5 letter word starting with the

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
theca noun A sheath; a case; as, the theca, or cell, of an anther; the theca, or spore case, of a fungus; the theca of the spinal cord., The chitinous cup which protects the hydranths of certain hydroids., The more or less cuplike calicle of a coral., The wall forming a calicle of a coral.
theft noun The act of stealing; specifically, the felonious taking and removing of personal property, with an intent to deprive the rightful owner of the same; larceny., The thing stolen.
thegn noun Thane. See Thane.
their pronoun & adjective The possessive case of the personal pronoun they; as, their houses; their country.
theme noun A subject or topic on which a person writes or speaks; a proposition for discussion or argument; a text., Discourse on a certain subject., A composition or essay required of a pupil., A noun or verb, not modified by inflections; also, that part of a noun or verb which remains unchanged (except by euphonic variations) in declension or conjugation; stem., That by means of which a thing is done; means; instrument., The leading subject of a composition or a movement.
there pronoun In or at that place., In that matter, relation, etc.; at that point, stage, etc., regarded as a distinct place; as, he did not stop there, but continued his speech., To or into that place; thither.
therf adjective Not fermented; unleavened; — said of bread, loaves, etc.
these pronoun The plural of this. See This., of This
theta noun A letter of the Greek alphabet corresponding to th in English; — sometimes called the unlucky letter, from being used by the judges on their ballots in passing condemnation on a prisoner, it being the first letter of the Greek qa`natos, death.
thewy adjective Having strong or large thews or muscles; muscular; sinewy; strong.