5 letter word starting with sy

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
syrup noun A thick and viscid liquid made from the juice of fruits, herbs, etc., boiled with sugar., A thick and viscid saccharine solution of superior quality (as sugarhouse sirup or molasses, maple sirup); specifically, in pharmacy and often in cookery, a saturated solution of sugar and water (simple sirup), or such a solution flavored or medicated., Alt. of Syrupy
sycee noun Silver, pounded into ingots of the shape of a shoe, and used as currency. The most common weight is about one pound troy.
syker adjective & adverb See Sicker.
sylph noun An imaginary being inhabiting the air; a fairy., Fig.: A slender, graceful woman., Any one of several species of very brilliant South American humming birds, having a very long and deeply-forked tail; as, the blue-tailed sylph (Cynanthus cyanurus).
sylva noun Same as Silva.
symar noun Alt. of Symarr
synod noun An ecclesiastic council or meeting to consult on church matters., An assembly or council having civil authority; a legislative body., A conjunction of two or more of the heavenly bodies.
syren noun See Siren.
syrma noun A long dress, trailing on the floor, worn by tragic actors in Greek and Roman theaters.
sythe preposition, adverb, conj. & noun See Sith, Sithe., Scythe.