6 letter word starting with arr

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
arrach noun See Orach.
arrack noun A name in the East Indies and the Indian islands for all ardent spirits. Arrack is often distilled from a fermented mixture of rice, molasses, and palm wine of the cocoanut tree or the date palm, etc.
arrant adjective Notoriously or preeminently bad; thorough or downright, in a bad sense; shameless; unmitigated; as, an arrant rogue or coward., Thorough or downright, in a good sense.
arrear adverb To or in the rear; behind; backwards., That which is behind in payment, or which remains unpaid, though due; esp. a remainder, or balance which remains due when some part has been paid; arrearage; — commonly used in the plural, as, arrears of rent, wages, or taxes.
arrect adjective Alt. of Arrected, To direct., To impute.
arrest verb t. To stop; to check or hinder the motion or action of; as, to arrest the current of a river; to arrest the senses., To take, seize, or apprehend by authority of law; as, to arrest one for debt, or for a crime., To seize on and fix; to hold; to catch; as, to arrest the eyes or attention., To rest or fasten; to fix; to concentrate., To tarry; to rest., The act of stopping, or restraining from further motion, etc.; stoppage; hindrance; restraint; as, an arrest of development., The taking or apprehending of a person by authority of law; legal restraint; custody. Also, a decree, mandate, or warrant., Any seizure by power, physical or moral., A scurfiness of the back part of the hind leg of a horse; — also named rat-tails.
arride verb t. To please; to gratify.
arrish noun The stubble of wheat or grass; a stubble field; eddish.
arrive verb i. To come to the shore or bank. In present usage: To come in progress by water, or by traveling on land; to reach by water or by land; — followed by at (formerly sometimes by to), also by in and from., To reach a point by progressive motion; to gain or compass an object by effort, practice, study, inquiry, reasoning, or experiment., To come; said of time; as, the time arrived., To happen or occur., To bring to shore., To reach; to come to., Arrival.
arroba noun A Spanish weight used in Mexico and South America = 25.36 lbs. avoir.; also, an old Portuguese weight, used in Brazil = 32.38 lbs. avoir., A Spanish liquid measure for wine = 3.54 imp. gallons, and for oil = 2.78 imp. gallons.
arrose verb t. To drench; to besprinkle; to moisten.
arrowy adjective Consisting of arrows., Formed or moving like, or in any respect resembling, an arrow; swift; darting; piercing.
arroyo noun A water course; a rivulet., The dry bed of a small stream.