5 letter word starting with smi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
smift noun A match for firing a charge of powder, as in blasting; a fuse.
smile verb i. To express amusement, pleasure, moderate joy, or love and kindness, by the features of the face; to laugh silently., To express slight contempt by a look implying sarcasm or pity; to sneer., To look gay and joyous; to have an appearance suited to excite joy; as, smiling spring; smiling plenty., To be propitious or favorable; to favor; to countenance; — often with on; as, to smile on one’s labors., To express by a smile; as, to smile consent; to smile a welcome to visitors., To affect in a certain way with a smile., The act of smiling; a peculiar change or brightening of the face, which expresses pleasure, moderate joy, mirth, approbation, or kindness; — opposed to frown., A somewhat similar expression of countenance, indicative of satisfaction combined with malevolent feelings, as contempt, scorn, etc; as, a scornful smile., Favor; countenance; propitiousness; as, the smiles of Providence., Gay or joyous appearance; as, the smiles of spring.
smilt verb i. To melt.
smirk verb i. To smile in an affected or conceited manner; to smile with affected complaisance; to simper., A forced or affected smile; a simper., Nice,; smart; spruce; affected; simpering.
smite verb t. To strike; to inflict a blow upon with the hand, or with any instrument held in the hand, or with a missile thrown by the hand; as, to smite with the fist, with a rod, sword, spear, or stone., To cause to strike; to use as an instrument in striking or hurling., To destroy the life of by beating, or by weapons of any kind; to slay by a blow; to kill; as, to smite one with the sword, or with an arrow or other instrument., To put to rout in battle; to overthrow by war., To blast; to destroy the life or vigor of, as by a stroke or by some visitation., To afflict; to chasten; to punish., To strike or affect with passion, as love or fear., To strike; to collide; to beat., The act of smiting; a blow.
smith noun One who forges with the hammer; one who works in metals; as, a blacksmith, goldsmith, silversmith, and the like., One who makes or effects anything., To beat into shape; to forge.
smitt verb t. Fine clay or ocher made up into balls, used for marking sheep.