6 letter word starting with ae

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
aedile noun A magistrate in ancient Rome, who had the superintendence of public buildings, highways, shows, etc.; hence, a municipal officer.
aegean adjective Of or pertaining to the sea, or arm of the Mediterranean sea, east of Greece. See Archipelago.
aeneid noun The great epic poem of Virgil, of which the hero is Aeneas.
aeolic adjective Aeolian, 1; as, the Aeolic dialect; the Aeolic mode.
aeolus noun The god of the winds.
aerate verb t. To combine or charge with gas; usually with carbonic acid gas, formerly called fixed air., To supply or impregnate with common air; as, to aerate soil; to aerate water., To expose to the chemical action of air; to oxygenate (the blood) by respiration; to arterialize.
aerial adjective Of or pertaining to the air, or atmosphere; inhabiting or frequenting the air; produced by or found in the air; performed in the air; as, aerial regions or currents., Consisting of air; resembling, or partaking of the nature of air. Hence: Unsubstantial; unreal., Rising aloft in air; high; lofty; as, aerial spires., Growing, forming, or existing in the air, as opposed to growing or existing in earth or water, or underground; as, aerial rootlets, aerial plants., Light as air; ethereal.
aerify verb t. To infuse air into; to combine air with., To change into an aeriform state.
aerose adjective Of the nature of, or like, copper; brassy.
aerugo noun The rust of any metal, esp. of brass or copper; verdigris.
aether noun See Ether.