5 letter word starting with swea

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sweal verb i. To melt and run down, as the tallow of a candle; to waste away without feeding the flame., To singe; to scorch; to swale; as, to sweal a pig by singeing off the hair.
swear verb i. To affirm or utter a solemn declaration, with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed; to make a promise, threat, or resolve on oath; also, to affirm solemnly by some sacred object, or one regarded as sacred, as the Bible, the Koran, etc., To give evidence on oath; as, to swear to the truth of a statement; he swore against the prisoner., To make an appeal to God in an irreverant manner; to use the name of God or sacred things profanely; to call upon God in imprecation; to curse., To utter or affirm with a solemn appeal to God for the truth of the declaration; to make (a promise, threat, or resolve) under oath., To put to an oath; to cause to take an oath; to administer an oath to; — ofetn followed by in or into; as, to swear witnesses; to swear a jury; to swear in an officer; he was sworn into office., To declare or charge upon oath; as, he swore treason against his friend., To appeal to by an oath.
sweat imp. & past participle of Sweat, To excrete sensible moisture from the pores of the skin; to perspire., Fig.: To perspire in toil; to work hard; to drudge., To emit moisture, as green plants in a heap., To cause to excrete moisture from the skin; to cause to perspire; as, his physicians attempted to sweat him by most powerful sudorifics., To emit or suffer to flow from the pores; to exude., To unite by heating, after the application of soldier., To get something advantageous, as money, property, or labor from (any one), by exaction or oppression; as, to sweat a spendthrift; to sweat laborers., The fluid which is excreted from the skin of an animal; the fluid secreted by the sudoriferous glands; a transparent, colorless, acid liquid with a peculiar odor, containing some fatty acids and mineral matter; perspiration. See Perspiration., The act of sweating; or the state of one who sweats; hence, labor; toil; drudgery., Moisture issuing from any substance; as, the sweat of hay or grain in a mow or stack., The sweating sickness., A short run by a race horse in exercise.