5 letter word starting with xy

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
xylem noun That portion of a fibrovascular bundle which has developed, or will develop, into wood cells; — distinguished from phloem.
xylic adjective Pertaining to, derived from, or related to, xylene; specifically, designating any one of several metameric acids produced by the partial oxidation of mesitylene and pseudo-cumene.
xylo- A combining form from Gr. xy`lon wood; as in xylogen, xylograph.
xylol noun Same as Xylene.
xylyl noun Any one of three metameric radicals which are characteristic respectively of the three xylenes.
xyris noun A genus of endogenous herbs with grassy leaves and small yellow flowers in short, scaly-bracted spikes; yellow-eyed grass. There are about seventeen species in the Atlantic United States.