5 letter word starting with swi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
swich adjective Such.
swift verb i. Moving a great distance in a short time; moving with celerity or velocity; fleet; rapid; quick; speedy; prompt., Of short continuance; passing away quickly., Swiftly., The current of a stream., Any one of numerous species of small, long-winged, insectivorous birds of the family Micropodidae. In form and habits the swifts resemble swallows, but they are destitute of complex vocal muscles and are not singing birds, but belong to a widely different group allied to the humming birds., Any one of several species of lizards, as the pine lizard., The ghost moth. See under Ghost., A reel, or turning instrument, for winding yarn, thread, etc.; — used chiefly in the plural., The main card cylinder of a flax-carding machine.
swill verb t. To wash; to drench., To drink in great draughts; to swallow greedily., To inebriate; to fill with drink., To drink greedily or swinishly; to drink to excess., The wash, or mixture of liquid substances, given to swine; hogwash; — called also swillings., Large draughts of liquor; drink taken in excessive quantities.
swine noun Any animal of the hog kind, especially one of the domestical species. Swine secrete a large amount of subcutaneous fat, which, when extracted, is known as lard. The male is specifically called boar, the female, sow, and the young, pig. See Hog.
swing verb i. To move to and fro, as a body suspended in the air; to wave; to vibrate; to oscillate., To sway or move from one side or direction to another; as, the door swung open., To use a swing; as, a boy swings for exercise or pleasure. See Swing, n., 3., To turn round by action of wind or tide when at anchor; as, a ship swings with the tide., To be hanged., To cause to swing or vibrate; to cause to move backward and forward, or from one side to the other., To give a circular movement to; to whirl; to brandish; as, to swing a sword; to swing a club; hence, colloquially, to manage; as, to swing a business., To admit or turn (anything) for the purpose of shaping it; — said of a lathe; as, the lathe can swing a pulley of 12 inches diameter., The act of swinging; a waving, oscillating, or vibratory motion of a hanging or pivoted object; oscillation; as, the swing of a pendulum., Swaying motion from one side or direction to the other; as, some men walk with a swing., A line, cord, or other thing suspended and hanging loose, upon which anything may swing; especially, an apparatus for recreation by swinging, commonly consisting of a rope, the two ends of which are attached overhead, as to the bough of a tree, a seat being placed in the loop at the bottom; also, any contrivance by which a similar motion is produced for amusement or exercise., Influence of power of a body put in swaying motion., Capacity of a turning lathe, as determined by the diameter of the largest object that can be turned in it., Free course; unrestrained liberty or license; tendency.
swink verb i. To labor; to toil; to salve., To cause to toil or drudge; to tire or exhaust with labor., To acquire by labor., Labor; toil; drudgery.
swipe noun A swape or sweep. See Sweep., A strong blow given with a sweeping motion, as with a bat or club., Poor, weak beer; small beer., To give a swipe to; to strike forcibly with a sweeping motion, as a ball., To pluck; to snatch; to steal.
swirl noun To whirl, or cause to whirl, as in an eddy., A whirling motion; an eddy, as of water; a whirl.
swish verb t. To flourish, so as to make the sound swish., To flog; to lash., To dash; to swash., A sound of quick movement, as of something whirled through the air., Light driven spray.
swiss nounsing. & pl. A native or inhabitant of Switzerland; a Switzer; the people of Switzerland., Of or pertaining to Switzerland, or the people of Switzerland.
swive verb t. To copulate with (a woman).