5 letter word starting with tu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
tubal adjective Of or pertaining to a tube; specifically, of or pertaining to one of the Fallopian tubes; as, tubal pregnancy.
tubby adjective Resembling a tub; specifically sounding dull and without resonance, like a tub; wanting elasticity or freedom of sound; as, a tubby violin.
tubed imp. & past participle of Tube
tuber noun A fleshy, rounded stem or root, usually containing starchy matter, as the potato or arrowroot; a thickened root-stock. See Illust. of Tuberous., A genus of fungi. See Truffle., A tuberosity; a tubercle.
tucan noun The Mexican pocket gopher (Geomys Mexicanus). It resembles the common pocket gopher of the Western United States, but is larger. Called also tugan, and tuza.
tucet noun See Tucket, a steak.
tucum noun A fine, strong fiber obtained from the young leaves of a Brazilian palm (Astrocaryum vulgare), used for cordage, bowstrings, etc.; also, the plant yielding this fiber. Called also tecum, and tecum fiber.
tudor adjective Of or pertaining to a royal line of England, descended from Owen Tudor of Wales, who married the widowed queen of Henry V. The first reigning Tudor was Henry VII.; the last, Elizabeth.
tufty adjective Abounding with tufts., Growing in tufts or clusters.
tugan noun Same as Tucan.
tulle noun In plate armor, a suspended plate in from of the thigh. See Illust. of Tasses., A kind of silk lace or light netting, used for veils, etc.
tulip noun Any plant of the liliaceous genus Tulipa. Many varieties are cultivated for their beautiful, often variegated flowers.
tumid adjective Swelled, enlarged, or distended; as, a tumid leg; tumid flesh., Rising above the level; protuberant., Swelling in sound or sense; pompous; puffy; inflated; bombastic; falsely sublime; turgid; as, a tumid expression; a tumid style.
tumor noun A morbid swelling, prominence, or growth, on any part of the body; especially, a growth produced by deposition of new tissue; a neoplasm., Affected pomp; bombast; swelling words or expressions; false magnificence or sublimity.
tuned imp. & past participle of Tune
tuner noun One who tunes; especially, one whose occupation is to tune musical instruments.
tunic noun An under-garment worn by the ancient Romans of both sexes. It was made with or without sleeves, reached to or below the knees, and was confined at the waist by a girdle., Any similar garment worm by ancient or Oriental peoples; also, a common name for various styles of loose-fitting under-garments and over-garments worn in modern times by Europeans and others., Same as Tunicle., A membrane, or layer of tissue, especially when enveloping an organ or part, as the eye., A natural covering; an integument; as, the tunic of a seed., See Mantle, n., 3 (a).
tunny noun Any one of several species of large oceanic fishes belonging to the Mackerel family, especially the common or great tunny (Orcynus / Albacora thynnus) native of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It sometimes weighs a thousand pounds or more, and is extensively caught in the Mediterranean. On the American coast it is called horse mackerel. See Illust. of Horse mackerel, under Horse.
tupal noun Any one of the tupaiids.
turbo noun Any one of numerous marine gastropods of the genus Turbo or family Turbinidae, usually having a turbinate shell, pearly on the inside, and a calcareous operculum.
turfs plural of Turf
turfy superl. Abounding with turf; made of, or covered with, turf., Having the nature or appearance of turf., Of or pertaining to the turf, or horse racing.
turio noun A shoot or sprout from the ground.
turko noun One of a body of native Algerian tirailleurs in the French army, dressed as a Turk.
tusky adjective Having tusks.
tutor noun One who guards, protects, watches over, or has the care of, some person or thing., A treasurer; a keeper., One who has the charge of a child or pupil and his estate; a guardian., A private or public teacher., An officer or member of some hall, who instructs students, and is responsible for their discipline., An instructor of a lower rank than a professor., To have the guardianship or care of; to teach; to instruct., To play the tutor toward; to treat with authority or severity.
tutti noun pl. All; — a direction for all the singers or players to perform together.
tutty noun A yellow or brown amorphous substance obtained as a sublimation product in the flues of smelting furnaces of zinc, and consisting of a crude zinc oxide.