6 letter word starting with am

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
amadou noun A spongy, combustible substance, prepared from fungus (Boletus and Polyporus) which grows on old trees; German tinder; punk. It has been employed as a styptic by surgeons, but its common use is as tinder, for which purpose it is prepared by soaking it in a strong solution of niter.
amazed imp. & past participle of Amaze
amazon noun One of a fabulous race of female warriors in Scythia; hence, a female warrior., A tall, strong, masculine woman; a virago., A name numerous species of South American parrots of the genus Chrysotis
ambigu noun An entertainment at which a medley of dishes is set on at the same time.
ambled imp. & past participle of Amble
ambler noun A horse or a person that ambles.
ambush verb t. A disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station. Hence: Unseen peril; a device to entrap; a snare., A concealed station, where troops or enemies lie in wait to attack by surprise., The troops posted in a concealed place, for attacking by surprise; liers in wait., To station in ambush with a view to surprise an enemy., To attack by ambush; to waylay., To lie in wait, for the purpose of attacking by surprise; to lurk.
amende noun A pecuniary punishment or fine; a reparation or recantation.
amends noun sing. & pl. Compensation for a loss or injury; recompense; reparation.
amenta plural of Amentum
amerce verb t. To punish by a pecuniary penalty, the amount of which is not fixed by law, but left to the discretion of the court; as, the amerced the criminal in the sum on the hundred dollars., To punish, in general; to mulct.
amidin noun Start modified by heat so as to become a transparent mass, like horn. It is soluble in cold water.
amidst preposition Alt. of Amid
amioid adjective Like or pertaining to the Amioidei., One of the Amioidei.
ammite noun Oolite or roestone; — written also hammite.
amnion noun A thin membrane surrounding the embryos of mammals, birds, and reptiles.
amnios noun Same as Amnion.
amoeba noun A rhizopod. common in fresh water, capable of undergoing many changes of form at will. See Rhizopoda.
amomum noun A genus of aromatic plants. It includes species which bear cardamoms, and grains of paradise.
amoret noun An amorous girl or woman; a wanton., A love knot, love token, or love song. (pl.) Love glances or love tricks., A petty love affair or amour.
amorwe adverb In the morning., On the following morning.
amotus adjective Elevated, — as a toe, when raised so high that the tip does not touch the ground.
amount noun To go up; to ascend., To rise or reach by an accumulation of particular sums or quantities; to come (to) in the aggregate or whole; — with to or unto., To rise, reach, or extend in effect, substance, or influence; to be equivalent; to come practically (to); as, the testimony amounts to very little., To signify; to amount to., The sum total of two or more sums or quantities; the aggregate; the whole quantity; a totality; as, the amount of 7 and 9 is 16; the amount of a bill; the amount of this year’s revenue., The effect, substance, value, significance, or result; the sum; as, the amount of the testimony is this.
ampere noun Alt. of Ampere, The unit of electric current; — defined by the International Electrical Congress in 1893 and by U. S. Statute as, one tenth of the unit of current of the C. G. S. system of electro-magnetic units, or the practical equivalent of the unvarying current which, when passed through a standard solution of nitrate of silver in water, deposits silver at the rate of 0.001118 grams per second. Called also the international ampere.
amphi- A prefix in words of Greek origin, signifying both, of both kinds, on both sides, about, around.
amphid noun A salt of the class formed by the combination of an acid and a base, or by the union of two oxides, two sulphides, selenides, or tellurides, as distinguished from a haloid compound.
amrita noun Immortality; also, the nectar conferring immortality., Ambrosial; immortal.
amulet noun An ornament, gem, or scroll, or a package containing a relic, etc., worn as a charm or preservative against evils or mischief, such as diseases and witchcraft, and generally inscribed with mystic forms or characters. [Also used figuratively.]
amused imp. & past participle of Amuse, Diverted., Expressing amusement; as, an amused look.
amuser noun One who amuses.
amylic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, amyl; as, amylic ether.
amyous adjective Wanting in muscle; without flesh.
ambury noun A soft tumor or bloody wart on horses or oxen., A disease of the roots of turnips, etc.; — called also fingers and toes.