noun A metallic runner with a frame shaped to fit the sole of a shoe, — made to be fastened under the foot, and used for moving rapidly on ice., To move on skates., Any one of numerous species of large, flat elasmobranch fishes of the genus Raia, having a long, slender tail, terminated by a small caudal fin. The pectoral fins, which are large and broad and united to the sides of the body and head, give a somewhat rhombic form to these fishes. The skin is more or less spinose.
skean noun A knife or short dagger, esp. that in use among the Highlanders of Scotland. [Variously spelt.]
skeed noun See Skid.
skeel noun A shallow wooden vessel for holding milk or cream.
skeet noun A scoop with a long handle, used to wash the sides of a vessel, and formerly to wet the sails or deck.
skein noun A quantity of yarn, thread, or the like, put up together, after it is taken from the reel, — usually tied in a sort of knot., A metallic strengthening band or thimble on the wooden arm of an axle., A flight of wild fowl (wild geese or the like).
skelp noun A blow; a smart stroke., A squall; also, a heavy fall of rain., To strike; to slap., A wrought-iron plate from which a gun barrel or pipe is made by bending and welding the edges together, and drawing the thick tube thus formed.
skene noun See Skean.
skied imp. & p. p. of Sky, v. t., of Sky
skiey adjective See Skyey.
skiff noun A small, light boat., To navigate in a skiff.
skill noun Discrimination; judgment; propriety; reason; cause., Knowledge; understanding., The familiar knowledge of any art or science, united with readiness and dexterity in execution or performance, or in the application of the art or science to practical purposes; power to discern and execute; ability to perceive and perform; expertness; aptitude; as, the skill of a mathematician, physician, surgeon, mechanic, etc., Display of art; exercise of ability; contrivance; address., Any particular art., To know; to understand., To be knowing; to have understanding; to be dexterous in performance., To make a difference; to signify; to matter; — used impersonally.
skrim noun Scum; refuse.
skimp verb t. To slight; to do carelessly; to scamp., To make insufficient allowance for; to scant; to scrimp., To save; to be parsimonious or niggardly., Scanty.
skink noun Any one of numerous species of regularly scaled harmless lizards of the family Scincidae, common in the warmer parts of all the continents., To draw or serve, as drink., To serve or draw liquor., Drink; also, pottage.
skirl verb t.& i. To utter in a shrill tone; to scream., A shrill cry or sound.
skirr verb t. To ramble over in order to clear; to scour., To scour; to scud; to run., A tern.
skirt noun The lower and loose part of a coat, dress, or other like garment; the part below the waist; as, the skirt of a coat, a dress, or a mantle., A loose edging to any part of a dress., Border; edge; margin; extreme part of anything, A petticoat., The diaphragm, or midriff, in animals., To cover with a skirt; to surround., To border; to form the border or edge of; to run along the edge of; as, the plain was skirted by rows of trees., To be on the border; to live near the border, or extremity.
skive noun The iron lap used by diamond polishers in finishing the facets of the gem., To pare or shave off the rough or thick parts of (hides or leather).
skout noun A guillemot.
skulk verb i. To hide, or get out of the way, in a sneaking manner; to lie close, or to move in a furtive way; to lurk., A number of foxes together., Alt. of Skulker
skull noun A school, company, or shoal., The skeleton of the head of a vertebrate animal, including the brain case, or cranium, and the bones and cartilages of the face and mouth. See Illusts. of Carnivora, of Facial angles under Facial, and of Skeleton, in Appendix., The head or brain; the seat of intelligence; mind., A covering for the head; a skullcap., A sort of oar. See Scull.
skunk noun Any one of several species of American musteline carnivores of the genus Mephitis and allied genera. They have two glands near the anus, secreting an extremely fetid liquid, which the animal ejects at pleasure as a means of defense., In games of chance and skill: To defeat (an opponent) (as in cards) so that he fails to gain a point, or (in checkers) to get a king.
skute noun A boat; a small vessel.
skies plural of Sky
skyed of Sky, Surrounded by sky.
skyey adjective Like the sky; ethereal; being in the sky.