5 letter word starting with sli

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
slice verb t. A thin, broad piece cut off; as, a slice of bacon; a slice of cheese; a slice of bread., That which is thin and broad, like a slice., A broad, thin piece of plaster., A salver, platter, or tray., A knife with a thin, broad blade for taking up or serving fish; also, a spatula for spreading anything, as paint or ink., A plate of iron with a handle, forming a kind of chisel, or a spadelike implement, variously proportioned, and used for various purposes, as for stripping the planking from a vessel’s side, for cutting blubber from a whale, or for stirring a fire of coals; a slice bar; a peel; a fire shovel., One of the wedges by which the cradle and the ship are lifted clear of the building blocks to prepare for launching., A removable sliding bottom to galley., To cut into thin pieces, or to cut off a thin, broad piece from., To cut into parts; to divide., To clear by means of a slice bar, as a fire or the grate bars of a furnace.
slich noun Alt. of Slick
slick noun See Schlich., Sleek; smooth., To make sleek or smoth., A wide paring chisel.
slide verb t. To move along the surface of any body by slipping, or without walking or rolling; to slip; to glide; as, snow slides down the mountain’s side., Especially, to move over snow or ice with a smooth, uninterrupted motion, as on a sled moving by the force of gravity, or on the feet., To pass inadvertently., To pass along smoothly or unobservedly; to move gently onward without friction or hindrance; as, a ship or boat slides through the water., To slip when walking or standing; to fall., To pass from one note to another with no perceptible cassation of sound., To pass out of one’s thought as not being of any consequence., To cause to slide; to thrust along; as, to slide one piece of timber along another., To pass or put imperceptibly; to slip; as, to slide in a word to vary the sense of a question., The act of sliding; as, a slide on the ice., Smooth, even passage or progress., That on which anything moves by sliding., An inclined plane on which heavy bodies slide by the force of gravity, esp. one constructed on a mountain side for conveying logs by sliding them down., A surface of ice or snow on which children slide for amusement., That which operates by sliding., A cover which opens or closes an aperture by sliding over it., A moving piece which is guided by a part or parts along which it slides., A clasp or brooch for a belt, or the like., A plate or slip of glass on which is a picture or delineation to be exhibited by means of a magic lantern, stereopticon, or the like; a plate on which is an object to be examined with a microscope., The descent of a mass of earth, rock, or snow down a hill or mountain side; as, a land slide, or a snow slide; also, the track of bare rock left by a land slide., A small dislocation in beds of rock along a line of fissure., A grace consisting of two or more small notes moving by conjoint degrees, and leading to a principal note either above or below., An apparatus in the trumpet and trombone by which the sounding tube is lengthened and shortened so as to produce the tones between the fundamental and its harmonics., A sound which, by a gradual change in the position of the vocal organs, passes imperceptibly into another sound., Same as Guide bar, under Guide., A slide valve.
slily adverb See Slyly.
slime noun Soft, moist earth or clay, having an adhesive quality; viscous mud., Any mucilaginous substance; any substance of a dirty nature, that is moist, soft, and adhesive., Bitumen., Mud containing metallic ore, obtained in the preparatory dressing., A mucuslike substance which exudes from the bodies of certain animals., To smear with slime.
slimy superl. Of or pertaining to slime; resembling slime; of the nature of slime; viscous; glutinous; also, covered or daubed with slime; yielding, or abounding in, slime.
sling verb t. An instrument for throwing stones or other missiles, consisting of a short strap with two strings fastened to its ends, or with a string fastened to one end and a light stick to the other. The missile being lodged in a hole in the strap, the ends of the string are taken in the hand, and the whole whirled rapidly round until, by loosing one end, the missile is let fly with centrifugal force., The act or motion of hurling as with a sling; a throw; figuratively, a stroke., A contrivance for sustaining anything by suspension, A kind of hanging bandage put around the neck, in which a wounded arm or hand is supported., A loop of rope, or a rope or chain with hooks, for suspending a barrel, bale, or other heavy object, in hoisting or lowering., A strap attached to a firearm, for suspending it from the shoulder., A band of rope or iron for securing a yard to a mast; — chiefly in the plural., To throw with a sling., To throw; to hurl; to cast., To hang so as to swing; as, to sling a pack., To pass a rope round, as a cask, gun, etc., preparatory to attaching a hoisting or lowering tackle., A drink composed of spirit (usually gin) and water sweetened.
slink adjective To creep away meanly; to steal away; to sneak., To miscarry; — said of female beasts., To cast prematurely; — said of female beasts; as, a cow that slinks her calf., Produced prematurely; as, a slink calf., Thin; lean., The young of a beast brought forth prematurely, esp. a calf brought forth before its time., A thievish fellow; a sneak.
slish noun A cut; as, slish and slash.
slive verb i. To sneak., To cut; to split; to separate.