5 letter word starting with tun

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
tuned imp. & past participle of Tune
tuner noun One who tunes; especially, one whose occupation is to tune musical instruments.
tunic noun An under-garment worn by the ancient Romans of both sexes. It was made with or without sleeves, reached to or below the knees, and was confined at the waist by a girdle., Any similar garment worm by ancient or Oriental peoples; also, a common name for various styles of loose-fitting under-garments and over-garments worn in modern times by Europeans and others., Same as Tunicle., A membrane, or layer of tissue, especially when enveloping an organ or part, as the eye., A natural covering; an integument; as, the tunic of a seed., See Mantle, n., 3 (a).
tunny noun Any one of several species of large oceanic fishes belonging to the Mackerel family, especially the common or great tunny (Orcynus / Albacora thynnus) native of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It sometimes weighs a thousand pounds or more, and is extensively caught in the Mediterranean. On the American coast it is called horse mackerel. See Illust. of Horse mackerel, under Horse.