6 letter word starting with as

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
ascend verb i. To move upward; to mount; to go up; to rise; — opposed to descend., To rise, in a figurative sense; to proceed from an inferior to a superior degree, from mean to noble objects, from particulars to generals, from modern to ancient times, from one note to another more acute, etc.; as, our inquiries ascend to the remotest antiquity; to ascend to our first progenitor., To go or move upward upon or along; to climb; to mount; to go up the top of; as, to ascend a hill, a ladder, a tree, a river, a throne.
ascent The act of rising; motion upward; rise; a mounting upward; as, he made a tedious ascent; the ascent of vapors from the earth., The way or means by which one ascends., An eminence, hill, or high place., The degree of elevation of an object, or the angle it makes with a horizontal line; inclination; rising grade; as, a road has an ascent of five degrees.
ascham noun A sort of cupboard, or case, to contain bows and other implements of archery.
ascian noun One of the Ascii.
ashame verb t. To shame.
ashery noun A depository for ashes., A place where potash is made.
ashine adjective Shining; radiant.
ashlar noun Alt. of Ashler
ashler noun Hewn or squared stone; also, masonry made of squared or hewn stone., In the United States especially, a thin facing of squared and dressed stone upon a wall of rubble or brick.
ashore adverb On shore or on land; on the land adjacent to water; to the shore; to the land; aground (when applied to a ship); — sometimes opposed to aboard or afloat.
asilus noun A genus of large and voracious two-winged flies, including the bee killer and robber fly.
asitia noun Want of appetite; loathing of food.
asking present participle & vb. noun of Ask, The act of inquiring or requesting; a petition; solicitation., The publishing of banns.
askant adverb Sideways; obliquely; with a side glance; with disdain, envy, or suspicion.
aslake verb t. & i. To mitigate; to moderate; to appease; to abate; to diminish.
aslant adverb & adjective Toward one side; in a slanting direction; obliquely., In a slanting direction over; athwart.
asleep adjective & adverb In a state of sleep; in sleep; dormant., In the sleep of the grave; dead., Numbed, and, usually, tingling.
aslope adverb & adjective Slopingly; aslant; declining from an upright direction; sloping.
asmear adjective Smeared over.
aspect noun The act of looking; vision; gaze; glance., Look, or particular appearance of the face; countenance; mien; air., Appearance to the eye or the mind; look; view., Position or situation with regard to seeing; that position which enables one to look in a particular direction; position in relation to the points of the compass; as, a house has a southern aspect, that is, a position which faces the south., Prospect; outlook., The situation of planets or stars with respect to one another, or the angle formed by the rays of light proceeding from them and meeting at the eye; the joint look of planets or stars upon each other or upon the earth., The influence of the stars for good or evil; as, an ill aspect., To behold; to look at.
aspire verb t. To desire with eagerness; to seek to attain something high or great; to pant; to long; — followed by to or after, and rarely by at; as, to aspire to a crown; to aspire after immorality., To rise; to ascend; to tower; to soar., To aspire to; to long for; to try to reach; to mount to., Aspiration.
aspish adjective Pertaining to, or like, an asp.
asquat adverb & adjective Squatting.
assail verb t. To attack with violence, or in a vehement and hostile manner; to assault; to molest; as, to assail a man with blows; to assail a city with artillery., To encounter or meet purposely with the view of mastering, as an obstacle, difficulty, or the like., To attack morally, or with a view to produce changes in the feelings, character, conduct, existing usages, institutions; to attack by words, hostile influence, etc.; as, to assail one with appeals, arguments, abuse, ridicule, and the like.
assart noun The act or offense of grubbing up trees and bushes, and thus destroying the thickets or coverts of a forest., A piece of land cleared of trees and bushes, and fitted for cultivation; a clearing., To grub up, as trees; to commit an assart upon; as, to assart land or trees.
assent verb t. To admit a thing as true; to express one’s agreement, acquiescence, concurrence, or concession., The act of assenting; the act of the mind in admitting or agreeing to anything; concurrence with approval; consent; agreement; acquiescence.
assert verb t. To affirm; to declare with assurance, or plainly and strongly; to state positively; to aver; to asseverate., To maintain; to defend., To maintain or defend, as a cause or a claim, by words or measures; to vindicate a claim or title to; as, to assert our rights and liberties.
assess verb To value; to make a valuation or official estimate of for the purpose of taxation., To apportion a sum to be paid by (a person, a community, or an estate), in the nature of a tax, fine, etc.; to impose a tax upon (a person, an estate, or an income) according to a rate or apportionment., To determine and impose a tax or fine upon (a person, community, estate, or income); to tax; as, the club assessed each member twenty-five cents., To fix or determine the rate or amount of.
