5 letter word starting with sla

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
slack noun Small coal; also, coal dust; culm., A valley, or small, shallow dell., Lax; not tense; not hard drawn; not firmly extended; as, a slack rope., Weak; not holding fast; as, a slack hand., Remiss; backward; not using due diligence or care; not earnest or eager; as, slack in duty or service., Not violent, rapid, or pressing; slow; moderate; easy; as, business is slack., Slackly; as, slack dried hops., The part of anything that hangs loose, having no strain upon it; as, the slack of a rope or of a sail., Alt. of Slacken, Alt. of Slacken
slade noun A little dell or valley; a flat piece of low, moist ground., The sole of a plow.
slaie noun A weaver’s reed; a sley.
slake adjective To allay; to quench; to extinguish; as, to slake thirst., To mix with water, so that a true chemical combination shall take place; to slack; as, to slake lime., To go out; to become extinct., To abate; to become less decided., To slacken; to become relaxed., To become mixed with water, so that a true chemical combination takes place; as, the lime slakes.
slang imp. of Sling. Slung., Any long, narrow piece of land; a promontory., A fetter worn on the leg by a convict., Low, vulgar, unauthorized language; a popular but unauthorized word, phrase, or mode of expression; also, the jargon of some particular calling or class in society; low popular cant; as, the slang of the theater, of college, of sailors, etc., To address with slang or ribaldry; to insult with vulgar language., of Sling
slank imp. & p. p. of Slink., of Slink
slant verb i. To be turned or inclined from a right line or level; to lie obliquely; to slope., To turn from a direct line; to give an oblique or sloping direction to; as, to slant a line., A slanting direction or plane; a slope; as, it lies on a slant., An oblique reflection or gibe; a sarcastic remark., Inclined from a direct line, whether horizontal or perpendicular; sloping; oblique.
slape adjective Slippery; smooth; crafty; hypocritical.
slash verb t. To cut by striking violently and at random; to cut in long slits., To lash; to ply the whip to., To crack or snap, as a whip., To strike violently and at random, esp. with an edged instrument; to lay about one indiscriminately with blows; to cut hastily and carelessly., A long cut; a cut made at random., A large slit in the material of any garment, made to show the lining through the openings., Swampy or wet lands overgrown with bushes.
slate verb t. An argillaceous rock which readily splits into thin plates; argillite; argillaceous schist., Any rock or stone having a slaty structure., A prepared piece of such stone., A thin, flat piece, for roofing or covering houses, etc., A tablet for writing upon., An artificial material, resembling slate, and used for the above purposes., A thin plate of any material; a flake., A list of candidates, prepared for nomination or for election; a list of candidates, or a programme of action, devised beforehand., To cover with slate, or with a substance resembling slate; as, to slate a roof; to slate a globe., To register (as on a slate and subject to revision), for an appointment., To set a dog upon; to bait; to slat. See 2d Slat, 3.
slatt noun A slab of stone used as a veneer for coarse masonry.
slaty adjective Resembling slate; having the nature, appearance, or properties, of slate; composed of thin parallel plates, capable of being separated by splitting; as, a slaty color or texture.
slavs plural of Slav
slave noun See Slav., A person who is held in bondage to another; one who is wholly subject to the will of another; one who is held as a chattel; one who has no freedom of action, but whose person and services are wholly under the control of another., One who has lost the power of resistance; one who surrenders himself to any power whatever; as, a slave to passion, to lust, to strong drink, to ambition., A drudge; one who labors like a slave., An abject person; a wretch., To drudge; to toil; to labor as a slave., To enslave.
slain past participle of Slay
slazy adjective See Sleazy.