5 letter word starting with ven

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
venae plural of Vena
venal adjective Of or pertaining to veins; venous; as, venal blood., Capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration; made matter of trade or barter; held for sale; salable; mercenary; purchasable; hireling; as, venal services.
vends noun pl. See Wends.
venew noun A bout, or turn, as at fencing; a thrust; a hit; a veney.
veney noun A bout; a thrust; a venew.
venge verb t. To avenge; to punish; to revenge.
venom noun Matter fatal or injurious to life; poison; particularly, the poisonous, the poisonous matter which certain animals, such as serpents, scorpions, bees, etc., secrete in a state of health, and communicate by thing or stinging., Spite; malice; malignity; evil quality. Chaucer., To infect with venom; to envenom; to poison.
venue noun A neighborhood or near place; the place or county in which anything is alleged to have happened; also, the place where an action is laid., A bout; a hit; a turn. See Venew.
venus noun The goddess of beauty and love, that is, beauty or love deified., One of the planets, the second in order from the sun, its orbit lying between that of Mercury and that of the Earth, at a mean distance from the sun of about 67,000,000 miles. Its diameter is 7,700 miles, and its sidereal period 224.7 days. As the morning star, it was called by the ancients Lucifer; as the evening star, Hesperus., The metal copper; — probably so designated from the ancient use of the metal in making mirrors, a mirror being still the astronomical symbol of the planet Venus., Any one of numerous species of marine bivalve shells of the genus Venus or family Veneridae. Many of these shells are large, and ornamented with beautiful frills; others are smooth, glossy, and handsomely colored. Some of the larger species, as the round clam, or quahog, are valued for food.