assets noun pl. Property of a deceased person, subject by law to the payment of his debts and legacies; — called assets because sufficient to render the executor or administrator liable to the creditors and legatees, so far as such goods or estate may extend., Effects of an insolvent debtor or bankrupt, applicable to the payment of debts., The entire property of all sorts, belonging to a person, a corporation, or an estate; as, the assets of a merchant or a trading association; — opposed to liabilities.
assign verb t. To appoint; to allot; to apportion; to make over., To fix, specify, select, or designate; to point out authoritatively or exactly; as, to assign a limit; to assign counsel for a prisoner; to assign a day for trial., To transfer, or make over to another, esp. to transfer to, and vest in, certain persons, called assignees, for the benefit of creditors., A thing pertaining or belonging to something else; an appurtenance., A person to whom property or an interest is transferred; as, a deed to a man and his heirs and assigns.
assish adjective Resembling an ass; asinine; stupid or obstinate.
assist verb t. To give support to in some undertaking or effort, or in time of distress; to help; to aid; to succor., To lend aid; to help., To be present as a spectator; as, to assist at a public meeting.
assize noun An assembly of knights and other substantial men, with a bailiff or justice, in a certain place and at a certain time, for public business., A special kind of jury or inquest., A kind of writ or real action., A verdict or finding of a jury upon such writ., A statute or ordinance in general. Specifically: (1) A statute regulating the weight, measure, and proportions of ingredients and the price of articles sold in the market; as, the assize of bread and other provisions; (2) A statute fixing the standard of weights and measures., Anything fixed or reduced to a certainty in point of time, number, quantity, quality, weight, measure, etc.; as, rent of assize., A court, the sitting or session of a court, for the trial of processes, whether civil or criminal, by a judge and jury., The periodical sessions of the judges of the superior courts in every county of England for the purpose of administering justice in the trial and determination of civil and criminal cases; — usually in the plural., The time or place of holding the court of assize; — generally in the plural, assizes., Measure; dimension; size., To assess; to value; to rate., To fix the weight, measure, or price of, by an ordinance or regulation of authority.
assoil verb t. To set free; to release., To solve; to clear up., To set free from guilt; to absolve., To expiate; to atone for., To remove; to put off., To soil; to stain.
assort verb t. To separate and distribute into classes, as things of a like kind, nature, or quality, or which are suited to a like purpose; to classify; as, to assort goods. [Rarely applied to persons.], To furnish with, or make up of, various sorts or a variety of goods; as, to assort a cargo., To agree; to be in accordance; to be adapted; to suit; to fall into a class or place.
assume verb t. To take to or upon one’s self; to take formally and demonstratively; sometimes, to appropriate or take unjustly., To take for granted, or without proof; to suppose as a fact; to suppose or take arbitrarily or tentatively., To pretend to possess; to take in appearance., To receive or adopt., To be arrogant or pretentious; to claim more than is due., To undertake, as by a promise.
assure verb t. To make sure or certain; to render confident by a promise, declaration, or other evidence., To declare to, solemnly; to assert to (any one) with the design of inspiring belief or confidence., To confirm; to make certain or secure., To affiance; to betroth., To insure; to covenant to indemnify for loss, or to pay a specified sum at death. See Insure.
astart verb t. & i. Same as Astert.
astate noun Estate; state.
astern adverb In or at the hinder part of a ship; toward the hinder part, or stern; backward; as, to go astern., Behind a ship; in the rear.
astert verb t. To start up; to befall; to escape; to shun., To escape.
asthma noun A disease, characterized by difficulty of breathing (due to a spasmodic contraction of the bronchi), recurring at intervals, accompanied with a wheezing sound, a sense of constriction in the chest, a cough, and expectoration.
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astone verb t. To stun; to astonish; to stupefy.
astony verb t. To stun; to bewilder; to astonish; to dismay.
astoop adverb In a stooping or inclined position.
astral adjective Pertaining to, coming from, or resembling, the stars; starry; starlike.
astray adverb & adjective Out of the right, either in a literal or in a figurative sense; wandering; as, to lead one astray.
astro- The combining form of the Greek word ‘a`stron, meaning star.
astrut adjective & adverb Sticking out, or puffed out; swelling; in a swelling manner., In a strutting manner; with a strutting gait.
astute adjective Critically discerning; sagacious; shrewd; subtle; crafty.
aswail noun The sloth bear (Melursus labiatus) of India.
asweve verb t. To stupefy.
aswing adverb In a state of swinging.
aswoon adverb In a swoon.
asylum noun A sanctuary or place of refuge and protection, where criminals and debtors found shelter, and from which they could not be forcibly taken without sacrilege., Any place of retreat and security., An institution for the protection or relief of some class of destitute, unfortunate, or afflicted persons; as, an asylum for the aged, for the blind, or for the insane; a lunatic asylum; an orphan asylum.