5 letter word starting with sol

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
solar adjective A loft or upper chamber; a garret room., Of or pertaining to the sun; proceeding from the sun; as, the solar system; solar light; solar rays; solar influence. See Solar system, below., Born under the predominant influence of the sun., Measured by the progress or revolution of the sun in the ecliptic; as, the solar year., Produced by the action of the sun, or peculiarly affected by its influence.
solas noun Solace.
soldi plural of Soldo
soldo noun A small Italian coin worth a sou or a cent; the twentieth part of a lira.
soled imp. & past participle of Sole
solen noun A cradle, as for a broken limb. See Cradle, 6., Any marine bivalve mollusk belonging to Solen or allied genera of the family Solenidae; a razor shell.
soler noun Alt. of Solere
solid adjective Having the constituent parts so compact, or so firmly adhering, as to resist the impression or penetration of other bodies; having a fixed form; hard; firm; compact; — opposed to fluid and liquid or to plastic, like clay, or to incompact, like sand., Not hollow; full of matter; as, a solid globe or cone, as distinguished from a hollow one; not spongy; dense; hence, sometimes, heavy., Having all the geometrical dimensions; cubic; as, a solid foot contains 1,728 solid inches., Firm; compact; strong; stable; unyielding; as, a solid pier; a solid pile; a solid wall., Applied to a compound word whose parts are closely united and form an unbroken word; — opposed to hyphened., Fig.: Worthy of credit, trust, or esteem; substantial, as opposed to frivolous or fallacious; weighty; firm; strong; valid; just; genuine., Sound; not weakly; as, a solid constitution of body., Of a fleshy, uniform, undivided substance, as a bulb or root; not spongy or hollow within, as a stem., Impenetrable; resisting or excluding any other material particle or atom from any given portion of space; — applied to the supposed ultimate particles of matter., Not having the lines separated by leads; not open., United; without division; unanimous; as, the delegation is solid for a candidate., A substance that is held in a fixed form by cohesion among its particles; a substance not fluid., A magnitude which has length, breadth, and thickness; a part of space bounded on all sides.
solos plural of Solo
solon noun A celebrated Athenian lawmaker, born about 638 b. c.; hence, a legislator; a publicist; — often used ironically.
solus fem. adjective Alt. of Sola
solve verb t. To explain; to resolve; to unfold; to clear up (what is obscure or difficult to be understood); to work out to a result or conclusion; as, to solve a doubt; to solve difficulties; to solve a problem., A solution; an explanation.