5 letter word starting with sti

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
stian noun A sty on the eye. See Styan.
stich noun A verse, of whatever measure or number of feet., A line in the Scriptures; specifically (Hebrew Scriptures), one of the rhythmic lines in the poetical books and passages of the Old Treatment, as written in the oldest Hebrew manuscripts and in the Revised Version of the English Bible., A row, line, or rank of trees.
stick verb t. A small shoot, or branch, separated, as by a cutting, from a tree or shrub; also, any stem or branch of a tree, of any size, cut for fuel or timber., Any long and comparatively slender piece of wood, whether in natural form or shaped with tools; a rod; a wand; a staff; as, the stick of a rocket; a walking stick., Anything shaped like a stick; as, a stick of wax., A derogatory expression for a person; one who is inert or stupid; as, an odd stick; a poor stick., A composing stick. See under Composing. It is usually a frame of metal, but for posters, handbills, etc., one made of wood is used., A thrust with a pointed instrument; a stab., To penetrate with a pointed instrument; to pierce; to stab; hence, to kill by piercing; as, to stick a beast., To cause to penetrate; to push, thrust, or drive, so as to pierce; as, to stick a needle into one’s finger., To fasten, attach, or cause to remain, by thrusting in; hence, also, to adorn or deck with things fastened on as by piercing; as, to stick a pin on the sleeve., To set; to fix in; as, to stick card teeth., To set with something pointed; as, to stick cards., To fix on a pointed instrument; to impale; as, to stick an apple on a fork., To attach by causing to adhere to the surface; as, to stick on a plaster; to stick a stamp on an envelope; also, to attach in any manner., To compose; to set, or arrange, in a composing stick; as, to stick type., To run or plane (moldings) in a machine, in contradistinction to working them by hand. Such moldings are said to be stuck., To cause to stick; to bring to a stand; to pose; to puzzle; as, to stick one with a hard problem., To impose upon; to compel to pay; sometimes, to cheat., To adhere; as, glue sticks to the fingers; paste sticks to the wall., To remain where placed; to be fixed; to hold fast to any position so as to be moved with difficulty; to cling; to abide; to cleave; to be united closely., To be prevented from going farther; to stop by reason of some obstacle; to be stayed., To be embarrassed or puzzled; to hesitate; to be deterred, as by scruples; to scruple; — often with at., To cause difficulties, scruples, or hesitation.
stiff superl. Not easily bent; not flexible or pliant; not limber or flaccid; rigid; firm; as, stiff wood, paper, joints., Not liquid or fluid; thick and tenacious; inspissated; neither soft nor hard; as, the paste is stiff., Firm; strong; violent; difficult to oppose; as, a stiff gale or breeze., Not easily subdued; unyielding; stubborn; obstinate; pertinacious; as, a stiff adversary., Not natural and easy; formal; constrained; affected; starched; as, stiff behavior; a stiff style., Harsh; disagreeable; severe; hard to bear., Bearing a press of canvas without careening much; as, a stiff vessel; — opposed to crank., Very large, strong, or costly; powerful; as, a stiff charge; a stiff price.
stike noun Stanza.
stile noun A pin set on the face of a dial, to cast a shadow; a style. See Style., Mode of composition. See Style., A step, or set of steps, for ascending and descending, in passing a fence or wall., One of the upright pieces in a frame; one of the primary members of a frame, into which the secondary members are mortised.
still adverb Motionless; at rest; quiet; as, to stand still; to lie or sit still., Uttering no sound; silent; as, the audience is still; the animals are still., Not disturbed by noise or agitation; quiet; calm; as, a still evening; a still atmosphere., Comparatively quiet or silent; soft; gentle; low., Constant; continual., Not effervescing; not sparkling; as, still wines., Freedom from noise; calm; silence; as, the still of midnight., A steep hill or ascent., To this time; until and during the time now present; now no less than before; yet., In the future as now and before., In continuation by successive or repeated acts; always; ever; constantly; uniformly., In an increasing or additional degree; even more; — much used with comparatives., Notwithstanding what has been said or done; in spite of what has occured; nevertheless; — sometimes used as a conjunction. See Synonym of But., After that; after what is stated., To stop, as motion or agitation; to cause to become quiet, or comparatively quiet; to check the agitation of; as, to still the raging sea., To stop, as noise; to silence., To appease; to calm; to quiet, as tumult, agitation, or excitement; as, to still the passions., A vessel, boiler, or copper used in the distillation of liquids; specifically, one used for the distillation of alcoholic liquors; a retort. The name is sometimes applied to the whole apparatus used in in vaporization and condensation., A house where liquors are distilled; a distillery., To cause to fall by drops., To expel spirit from by heat, or to evaporate and condense in a refrigeratory; to distill., To drop, or flow in drops; to distill.
stilt noun A pole, or piece of wood, constructed with a step or loop to raise the foot above the ground in walking. It is sometimes lashed to the leg, and sometimes prolonged upward so as to be steadied by the hand or arm., A crutch; also, the handle of a plow., Any species of limicoline birds belonging to Himantopus and allied genera, in which the legs are remarkably long and slender. Called also longshanks, stiltbird, stilt plover, and lawyer., To raise on stilts, or as if on stilts.
stime noun A slight gleam or glimmer; a glimpse.
sting verb t. Any sharp organ of offense and defense, especially when connected with a poison gland, and adapted to inflict a wound by piercing; as the caudal sting of a scorpion. The sting of a bee or wasp is a modified ovipositor. The caudal sting, or spine, of a sting ray is a modified dorsal fin ray. The term is sometimes applied to the fang of a serpent. See Illust. of Scorpion., A sharp-pointed hollow hair seated on a gland which secrets an acrid fluid, as in nettles. The points of these hairs usually break off in the wound, and the acrid fluid is pressed into it., Anything that gives acute pain, bodily or mental; as, the stings of remorse; the stings of reproach., The thrust of a sting into the flesh; the act of stinging; a wound inflicted by stinging., A goad; incitement., The point of an epigram or other sarcastic saying., To pierce or wound with a sting; as, bees will sting an animal that irritates them; the nettles stung his hands., To pain acutely; as, the conscience is stung with remorse; to bite., To goad; to incite, as by taunts or reproaches.
stink verb i. To emit a strong, offensive smell; to send out a disgusting odor., To cause to stink; to affect by a stink., A strong, offensive smell; a disgusting odor; a stench.
stint noun Any one of several species of small sandpipers, as the sanderling of Europe and America, the dunlin, the little stint of India (Tringa minuta), etc. Called also pume., A phalarope., To restrain within certain limits; to bound; to confine; to restrain; to restrict to a scant allowance., To put an end to; to stop., To assign a certain (i. e., limited) task to (a person), upon the performance of which one is excused from further labor for the day or for a certain time; to stent., To serve successfully; to get with foal; — said of mares., To stop; to cease., Limit; bound; restraint; extent., Quantity or task assigned; proportion allotted.
stipe noun The stalk or petiole of a frond, as of a fern., The stalk of a pistil., The trunk of a tree., The stem of a fungus or mushroom.
stirk noun A young bullock or heifer.
stirp noun Stock; race; family.
stirt verb i. Started; leaped.
stith adjective Strong; stiff; rigid., An anvil; a stithy.
stive verb t. To stuff; to crowd; to fill full; hence, to make hot and close; to render stifling., To be stifled or suffocated., The floating dust in flour mills caused by the operation or grinding.
sties plural of Sty
stied imp. & past participle of Sty