5 letter word starting with spu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
spuke noun See Spook.
spume noun Frothy matter raised on liquids by boiling, effervescence, or agitation; froth; foam; scum., To froth; to foam.
spumy adjective Consisting of, containing, or covered with, froth, scum, or foam; frothy; foamy.
spunk noun Wood that readily takes fire; touchwood; also, a kind of tinder made from a species of fungus; punk; amadou., An inflammable temper; spirit; mettle; pluck; as, a man of spunk.
spurn verb t. To drive back or away, as with the foot; to kick., To reject with disdain; to scorn to receive or accept; to treat with contempt., To kick or toss up the heels., To manifest disdain in rejecting anything; to make contemptuous opposition or resistance., A kick; a blow with the foot., Disdainful rejection; contemptuous tratment., A body of coal left to sustain an overhanding mass.
spurt verb i. To gush or issue suddenly or violently out in a stream, as liquor from a cask; to rush from a confined place in a small stream or jet; to spirt., To throw out, as a liquid, in a stream or jet; to drive or force out with violence, as a liquid from a pipe or small orifice; as, to spurt water from the mouth., A sudden and energetic effort, as in an emergency; an increased exertion for a brief space., To make a sudden and violent exertion, as in an emergency.
spute verb t. To dispute; to discuss.
sputa plural of Sputum