5 letter word starting with vo

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
vocal adjective Of or pertaining to the voice or speech; having voice; endowed with utterance; full of voice, or voices., Uttered or modulated by the voice; oral; as, vocal melody; vocal prayer., Of or pertaining to a vowel or voice sound; also, /poken with tone, intonation, and resonance; sonant; sonorous; — said of certain articulate sounds., Consisting of, or characterized by, voice, or tone produced in the larynx, which may be modified, either by resonance, as in the case of the vowels, or by obstructive action, as in certain consonants, such as v, l, etc., or by both, as in the nasals m, n, ng; sonant; intonated; voiced. See Voice, and Vowel, also Guide to Pronunciation, // 199-202., Of or pertaining to a vowel; having the character of a vowel; vowel., A vocal sound; specifically, a purely vocal element of speech, unmodified except by resonance; a vowel or a diphthong; a tonic element; a tonic; — distinguished from a subvocal, and a nonvocal., A man who has a right to vote in certain elections.
vodka noun A Russian drink distilled from rye.
vogle noun Same as Vugg.
vogue noun The way or fashion of people at any particular time; temporary mode, custom, or practice; popular reception for the time; — used now generally in the phrase in vogue., Influence; power; sway.
voice noun Sound uttered by the mouth, especially that uttered by human beings in speech or song; sound thus uttered considered as possessing some special quality or character; as, the human voice; a pleasant voice; a low voice., Sound of the kind or quality heard in speech or song in the consonants b, v, d, etc., and in the vowels; sonant, or intonated, utterance; tone; — distinguished from mere breath sound as heard in f, s, sh, etc., and also whisper., The tone or sound emitted by anything., The faculty or power of utterance; as, to cultivate the voice., Language; words; speech; expression; signification of feeling or opinion., Opinion or choice expressed; judgment; a vote., Command; precept; — now chiefly used in scriptural language., One who speaks; a speaker., A particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbs, or a particular form of a verb, by means of which is indicated the relation of the subject of the verb to the action which the verb expresses., To give utterance or expression to; to utter; to publish; to announce; to divulge; as, to voice the sentiments of the nation., To utter with sonant or vocal tone; to pronounce with a narrowed glottis and rapid vibrations of the vocal cords; to speak above a whisper., To fit for producing the proper sounds; to regulate the tone of; as, to voice the pipes of an organ., To vote; to elect; to appoint., To clamor; to cry out.
volar adjective Of or pertaining to the palm of the hand or the sole of the foot.
volge noun The common sort of people; the crowd; the mob.
volow verb t. To baptize; — used in contempt by the Reformers.
volte plural of Volta
volta noun A turning; a time; — chiefly used in phrases signifying that the part is to be repeated one, two, or more times; as, una volta, once. Seconda volta, second time, points to certain modifications in the close of a repeated strain.
volti imperative. Turn, that is, turn over the leaf.
volva noun A saclike envelope of certain fungi, which bursts open as the plant develops.
vomer noun A bone, or one of a pair of bones, beneath the ethmoid region of the skull, forming a part a part of the partition between the nostrils in man and other mammals., The pygostyle.
vomit noun To eject the contents of the stomach by the mouth; to puke; to spew., To throw up; to eject from the stomach through the mouth; to disgorge; to puke; to spew out; — often followed by up or out., Hence, to eject from any hollow place; to belch forth; to emit; to throw forth; as, volcanoes vomit flame, stones, etc., Matter that is vomited; esp., matter ejected from the stomach through the mouth., That which excites vomiting; an emetic.
voted imp. & past participle of Vote
voter noun One who votes; one who has a legal right to vote, or give his suffrage; an elector; a suffragist; as, an independent voter.
vouch verb t. To call; to summon., To call upon to witness; to obtest., To warrant; to maintain by affirmations; to attest; to affirm; to avouch., To back; to support; to confirm; to establish., To call into court to warrant and defend, or to make good a warranty of title., To bear witness; to give testimony or full attestation., To assert; to aver; to declare., Warrant; attestation.
vowed imp. & past participle of Vow
vowel noun A vocal, or sometimes a whispered, sound modified by resonance in the oral passage, the peculiar resonance in each case giving to each several vowel its distinctive character or quality as a sound of speech; — distinguished from a consonant in that the latter, whether made with or without vocality, derives its character in every case from some kind of obstructive action by the mouth organs. Also, a letter or character which represents such a sound. See Guide to Pronunciation, // 5, 146-149., Of or pertaining to a vowel; vocal.
vower noun One who makes a vow.
voyol noun See Viol, 2., The block through which a messenger passes.