6 letter word starting with af

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
afeard p. adjective Afraid.
affair noun That which is done or is to be done; matter; concern; as, a difficult affair to manage; business of any kind, commercial, professional, or public; — often in the plural. “At the head of affairs.” Junius., Any proceeding or action which it is wished to refer to or characterize vaguely; as, an affair of honor, i. e., a duel; an affair of love, i. e., an intrigue., An action or engagement not of sufficient magnitude to be called a battle., Action; endeavor., A material object (vaguely designated).
affear verb t. To frighten.
affect verb t. To act upon; to produce an effect or change upon., To influence or move, as the feelings or passions; to touch., To love; to regard with affection., To show a fondness for; to like to use or practice; to choose; hence, to frequent habitually., To dispose or incline., To aim at; to aspire; to covet., To tend to by affinity or disposition., To make a show of; to put on a pretense of; to feign; to assume; as, to affect ignorance., To assign; to appoint., Affection; inclination; passion; feeling; disposition.
affeer verb t. To confirm; to assure., To assess or reduce, as an arbitrary penalty or amercement, to a certain and reasonable sum.
affile verb t. To polish.
affine verb t. To refine.
affirm verb t. to assert or confirm, as a judgment, decree, or order, brought before an appellate court for review., To assert positively; to tell with confidence; to aver; to maintain as true; — opposed to deny., To declare, as a fact, solemnly, under judicial sanction. See Affirmation, 4., To declare or assert positively., To make a solemn declaration, before an authorized magistrate or tribunal, under the penalties of perjury; to testify by affirmation.
afflux noun A flowing towards; that which flows to; as, an afflux of blood to the head.
afford verb t. To give forth; to supply, yield, or produce as the natural result, fruit, or issue; as, grapes afford wine; olives afford oil; the earth affords fruit; the sea affords an abundant supply of fish., To give, grant, or confer, with a remoter reference to its being the natural result; to provide; to furnish; as, a good life affords consolation in old age., To offer, provide, or supply, as in selling, granting, expending, with profit, or without loss or too great injury; as, A affords his goods cheaper than B; a man can afford a sum yearly in charity., To incur, stand, or bear without serious detriment, as an act which might under other circumstances be injurious; — with an auxiliary, as can, could, might, etc.; to be able or rich enough.
affrap verb t. & i. To strike, or strike down.
affray verb t. To startle from quiet; to alarm., To frighten; to scare; to frighten away., The act of suddenly disturbing any one; an assault or attack., Alarm; terror; fright., A tumultuous assault or quarrel; a brawl; a fray., The fighting of two or more persons, in a public place, to the terror of others.
affret noun A furious onset or attack.
affuse verb t. To pour out or upon.
affied imp. & past participle of Affy
afghan adjective Of or pertaining to Afghanistan., A native of Afghanistan., A kind of worsted blanket or wrap.
afield adverb To, in, or on the field., Out of the way; astray.
aflame adverb & adjective Inflames; glowing with light or passion; ablaze.
afloat adverb & adjective Borne on the water; floating; on board ship., Moving; passing from place to place; in general circulation; as, a rumor is afloat., Unfixed; moving without guide or control; adrift; as, our affairs are all afloat.
aflush adverb & adjective In a flushed or blushing state., On a level.
afraid p. adjective Impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive.
afreet noun Same as Afrit., A powerful evil jinnee, demon, or monstrous giant.
afresh adverb Anew; again; once more; newly.
afrite noun Alt. of Afreet
afront adverb In front; face to face., In front of.