5 letter word starting with whis

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
whisk noun A game at cards; whist., The act of whisking; a rapid, sweeping motion, as of something light; a sudden motion or quick puff., A small bunch of grass, straw, twigs, hair, or the like, used for a brush; hence, a brush or small besom, as of broom corn., A small culinary instrument made of wire, or the like, for whisking or beating eggs, cream, etc., A kind of cape, forming part of a woman’s dress., An impertinent fellow., A plane used by coopers for evening chines., To sweep, brush, or agitate, with a light, rapid motion; as, to whisk dust from a table; to whisk the white of eggs into a froth., To move with a quick, sweeping motion., To move nimbly at with velocity; to make a sudden agile movement.
whisp noun See Wisp., A flock of snipe.
whist interj. Be silent; be still; hush; silence., A certain game at cards; — so called because it requires silence and close attention. It is played by four persons (those who sit opposite each other being partners) with a complete pack of fifty-two cards. Each player has thirteen cards, and when these are played out, he hand is finished, and the cards are again shuffled and distributed., To hush or silence., To be or become silent or still; to be hushed or mute., Not speaking; not making a noise; silent; mute; still; quiet.