5 letter word starting with usu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
usual noun Such as is in common use; such as occurs in ordinary practice, or in the ordinary course of events; customary; ordinary; habitual; common.
usure verb i. To practice usury; to charge unlawful interest., Usury.
usurp verb t. To seize, and hold in possession, by force, or without right; as, to usurp a throne; to usurp the prerogatives of the crown; to usurp power; to usurp the right of a patron is to oust or dispossess him., To commit forcible seizure of place, power, functions, or the like, without right; to commit unjust encroachments; to be, or act as, a usurper.
usury verb t. A premium or increase paid, or stipulated to be paid, for a loan, as of money; interest., The practice of taking interest., Interest in excess of a legal rate charged to a borrower for the use of money.