5 letter word starting with sno

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
snoff noun A short candle end used for igniting a fuse.
snood noun The fillet which binds the hair of a young unmarried woman, and is emblematic of her maiden character., A short line (often of horsehair) connecting a fishing line with the hook; a snell; a leader., To bind or braid up, as the hair, with a snood.
snook verb i. To lurk; to lie in ambush., A large perchlike marine food fish (Centropomus undecimalis) found both on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of tropical America; — called also ravallia, and robalo., The cobia., The garfish.
snore verb i. To breathe with a rough, hoarse, nasal voice in sleep., A harsh nasal noise made in sleep.
snort verb i. To force the air with violence through the nose, so as to make a noise, as do high-spirited horsed in prancing and play., To snore., To laugh out loudly., The act of snorting; the sound produced in snorting., To expel throught the nostrils with a snort; to utter with a snort.
snout noun The long, projecting nose of a beast, as of swine., The nose of a man; — in contempt., The nozzle of a pipe, hose, etc., The anterior prolongation of the head of a gastropod; — called also rostrum., The anterior prolongation of the head of weevils and allied beetles., To furnish with a nozzle or point.
snowl noun The hooded merganser.
snowy adjective White like snow., Abounding with snow; covered with snow., Fig.: Pure; unblemished; unstained; spotless.