5 letter word starting with sku

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
skulk verb i. To hide, or get out of the way, in a sneaking manner; to lie close, or to move in a furtive way; to lurk., A number of foxes together., Alt. of Skulker
skull noun A school, company, or shoal., The skeleton of the head of a vertebrate animal, including the brain case, or cranium, and the bones and cartilages of the face and mouth. See Illusts. of Carnivora, of Facial angles under Facial, and of Skeleton, in Appendix., The head or brain; the seat of intelligence; mind., A covering for the head; a skullcap., A sort of oar. See Scull.
skunk noun Any one of several species of American musteline carnivores of the genus Mephitis and allied genera. They have two glands near the anus, secreting an extremely fetid liquid, which the animal ejects at pleasure as a means of defense., In games of chance and skill: To defeat (an opponent) (as in cards) so that he fails to gain a point, or (in checkers) to get a king.
skute noun A boat; a small vessel.