5 letter word starting with z

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
zacco noun See Zocco.
zambo noun The child of a mulatto and a negro; also, the child of an Indian and a negro; colloquially or humorously, a negro; a sambo.
zamia noun A genus of cycadaceous plants, having the appearance of low palms, but with exogenous wood. See Coontie, and Illust. of Strobile.
zante noun See Zantewood.
zayat noun A public shed, or portico, for travelers, worshipers, etc.
zebec noun See Xebec.
zebra noun Either one of two species of South African wild horses remarkable for having the body white or yellowish white, and conspicuously marked with dark brown or brackish bands.
zebub noun A large noxious fly of Abyssinia, which like the tsetse fly, is destructive to cattle.
zemni noun The blind mole rat (Spalax typhlus), native of Eastern Europe and Asia. Its eyes and ears are rudimentary, and its fur is soft and brownish, more or less tinged with gray. It constructs extensive burrows.
zenik noun See Zenick.
zerda noun The fennec.
zeros plural of Zero
zibet noun Alt. of Zibeth
ziega noun Curd produced from milk by adding acetic acid, after rennet has ceased to cause coagulation.
zilla noun A low, thorny, suffrutescent, crucifeous plant (Zilla myagroides) found in the deserts of Egypt. Its leaves are boiled in water, and eaten, by the Arabs.
zinky adjective See Zincky.
zizel noun The suslik.
zocle noun Same as Socle.
zocco noun Alt. of Zoccolo
zohar noun A Jewish cabalistic book attributed by tradition to Rabbi Simon ben Yochi, who lived about the end of the 1st century, a. d. Modern critics believe it to be a compilation of the 13th century.
zoide noun See Meride.
zokor noun An Asiatic burrowing rodent (Siphneus aspalax) resembling the mole rat. It is native of the Altai Mountains.
zonae plural of Zona
zonal adjective Of or pertaining to a zone; having the form of a zone or zones.
zonar noun A belt or girdle which the Christians and Jews of the Levant were obliged to wear to distinguish them from Mohammedans.
zoned adjective Wearing a zone, or girdle., Having zones, or concentric bands; striped., Zonate.
zooid adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, an animal., An organic body or cell having locomotion, as a spermatic cell or spermatozooid., An animal in one of its inferior stages of development, as one of the intermediate forms in alternate generation., One of the individual animals in a composite group, as of Anthozoa, Hydroidea, and Bryozoa; — sometimes restricted to those individuals in which the mouth and digestive organs are not developed.
zoril noun Same as Zorilla.
zuche noun A stump of a tree.
zulus noun pl. The most important tribe belonging to the Kaffir race. They inhabit a region on the southeast coast of Africa, but formerly occupied a much more extensive country. They are noted for their warlike disposition, courage, and military skill.
zumic noun Alt. of Zumometer
zu/is noun pl. A tribe of Pueblo Indians occupying a village in New Mexico, on the Zu/i River.
zymic adjective Pertaining to, or produced by, fermentation; — formerly, by confusion, used to designate lactic acid.