5 letter word starting with squ

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
squab adjective Fat; thick; plump; bulky., Unfledged; unfeathered; as, a squab pigeon., A neatling of a pigeon or other similar bird, esp. when very fat and not fully fledged., A person of a short, fat figure., A thickly stuffed cushion; especially, one used for the seat of a sofa, couch, or chair; also, a sofa., With a heavy fall; plump., To fall plump; to strike at one dash, or with a heavy stroke.
squad noun A small party of men assembled for drill, inspection, or other purposes., Hence, any small party., Sloppy mud.
squat noun The angel fish (Squatina angelus)., To sit down upon the hams or heels; as, the savages squatted near the fire., To sit close to the ground; to cower; to stoop, or lie close, to escape observation, as a partridge or rabbit., To settle on another’s land without title; also, to settle on common or public lands., To bruise or make flat by a fall., Sitting on the hams or heels; sitting close to the ground; cowering; crouching., Short and thick, like the figure of an animal squatting., The posture of one that sits on his heels or hams, or close to the ground., A sudden or crushing fall., A small vein of ore., A mineral consisting of tin ore and spar.
squaw noun A female; a woman; — in the language of Indian tribes of the Algonquin family, correlative of sannup.
squib adjective A little pipe, or hollow cylinder of paper, filled with powder or combustible matter, to be thrown into the air while burning, so as to burst there with a crack., A kind of slow match or safety fuse., A sarcastic speech or publication; a petty lampoon; a brief, witty essay., A writer of lampoons., A paltry fellow., To throw squibs; to utter sarcatic or severe reflections; to contend in petty dispute; as, to squib a little debate.
squid noun Any one of numerous species of ten-armed cephalopods having a long, tapered body, and a caudal fin on each side; especially, any species of Loligo, Ommastrephes, and related genera. See Calamary, Decacerata, Dibranchiata., A fishhook with a piece of bright lead, bone, or other substance, fastened on its shank to imitate a squid.