5 letter word starting with tw

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
twain adjective & noun Two; — nearly obsolete in common discourse, but used in poetry and burlesque.
twang noun A tang. See Tang a state., To sound with a quick, harsh noise; to make the sound of a tense string pulled and suddenly let go; as, the bowstring twanged., To make to sound, as by pulling a tense string and letting it go suddenly., A harsh, quick sound, like that made by a stretched string when pulled and suddenly let go; as, the twang of a bowstring., An affected modulation of the voice; a kind of nasal sound.
twank verb t. To cause to make a sharp twanging sound; to twang, or twangle.
tweag verb t. To tweak., Alt. of Tweague
tweak verb t. To pinch and pull with a sudden jerk and twist; to twitch; as, to tweak the nose., A sharp pinch or jerk; a twist or twitch; as, a tweak of the nose., Trouble; distress; tweag., A prostitute.
tweed noun A soft and flexible fabric for men’s wear, made wholly of wool except in some inferior kinds, the wool being dyed, usually in two colors, before weaving.
tweel noun & verb See Twill.
tweer noun Same as Tuyere.
twice adverb Two times; once and again., Doubly; in twofold quantity or degree; as, twice the sum; he is twice as fortunate as his neighbor.
twill verb i. To weave, as cloth, so as to produce the appearance of diagonal lines or ribs on the surface., An appearance of diagonal lines or ribs produced in textile fabrics by causing the weft threads to pass over one and under two, or over one and under three or more, warp threads, instead of over one and under the next in regular succession, as in plain weaving., A fabric women with a twill., A quill, or spool, for yarn.
twilt noun A quilt.
twine noun A twist; a convolution., A strong thread composed of two or three smaller threads or strands twisted together, and used for various purposes, as for binding small parcels, making nets, and the like; a small cord or string., The act of twining or winding round., To twist together; to form by twisting or winding of threads; to wreathe; as, fine twined linen., To wind, as one thread around another, or as any flexible substance around another body., To wind about; to embrace; to entwine., To change the direction of., To mingle; to mix., To mutually twist together; to become mutually involved., To wind; to bend; to make turns; to meander., To turn round; to revolve., To ascend in spiral lines about a support; to climb spirally; as, many plants twine.
twink verb i. To twinkle., A wink; a twinkling., The chaffinch.
twire noun A twisted filament; a thread., To peep; to glance obliquely; to leer., To twinkle; to glance; to gleam., To sing, or twitter.
twirl verb t. To move or turn round rapidly; to whirl round; to move and turn rapidly with the fingers., To revolve with velocity; to be whirled round rapidly., The act of twirling; a rapid circular motion; a whirl or whirling; quick rotation., A twist; a convolution.
twist verb t. To contort; to writhe; to complicate; to crook spirally; to convolve., Hence, to turn from the true form or meaning; to pervert; as, to twist a passage cited from an author., To distort, as a solid body, by turning one part relatively to another about an axis passing through both; to subject to torsion; as, to twist a shaft., To wreathe; to wind; to encircle; to unite by intertexture of parts., To wind into; to insinuate; — used reflexively; as, avarice twists itself into all human concerns., To unite by winding one thread, strand, or other flexible substance, round another; to form by convolution, or winding separate things round each other; as, to twist yarn or thread., Hence, to form as if by winding one part around another; to wreathe; to make up., To form into a thread from many fine filaments; as, to twist wool or cotton., To be contorted; to writhe; to be distorted by torsion; to be united by winding round each other; to be or become twisted; as, some strands will twist more easily than others., To follow a helical or spiral course; to be in the form of a helix., The act of twisting; a contortion; a flexure; a convolution; a bending., The form given in twisting., That which is formed by twisting, convoluting, or uniting parts., A cord, thread, or anything flexible, formed by winding strands or separate things round each other., A kind of closely twisted, strong sewing silk, used by tailors, saddlers, and the like., A kind of cotton yarn, of several varieties., A roll of twisted dough, baked., A little twisted roll of tobacco., One of the threads of a warp, — usually more tightly twisted than the filling., A material for gun barrels, consisting of iron and steel twisted and welded together; as, Damascus twist., The spiral course of the rifling of a gun barrel or a cannon., A beverage made of brandy and gin., A twig.
twite noun The European tree sparrow., The mountain linnet (Linota flavirostris).